Windsor and Essex County legal resources

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The Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 extended down to Windsor, Ontario to include the Ambassador Bridge Blockade, February 2022. Many protesters were unjustly arrested and may need lawyers and/or bail.

Windsor lawyers for protesters

Here is a contact list of legal help.

Because these public resources do not require secrecy it's okay to share here.

  • George Kirjyriazakos, international lawyer (Ontario, Michigan, Florida): 519.946.0275

Windsor bail fundraising

Windsor bail fundraising should not to be confused with Windsor fundraising.

Here we may collect information towards serving the goal of raising funds to cover bail fees of peaceful protesters unjustly arrested by the oppressive police forces serving the tyrannical ruling class.


The mafia Government Of Canada is waging a class war on humanity. This includes economic warfare.

Public resources

Zero research has been done, thus there are no public bail fundraising resources to share yet.

Because these public resources do not require secrecy it's okay to share here.

Private resources

Zero research has been done, thus there are no private bail fundraising resources to share yet.

If and when some are discovered, because this is private, it will not likely be posted here.

Contact User:JasonCarswell for more information.


A list here may include the people we're trying to help.

A public list may not advisable at this point.