WE Protect Freedom!

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Revision as of 19:11, 24 July 2023 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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  1. WE Defend Freedom has been renamed WE Protect Freedom! as it's less confrontational.
    • Don't be shy. Further input, suggestions, and improvements for our group name/identity and/or branding are very welcome. Even bad ideas lead to better ones, and there's not always a single course of action.
  2. This WE Protect Freedom! page was primarily about branding developments, so it's been moved to WE Protect Freedom! branding developments so this page may focus on the essentials of our group, mission statement, organization structure, etc. in an open accessible inclusive manner. (Private sections coming soon.)

WE Protect Freedom! may be a comprehensive way to organize, clarify fundamentals, engage our members, better grow our numbers, and visibly and/or financially support our freedom groups.

more coming soon