Recommended videos

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These are not common good videos, or less common great videos - these are exceptional videos with powerful ideas, good to great production value, and are too the point in a clear, concise, and informative manner.

Video table

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Recommended websites
# Date Title Length Creator Video Notes
01 2016-01-09 How Big Oil Conquered The World 1:11:26 The Big Oil includes Big Chem, Big Pharma, and Big Banks.
02 2017-11-29 Why Big Oil Conquered The World 1:53:00 The Big Oil includes Big Chem, Big Pharma, and Big Banks.
03 2020-06-13 Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary, 2020) 2:05:56 The
04 Date 2000 Mules Length Creator Video link Notes
05 Date Died Suddenly Length Creator Video link Notes
06 Date Uninformed Consent Length Creator Video link Notes
07 Date What Is A Woman Length Creator Video link Notes
08 Date What Is Ivermectin? Length Creator Notes
09 Date Plannedemic I Length Creator Video link Notes
10 Date Plannedemic II Length Creator Video link Notes
11 Date Vaxxed I Length Creator Video link Notes
12 Date Vaxxed II Length Creator Video link Notes
13 2022-10-18 The Real Anthony Fauci movie 1:50:02 Wikipedia: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & COVID-19
14 2022-10-26 The Real Anthony Fauci - Part 2 movie 1:10:35 Wikipedia: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & COVID-19 ... U4Z3mZhPJLA
15 2023-02-21 1844 The Problem With Experts 11:08 Robert Murray-Smith YouTube ... LMaH8LYPgWU Experts are not the same as expertise.
16 2023-03-07 BLOODLINES OF POWER 1:10:06 YouTube ... Q3n-bvedu_8 The Deep State Encyclopedia by reallygraceful
17 2023-03-09 FULL INTERVIEW: Interview with Chris Sky, Toronto Mayoral Candidate! Viva Frei Live! 1:55:56 YouTube ... mv9kIhSGs4E
18 2023-03-09 Nullification [Movement] - #SolutionsWatch 25:43 The

YouTube ... ACPRvd0koG8

19 2023-03-09 The Truth About How Authorities Used Covid for Psychological Warfare 51:18 YouTube ... vXb3tEUO3-0
20 2023-03-09 We Went to East Palestine: What We Saw May Shock You 14:01 More YouTube ... URVD0M_m69I
21 2023-03-09 What is the [political debate manipulation] Delphi Technique? - Questions For Corbett 23:08 The

YouTube ... kgXEeECuEGA

22 2023-03-10 Video: Feds Were ALL OVER The Capitol On January 6! 19:38 The Show YouTube ... Sc0NWVGIRAA
23 2023-03-11 Anti-War Activist CONFRONTS Dem Leader Over Ukraine War 18:17 The Show YouTube ... PGdS_KkCF9Y
24 2023-03-13 What the Media Won't Tell You About the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse 12:04 YouTube ... _jWHsPgGT_4 The Deep State Encyclopedia by reallygraceful
25 2023-03-15 Decentralized Communication - #SolutionsWatch 54:39 The

YouTube ... ToyoVaxlHow
https://Astral.Ninja, now with Nostr

26 2023-03-15 [East Palestine] Ohio, White Noise, and the Power of Words over Things 1:18:04 YouTube ... R_GAY2arHx4
27 2023-03-16 Dutch Farmers: Canaries in the Globalist Coal Mine | Michael Yon & Eva Vlaardingerbroek | EP 340 1:40:22 Jordan B Peterson YouTube ... pqHQN54XCL0 They discuss recent events encircling the Dutch farmers protest, how their anti-globalist movement mirrors the Canadian Freedom Convoy, and how their message has resonated across the world despite best efforts to silence their voices.
28 2023-03-17 OAN w/ Kara McKinney: The Federal Reserve, War, & The Voluntaryist Handbook 15:32 Keith Knight - Don't Tread on Anyone YouTube ... 6lDOin45F-o The Voluntaryist Handbook
29 2023-03-17 Vaccination problems, UK Parliament 24:12 Dr. John Campbell YouTube ... JvSHD_n3Lyg
30 2023-03-18 Trudeau - timeline of Liberal corruption & the constant failure to prevent or prosecute it. 27:58 The Celtic Canuck YouTube ... nEwKoRAuwLE
31 2023-03-20 Really Happening or Just Another Distraction? [Looming Donald Trump Arrest] 36:57 YouTube ... wzTvI7BI0g4 The Deep State Encyclopedia by reallygraceful
32 2023-03-20 Want to see Tony Fauci and DC Mayor Muriel Bowser get shut down as they go door to door promoting the j4b in 2021? Here you go. (Couldn't have posted this pre-Elon) 2:03 @Brick_Suit A+++
33 2023-03-21 Stop the Collapse! 35:54 Richard Vobes YouTube ... rNeoFfn6i5w There is a solution to the potential financial collapse. In 1914 the Bradbury Pound saved the British Economy from collapse. Rather than Central Bank Digital Currency and communist state control, a debt-free alternative is already available.
34 Date Title Length Creator Video Notes
35 Date Title Length Creator Video Notes
# Date Title Length Creator Video Notes

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See also

Truther Newbie Crash Course's censor-free critically skeptical analysis and information:

See also