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" I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong. "
~ Frederick Douglass
" It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. "
" Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist. "
~ Pablo Picasso
" Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws, " was said to be a maxim of the House of Rothschilds.
Above: Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812).
" There are two kinds of people in this world - those who are "going to" do something and those who actually do it. "
~ Thomas Sowell
" Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. "
~ Benjamin Franklin
" You aren't doing it wrong, if no one knows what you are doing. "

See also: Terminology.



  • Dictatorship naturally arises out of a democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.
    ~ Plato, unverified



  • I use some of these sites too because there really is unfortunately not many other options for people in independent media that take an adversarial approach to power to get their point of view out. While that is still able to happen, I'm not going to judge people for using it. But I do think if you are critical of the increasing power that Silicon Valley has over our lives there are ways to reduce your dependence on it. Because maybe there aren't - especially if you're in independent media - useful social media alternatives that will really get your opinion out there. You don't need to use Gmail, or Google Business Suite, or Microsoft Word - [because] there are alternatives to all of those. There are alternatives to Windows and Apple operating systems, if you so choose. A lot has happened and over the past several years [so] they're not as difficult to use as before. If we allow our lives to be completely dependent on these platforms, that gives these oligarchs an unprecedented amount of power and influence over [us].
I think we should be wary of how much power we're giving to them. Everyone is going to have different red lines about what that is - and I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, because I'm not really in the business of that - but if you were concerned about these things, I think you should try and reduce your dependence on Big Tech as much as you possibly can. That does not mean go and buy Eric Prince's unplugged phone that's made by Israeli intelligence veterans - which some people claim as a solution to that, including Tulsey Gabbard for example. There are other alternatives that are open source and not linked to people that ran CIA death squads in the Middle East, like Eric Prince and that don't have ties to foreign intelligence agencies. You can use some sort of alternative to reduce their power over you.
I think while we have voices on these platforms it is important to criticize Silicon Valley billionaires, whether they're posturing to be on the left, like Reed Hoffman, or posturing to be on the right, like Elon Musk and Peter Teal. I think we should be critical of the fusion of Silicon Valley with the National Security State and a lot of these other trends that are developing. Or the fusion of Big Pharma with a lot of Silicon Valley firms that are being incubated in part by this ARPA-H agency (that we mentioned earlier). There should be scrutiny of how much power these people are accumulating, and are we really going back to an era like Industrial Age Barons that have extreme control over our lives and workers lives - to the point [of] devastating consequences? If anyone's familiar with the Rockefeller Legacy in the late 1800s and early 1900s, for example. Do we really want to go back to that neo-feudal era in society? If we don't, we should really look at ways to end our dependence on them and resist this pull that celebrities, and people like Elon Musk. Some of these other figures have tried to cultivate through their patronage of media in recent years.
As far as the two-party paradigm goes, if you're voting for a Democrat or Republican the tactic is to keep you in the [Establishment] box, even if you hate the candidate they force on you, is the same - it's to be scared of the other guy. We saw that with Biden in 2020, "Vote for Biden or Trump will win again." And this time it was, "Biden and Kamala are so terrible," and, "This will be the end of the country as we know it if we don't vote Trump." It's the same tactic [of both parties] to keep you in the box - choosing a candidate that has already shown to you what they are, and what they will do, when they are in power. We can't keep doing that and expect different results at the end of the day.
I really reject the idea that our only hope as a society is to vote for a lying politician that's a Democrat or a Republican every four years. That is not the only way to fix the country. We're told that it is and that if you don't vote for one guy you must support the other guy. This is a paradigm we absolutely have to blow up. It makes no sense and these people do not represent us. They show us time and again. There has to be some sort of movement. The reason that Bernie Sanders was popular is because people want some sort of government populist changes. That's a big reason for Trump's popularity as well - but it's all rhetoric with Trump - it is apparently with a lot of these people, unfortunately.
Obviously Americans want some sort of populist change. They don't want the foreign wars. We have to find a way to do that - and the way to do that is not to focus on political rhetoric - it's to focus on the actual policy and fight for the actual policy or fight against policies we don't want. So I would argue we should stop focusing on the politician, on the rhetoric, and focus on the policy.
If we want to end what's going on in Gaza, we focus on that, and not what people are saying about it. People like Kamala talking out of both sides of their mouths depending on what demographic they're trying to cater to, it should instead be focused on how do we affect real change there. Maybe people should look again at the BDS movement that people on the "free-speech" Republican Party have tried to legislate out of existence and completely censor. His head of DHS, [[Kristi Noem],] before she was appointed she tried to essentially legislate equating criticism of the State of Israel, a civil government, with anti-Semitism - which is absolutely not what it is at all. These things I think we should be concerned about, whether it's being pushed by either side. And again, as I said earlier, the same policies are pushed, the sales pitch are different, and it's very important, in that case, we stop focusing on the sales pitches and focus on the policies so we can get the policies that represent us and that we want.
~ Whitney Webb, UnlimitedHangout.com
55:23 - 1:01:39, with minor edits of conversational hesitations from
Epstein, Sexual Blackmail, and Israel's Grip on American Politics (w/ Whitney Webb) (1:33:38) ~ Bad Faith, 2024-11-21

  • If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it.
    ~ disputed and misattributed to Emma Goldman, Mark Twain, George Carlin

  • It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

  • It lays the predicate in the foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather and he who controls the weather will control the world.
    ~ Lyndon B. Johnson, former U.S. President
    Video source from 0:01 to 0:21 in: Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 2, 2024, # 482 ( Dane Wigington ) (55:49) ~ Dane Wigington, 2021-11-02


  • Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.
    ~ Pablo Picasso


  • Necessity is the mother of invention, poverty is the mother of necessity.
    ~ Raymond Potvin, Windsorite


  • There are two kinds of people in this world - those who are "going to" do something and those who actually do it.
    ~ Thomas Sowell


  • When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first things to be bought and sold are legislators.
    ~ P. J. O'Rourke

  • Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
    ~ Benjamin Franklin


  • You aren't doing it wrong, if no one knows what you are doing.

See also

External links

External quotes lists

External reference sites