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Use a shorter term

FOEPATCHISM is a mouthful and sounds alien, and when the abbreviation is explained it's just too long. I suggest a shorter, single word is used. You don't need to get all the terms.

I suggest MOIST for Management that's Open, Inclusive, Social, and Transparent. An alternative would be IMPACT, although that isn't as funny a term. And we need to think about how the term is used in a sentence. "We need more MOIST," for example. In the case of IMPACT it would be "we should have IMPACT".

Also, think about which of the terms are essential. I like Fair, Open, Ethical, and Inclusive but you can't make good words with only those letters. Possibly we can use FINE where we drop 'open' and think of a new word for N. This is short enough for the ability to catch on, and it's a good word with a positive vibe. It doesn't feel forced at all. Usage example: "our management should be FINE."

By the way, I like using Inclusive in this context because it's reclaiming a word that's been appropriated by the woke. For another example of reclamation see how MetaGer brands itself as diverse, which I've covered here.