Economic alternatives

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Banking alternatives

Government, corporations, and banks are utterly corrupt. Even the WFCU Windsor Family Credit Union isn't fully trustworthy. From what folks are saying there are only two reliable options (for now)...

Libro Credit Union

147 Talbot Street N
Essex, ON N8M 2C6
Mon-Fri 9-5; Sat 9-12; Sun closed

Motor City Community Credit Union

6701 Tecumseh Road E
Windsor, ON N8T 1E8
Mon-Wed 9-5; Thu-Fri 9-6; Sat 9:30-1; Sun closed

Currency alternatives


7 steps to help you start time-banking today

TOP 5 Time Bank Softwares (2020)

Nomos Timebank

Nomos - Join The World's Timebank and Discover Community

The World's Timebank. Discover yourself through your community. Download Nomos today to discover your community in new and exciting ways. Offer and request services, engage in experiences and exchange items with the click of a button.
GooglePlay app: Nomos: The World’s Timebank
DuckDuckGo search: Nomos timebank
Wikipedia: Nomos, (from Ancient Greek) is the body of law governing human behavior.

The Nomos timebank application is a completely free social tool that helps you connect with timebanking communities near you.

  • Free app download with no hidden costs
  • Join a cashless and productive society
  • Use time as the primary currency
  • Advertise jobs you need doing
  • Earn time credits by helping others
  • Add new friends & use the app’s PM service

Join a cashless society

Using the Nomos App, you can join a cashless society by swapping time as a currency. Earn time for jobs you carry out for other timebank community members and use your time credits to hire others to complete jobs for you!

Hire timebank community members

As a member of a timebank community on the Nomos timebanking app, you will have the ability to ‘receive’ services by creating a post that will advertise the job within your timebank community.

Advertise your skills within your timebanking community so others can hire you as the right person for the job ‘OR’ offer your services to others.

Create new timebank communities

If there are no timebanks in your area, then use the Nomos timebank app to create a new community so like-minded people can join you in your quest to create a community where cash has no place!

Make new friends

When you hire people in your community or help others by using the amicable exchange of time, you will surely make new friends. Use the Nomos app to add them and chat with them about timebanking activities using the Nomos timebank app’s PM service.

All this is available via the Nomos timebank app, and it is 100% free. Complete tasks to earn time credits for a job well done and use your time credits to hire others!

See also


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  • /s/Water
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