My first television series pitch

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See also: Television series pitches.
Anitque National television.
Pitch Night + Monday Networking.
The Windsor Centre For Film, Digital Media, & The Creative Arts.

This is my first live-action television series pitch. Around 1998 I developed two children's television animated series pitches, have since conceived of many original feature film concepts, and continue to fine-tune several feature film screenplays, including Bittersweet Seeds, Deerhurst, and The Rendezvous that I intend to adapt into storyboards as graphic-novels.

Folks at the Windsor Media Center have alerted me to the opportunity to pitch a television series, and have shown me this submission form link: I've submitted the following.

Myself and my previous experience

I, Jason Carswell, am a computer animator, classical animator, live-action art director, creative director, graphic designer, etc. I've lived and worked in Toronto, Manhattan, Austin, San Francisco, Vancouver, [Burning Man's] Black Rock City, and am now back in my home town of Windsor, Ontario. Most of my animation and live-action work was on high-end television commercials and music videos. I now focus on freedom fighting.

In 2008 the crash destroyed the animation industry. Though I was directing in Vancouver with a second place in Victoria, things were very tough and at the advice of several doctor relatives I started "anti"depressants rather than dealing with my problems. Over 4.5 years before quitting cold turkey, I learned big pharma was not trying to help people. It not only destroyed my life, my love, my body, and my career - it took more than twice as long to come remotely close to normal, all the while I studied and learned about the corrupt levers of power and the rising tyrannical agenda we all now face. COVID was NOT a surprise to those of us who recognized the puppet government overreach serving the corporatocracy, deep state, and the ruling class. Ironically 2020 was my best year since 2007, and I keep recovering, now very active in several independent communities focusing on a variety of interests.

Never before as severe, sadly the corporate media now censors, distracts, divides, demonizes, exploits, suppresses - and tries to deny the masses authentic alternatives, solutions, and freedom of thought. And now the Canadian Bill-C11 will bring the hammer down harder than ever. Thus free-thinkers, truth-seekers, and freedom fighters are forced to resort to alternative independent media to represent, educate, and entertain them. I'm hoping there might be some courageous producers out there who might dare to support popular interests, rather than just serve the ruling class tyranny.

Currently, globally, I host https://Projex.Wiki, am developing other websites, and am active on - and locally, I'm very active in many communities and working on too many freedom, prepper, and media projects to count.

Proposed title and brief concept synopses

Maple Fringe Majority

This title may be improved, and is not as important as the concept.

Alternative title ideas

Alternatives And Solutions For Sustainable Freedom, Alternatives To Ruling Class Wars, Consuming Consumer Culture Consumed, Freedom Fringe, Freedom Majority, Fringe Insights, Fringe Majority, Hope And Strive For The Best, Major Fringe, Maple Fringe, Maple Majority, Resisting Corporatocracy Distraction And Division, Top-Down Tyranny, Voluntaryism 101

Synopsis, Idea #1: Documentary

A low-budget reality television series that documents folks involved in freedom and prepper communities. As with any group, there will be good, bad, ugly, and inspiring drama, egos, emotions, entertainment, events, ideas, insights, as well as new concepts and solutions to learn from and that viewers may apply in their own lives. Supplemental historical footage may be integrated for contextual understanding to illustrate concepts and character development. It is of critical importance to fairly present what the people's views are in contrast to the official narratives handed down from the corporatocracy, and thus they should be consulted and involved in this production - otherwise it's just more bullshit propaganda. There is a huge market with a thirst and hunger for authentic representation.

Synopsis, Idea #2: Dramatization

Just as Shakespeare's King Lear was adapted by Kurosawa for his period daimyō movie Ran, there are countless popular stories to draw from that may be borrowed from and reworked into an impactful contemporary drama. Each episode could potentially draw it's framework, loose story lines, and/or themes from classical literature (Shakespeare, Cyrano, Scaramouche, fairy tales, beatniks, romantics, sci-fi, horror, etc) or familiar cinema and television.

Consistent intertwining of characters, episode plots, and series threads are among other fundamentals exceedingly absent from contemporary media. The foundations covered in John Truby's The Anatomy of Story or Blake Snyder's Save The Cat must be respected.

Just as important as entertaining is educating without preaching or being pedantic. Concepts new to the masses can be shared, including how to effectively be active, take action, speak truth to power, self-manage communities, and organize to serve local, provincial, and national communities with a focus on agorism, alternatives, bottom-up media, campaigns, collaboration and cooperation, comedy, communications, community building, diversity, ethics, filmmaking, freedom, goals, humanity, inclusion, merchandise, messaging, networking, non-aggression, outreach, peace, philosophy, planning, political analysis, praxis, public relations, publishing, satire, self-reliance, skepticism, solutions, sovereignty, sustainability (many definitions), technology, transparency, voluntarism, and voluntaryism.

Synopsis, Idea #3: Hire Me

If these don't suit you, hire me to develop within your guidance and limitations. I've drafted this pitch in just a few hours [actually it was only 2:30pm to 4:30pm, plus adding hyperlinks] and I have virtually unlimited creativity.

Other people

Q: " Are there any other people from your network that will be participating in your project and if so, what role(s) would they be assigned? Please indicate their name, role and contact information (phone number and email) "

A: I will not disclose any contact information without first getting permission.


Q: " How does this project represent your community? "

A: Many freedom and prepper communities exist around Essex County, Canada, and the world. Some groups will undoubtedly prefer to remain underground. Some may not. The "fringe minority" that hypocrite politicians like Trudeau malign is vastly larger and more mainstream than suggested by corrupt corporate media. The more they suppress, the greater the movements grow - whether corporate media represents us or not.

Project details

" Should your project be series based, please provide a list of all your episodic themes as well as a detailed description of 3 episodes: "


I've covered themes in my synopses above.

We the 'Fringe' Majority, fight for freedom, prepare for the worst, hope and strive for the best.

Episode 1


Episode 2


Episode 3



Q: " Please provide a treatment of one of your episodes? (example: generic introduction, episodic introduction, interview, etc...) "

A: That's not even a proper question. We may discuss payment before I draft and share more of my ideas. [I have several, including ways to creatively represent ideas that might typically require large budgets.]

Timeline / Episodes / Length

Q: " What would be your production timeline? (weeks, months) "

A: I don't know enough about what's expected nor what resources are available.

Q: " How many episodes would you like to produce? "

A: I don't know enough about what's expected nor what resources are available.

Q: " What is the length of each episode of your show? "

A: I don't know enough about what's expected nor what resources are available.

Show Format

☑ Documentary
☑ On Location
☑ Studio/Interview Show
☑ Special Event
☑ Other

Show Format

☑ Entertainment
☑ Lifestyle
☐ Food
☐ Sports
☑ Other


Q: " Do you have an idea of the overall budget you'd need to successfully produce your show? "

A: No. I'd need a good producer and production manager to figure this out.

Also, because I've presented 3 synopsis ideas that are ambiguously amorphous and I'm not sure my "Format" and "Content" section selections are adequate.

I've copied my submission to this form to https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Television_series_pitch.


Upon completion of the form my browser redirected to