WE Protect Freedom!

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Revision as of 16:37, 25 July 2023 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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more coming soon

WE Protect Freedom! groups organize #Actions, #Communications, and #Resources for local freedom and prepper communities' networking in Windsor and Essex County.

WE Protect Freedom! may be a comprehensive way to organize, clarify fundamentals, positively rebrand ourselves, engage our members, better grow our numbers, and visibly and/or financially support our freedom groups. This open organization may be a template for other groups to emulate, utilize, and modify as they see fit.

  1. WE = Windsor + Essex County
  2. WE Defend Freedom has been renamed WE Protect Freedom! as it's less confrontational.
    • Don't be shy. Further input, suggestions, and improvements for our group name/identity and/or branding are very welcome. Even bad ideas lead to better ones, and there's not always a single course of action.
  3. This WE Protect Freedom! page initially was about branding developments primarily, so it's all been moved to WE Protect Freedom! branding developments so this page may begin anew to focus on the essentials of our group, mission statement, organization structure, etc. in an open accessible inclusive manner. (Private group sections and resources will be coming soon.)
  4. These pages will change and evolve over time, preferably with your input. Check back later for more developments.

It's not optimal to use "fighter" in any self-describing context - thus this effort rebrand ourselves as Freedom Protectors (even better than adversarial defenders). More specifically WE Defend Freedom! (WE = Windsor + Essex county, also used for WEFringe emails), Windsor/Essex Defends Freedom! or the more generic call to action: Defend Freedom! The explanation mark notes the urgency about the ruling class' war on humanity and is a call to action.

After asking for this for years, we're finally clearly rebranding, reorganizing, and redefining for the first time, in the spirit of do-ocracy.

What we're about

Below are started lists to define what we're clearly about.

We protect

  • balance, peace, and voluntary interactions
  • counter-propaganda
  • FOTPACHIES (fair, open, transparent, peaceful, accountable, consistent, inclusive, ethical, social) management (in governments, homes, organizations, social media, workplaces, etc.)
  • freedoms (assembly, autonomy, communications, economic, expression, mobility, satire, skepticism, etc.)
  • free-thinking & truth-seeking
  • human rights (employment, food, housing, security, etc. See also: Maslow's hierarchy of needs)
  • Natural Law (do not deceive/lie, harm, murder, steal, transgress, trespass against others)
  • sustainability (economic, energy, environmental, food, long-term stability, etc.)

We're against

  • agendas that sound good but are Trojan horses of evil (Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 / Sustainable Development Goals, censorship, climate scams, depopulation agendas, ESG (environment, social, governance) agenda for globalists' corporations, fear mongering, Trans agendas, Woke agenda, Zionism, etc)
  • child harm and sexualization
  • coercion, corruption, deception, manipulation, theft, exploitation, harm, extermination
  • corporatocratic greed at the expense of humanity
  • crimes against humanity
  • injustice
  • kakistocracy
  • mafia governments that employ their monopoly on violence
  • medical tyranny
  • totalitarianism (authoritarianism, capitalist-extremism, communism, extremism, fascism, socialist-extremism)
  • toxic pollutants (environmental, food, products, radiation, etc.)
  • unbridled consumer culture (artificially manufactured and manipulated from the top down, yet blaming the individual)
  • war

We're ambiguous

Free-thinking individuals of our community may be unclear, may disagree, may not even debate, or may overlap on these issues:

  • abortion
  • anti-gun vs pro-gun
  • faiths (and/or atheism)
  • political party affiliations

We certainly do NOT

  • advocate any forms of aggressive violence (but we will employ self-defense)
  • aim to take down the government (this would defy voluntaryism)
  • force people to believe or do anything