Cassandra Team

The font used for its logo is probably Cronos Bold Italic.
- Cassy redirects here.
- Not to be confused with the Apache Cassandra database, the CQL query language, Project Cassandra, or Project Cassandra (literature).
- This page was mirrored and forked from the sidebox.
- This article ceased development 2023-04-12 until updated 2024-07-15.
Why "Cassy"?

Cassandra is an ancient Greek figure who foretold great doom, yet no one believed her, though tragically she was always correct.
"Cassandra is a mouthful, Cassy is better," said /u/AmericanMuskrat, unfairly banished (and restored), exemplifying the need to evolve beyond the limitations of SaidIt. The shorter name is also reflective of the Lemmy platform, a federated decentralized Reddit-like forum.
Cassy priorities
- Discuss ethical social management ideas: goals, manifestos, fair forums, rules, community guidelines, protocols template sets, access, anonymity, security, self-regulation, defense against spam, sealioning, & STABs (shills, trolls, & bots), backups, public relations strategies, priorities, to-do-lists, etc.
- Discuss decentralized/distributed platform/client options and their pros and cons.
- Discuss set up, trouble shooting, technical issues, assistance, administration, moderation, etc + customising the flow, form (GUI), and functionality.
- Discuss anon solutions. All things related to being anonymous (or not), building bonds, and maintaining trust with reasonable cyber-hygiene security precautions - without giving anything away.
We hope SaidIt, Matrix.Gvid.TV,, other forums, & developers might freely chime in &/or adopt some of these open good ideas from these hopeful & wishful discussions to improve life & liberty & fairness.
Help plan our next steps beyond SaidIt.
Cassy is for discussing decentralized forum/fora options, federation vs distribution, & planning our community's next steps.
We obviously have problems, but we're working on solutions.
/s/Cassy should not be confused with the vapourware development in /s/PhoenixForum for dreaming our hypothetical our next-generation forum's ideals, form, & functions.
Cassy developments
SaidIt issues was a news aggregation forum for truth-seeking and free-thinking, but its issues have festered as a refuge for those banned from Reddit (good, bad, and ugly), and the stagnant, uninspired, and absent management has allowed the site to forum-slide into nasty chaos on par with Voat, Poal, and 4Chan.
And then there's the mismanagement...
So to answer the question "What comes after SaidIt?" the Cassandra Team was formed.
☑ /s/Cassy
- To evolve beyond SaidIt.
- To develop self-management concepts for SaidIt, Cassy, and any social media platform.
☑ "Cassandra" indie server - offline, former host of RabbitHole.WF
☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #1, host of Projex.Wiki
☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #2, host of
Cassandra Team platforms

is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki,
a Facebook-like free-discourse bottom-up self-regulating community-forum.
Read the developing LeverMind documentation.
- On the HumHub platform, is the online Facebook-like free-discourse community-forum and communications hub. LeverMind developing projects are founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy.
- With the lessons learned from starting new social media platforms, FOEPATCHISM, and community organizing we're working on the foundational outlines in the LeverMind project's operational documentation.
- Related:
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind/Organization
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind/Productions
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind/Shop until the store is set up
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind/Shop until the store is set up
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind/Video
- ☑ - redirects to LeverMind for all the LeverMind project's operational documentation

☑ http://Gvid.TV, a video vault
☑ http://Img.Gvid.TV, an image vault
☑ http://Matrix.Gvid.TV, a Reddit-like forum
☑ http://Matrix.Gvid.TV/chat, the forum's chat
- x0x7's hand-coded sites.
- On the MediaWiki platform akin to, Projex.Wiki is a powerful resource-manager utility for organizing, hosting, and presenting wiki-based projects of all kinds, including freedom-minded projects, global projects, group projects, and personal projects of any sort.
☑ http://RabbitHole.WF, back online!
- LarrySwinger2's phpBB.
- d3rr's "Down The Memory Hole" PeerTube instance.
- ☑ http://www.ClitHole.Club
- User:Gloomy_bear's site.
Giraffe Ideas
- ☑ http://GiraffeIdeas.Wiki : active offline
- Windsor-based creative production cooperative & backup wiki.
- /s/GiraffeIdeas
Glossed And Profound
- ☑
- Global creative development & production cooperative.
- /s/GlossedAndProfound
Cassy platform plans
This domain has been secured for an Invidious instance - a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.
- See also: #Invidious (below) and Chew.Tube
Maple Fringe
- The window of great opportunity has closed on the grand "Maple Fringe" dream - now upgraded with LeverMind (above).
- ☐
☐ ☐
- Former plan:
- On the Movim decentralized platform, a request or invite only community consisting primarily of (but certainly not exclusively Canadians), of a freedom-protecting politically "small fringe minority with unacceptable views," as alleged by corrupt tyrant, Prime Minister Trudeau.
Truth Seeker
- Many of these links now redirect to the unaffiliated excellent site:
- " The Truth Seeker - A collection of news, documentaries, videos and articles from various sources. "
☐ http://TruthSeeker.Party (no longer secured by us)
- Was to be:
- A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
- A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for free speech and fun.
- Redirects to
- Was to be:
- A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
- A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for civilized, serious, elevated discourse.
☐ (not yet secured by us)
- Was to be:
- A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
- A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for civilized, serious, elevated discourse.
- Still secured by us:
- ☐, redirects to
- ☐, redirects to
- ☐, redirects to Truth Seeker and may evolve
- A PeerTube instance like (/s/DownTheMemoryHole).
- See also: Voluntaryism and Volun.Tube
Other Cassy projects
- Fair, Open, Ethical, Peaceful, Accountable, Transparent, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive, Social Management - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.
☑ Starting new social media platforms
- Welcome.Wiki is a simple, clear, easy to remember (rebranding) redirect to Welcome (shorter than Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome) where global or local-Windsor/Essex folks can be introduced our Windsor ACTION Group, our ideas, and what's actually going on locally and around the world, and what we can actually do about it.
- In short, Welcome.Wiki is for awareness, counter-propaganda, and recruitment for the freedom movement.
- Coming soon (with downloadable printable pamphlets to share):
- ☐ http://Action.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Children.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://CommonLaw.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Communications.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Economics.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Freedom.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Health.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Humanity.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Nutrition.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://ProtectAndPrepare.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://VaxxedHealth.Welcome.Wiki
- ☐ http://Windsor.Welcome.Wiki
Potential future projects
- Main article: Economic alternatives
- Cryptocurrencies all have their strengths and weaknesses.
DIY Tutorials
- Ideally include user-levels:
- Plug-n-Play
- Beginner
- Advanced
- Expert
FLOSS decentralized search engines
- F/LOSS = free/libre open-source software, free of charge or restrictions
- FLOSS decentralized/distributed search engine(s) goals:
- focus on searching (and archiving?) but NOT alone
- decentralize
- search
- promote
- socially network
- search specifically for censored, noteworthy, and truth-seeking content
- Wikipedia: Distributed search engine
- focus on searching (and archiving?) but NOT alone
Search engine platforms
- ☐ - also earns tokens
- Wikipedia: Presearch
- ☐
- Wikipedia: searX
Fringe Deplorables Web Ring
- Main article: Fringe Deplorables Web Ring
- Invidious is a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.
- ☐
- Wikipedia: Invidious
- ☐ http://Chew.Tube - This domain has been secured for an Invidious instance.
Open Curricula Projects
Protocol alternatives
- Protocol alternatives to the common Internet protocols.
- ☐ BitTorrent & WebTorrent
- Wikipedia: BitTorrent
- Wikipedia: WebTorrent
- ☐ IPFS
- Wikipedia: InterPlanetary File System
- ☐
- Wikipedia: Cory Doctorow #Life and career
- ☐], an open-source virtual private network
- Wikipedia: OpenVPN
- ☐] - a serverless, adminless, and open-source platform that allows users to share information and opinions without censorship. It uses a peer-to-peer pubsub network and public key based addressing to scale infinitely and offer different UI options.
- ☐
- ☐ sharding
- Wikipedia: Shard (database architecture)
- ☐ TOR portal
- Wikipedia: Tor (network)
Rob Braxman Tech
- Brax.Me
- an app platform focused on privacy and the Privacy Community
- with a store featuring more privacy products
- - Brax3 [Privacy] Phone (2024)
- Brax Virtual Phone
- Braxmail
- BytzVPN
- YouTube channel: Rob Braxman Tech
- BytzVPN, recommended by #Rob Braxman Tech (above)
- OpenVPN
- ☐
- Wikipedia: OpenVPN
Web apps and modules
- Modules for HumHub
- ☑ video chat server ( uses HumHub with modules like Jitsi video chat)
- ☑ web store ( uses HumHub with modules)
- Web apps
- ☐ - lets you subscribe to thousands of sites, read stories as they come in, and share them with friends. It supports web, iOS, Android, email, Twitter, YouTube, and more.
- Wikipedia: NewsBlur
Web archiving
- Web archiving
- Wikipedia: Web archiving
- ☐ web-scrape archive - for our forums' links
- more
Related subSaidIts

- /s/Agenda21_Agenda2030
- /s/AlternativeMedia
- /s/Artificial_Intelligen
- /s/Cassy + wiki
- Plans & actions to branch out with SaidIt & beyond.
- /s/Censorship
- /s/CopyrightActivism
- /s/CorporateMedia
- /s/Corporatocracy
- /s/ClassWar
- /s/Cryptocurrency
- /s/Cybersecurity
- /s/CyberWar
- /s/Decentralize4Dummies + wiki
- Learn, set up, assist, troubleshoot, & maintain tyranny resistant communication networks.
- /s/DecentralizeAllThings + wiki
- /s/FederateAllMedia
- /s/FLOSS
- Free/Libré Open-Source Software
- /s/FreedIt
- /s/FreeMediaHeckYeah + wiki
- /s/IdeasForSaidIt
- /s/LibreCulture
- /s/Organizing
- /s/PhoenixForum + wiki
- Dev next-gen forum ideas & ideals, form & functions.
- /s/Piracy
- /s/Programming
- /s/Rights
- /s/ResistanceAnalysis
- /s/RulingClass
- /s/SaidItCommunity + wiki
- Dev bottom-up self-management for SaidIt, Cassy, & social media platforms.
- /s/Software
- /s/Surveillance + wiki
- /s/Technocracy
- /s/Tyranny
- /s/WikiSpooks + wiki
See also
- Community organizing
- Decentralized alternatives
- Economic alternatives
- LeverMind
- Security alternatives
- Starting new social media platforms
- Survival alternatives
- Technology alternatives
- Voluntarism, organizing and managing volunteers effectively
- Voluntaryism, voluntary interactions without rulers rather supporting and suffering under mafia governments and the corporatocracy with their monopoly on violence