User:JasonCarswell/To do lists

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To do lists


  • book: Critical Thinking In The Disinfo Age
  • budget 2022-09
    ☑ $28.25 phone
    ☑ $25 coin laundry ($10 quarters + $15 loonies)
    ☑ $108 batteries
    ☑ Füd
  • budget 2022-09
    ☐ ~$40+ tool batteries
    ☐ ~$360+ 4 e-scooter batteries
    ☐ $117 SSL sale
    ☐ Füd
  • design
  • email + forums
    • draft email lists reasoning
    • draft email lists FOTPACH self-regulating rules & guidelines
    • draft FOTPACH self-regulating forum rules & guidelines
    • setup Movim, Yacy, NextCloud, Lemmy, Shop, PeerTube
  • newsletters
    • draft outlines, projects, themes, etc
  • tech
    • Dave data assistance
    • Dawn PC upgrade
    • SnapRAID configuration
    • Movim, Lemmy,
  • video
    • Ikea
    • record LeverMind audio
    • draft Sophia conspiracy article + video


  • draft email lists reasoning
  • draft email lists FOTPACH self-regulating rules & guidelines
  • draft FOTPACH self-regulating forum rules & guidelines
  • draft Sophia conspiracy article + video


Business cards

  • design cards + get feedback
  • draft card wiki page + get feedback


Illustrations (memes, posters, stickers, T-shirts)

  • Casper The Friendly Ghost
  • Elmer The Safety Elephant
    • "Before" (getting the shot) / "After" (in a hospital bed)
    + needs good punch line below it
    • corporate media announcement of untimely demise of Elmer
    + needs good punch line below it
  • Doom Porn
  • Troof Bong


coming soon
  • mutant vehicle
  • paintings
  • sculptures


coming soon

Protest signs

  • Do you beLIEve the world is overpopulate? Be sure to get the latest "vaccine".
  • End lockdown, quarantine the sick and weak, the rest is tyranny.
  • "Leaders" and corporate media are perpetual liars. Ask me how I know.
  • How would you know if authorities lie to you?
  • If your media, government, corporations, banksters, and ruling class are at war with you, the sheeple - how would you know?
  • $cienti$m = blind faith in corrupt corporate "science".
  • The tyranny will continue until obedience improves.


  • Dave data assistance
  • Dawn data assistance
  • Dawn PC upgrade
  • John data assistance
  • set up domains

Top issues

  • alternatives & solutions
  • decentralization
  • depopulation & vaccine injuries
  • economics & inflation
  • energy monopoly
  • food crises
  • global totalitarian surveillance state
  • open communication shutdown
  • survivalist over-regulation


  • LeverMind
  • Sophia conspiracy article + video
  • Sophia euthanasia video(s)

Windsor Freedom Groups' email lists

  • draft initial list of email lists (below)
  • draft reasoning behind starting lists
  • draft email lists rules & guidelines
  • share with friends to get feedback
  • mutatis mutandis, initialize email lists and share with the wider community
  1. Windsor Open Freedom Announcements & Calendar - VERY limited
  2. Windsor Open Freedom News Posts - both corporate and indie media, topical only
  3. Windsor Open Freedom Planning - topical, activism, action, etc.
  4. Windsor Open Freedom Discussions - topical only
  5. Windsor Open Freedom Fun - topical memes, music, etc.
  6. Windsor Open Communications - networking, media, technology, etc.
  7. Windsor Open Exchange - buy, sell, market, currencies, economics, trade, barter, gifting, freecycle, etc.
  8. Windsor Open Fun - casual memes, music, etc.
  9. Windsor Open Insights - teach, learn, share, grow, etc.
  10. Windsor Open News - casual any news
  11. Windsor Open Social - casual anything
  12. Windsor Open Nourish - food, gardening, distribution, networking, recipes, etc.
  13. Windsor Open Well-being - health, mental health, medicine, remedies, care, etc.
  14. Windsor Open Thrive - prepping, self-reliance, sustainability, alternatives, solutions, etc.
  15. Windsor Private Freedom Announcements & Calendar - VERY limited
  16. Windsor Private Freedom News Posts - topical only
  17. Windsor Private Freedom Discussions - topical only
  18. Windsor Private Freedom Planning - topical
  19. Windsor Private Freedom Fun - topical memes, music, etc.
  20. Windsor Private General News - casual any news
  21. Windsor Private General Social - casual anything
  22. Windsor Private General Fun - casual memes, music, etc.