Open Curricula Projects 2D Animation 9-Day Class

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This Open Curricula Projects 2D Animation project is a 9-day introductory crash course on the fundamentals of animation, traditional animation on paper (cels), traditional animation on computers, design-in-motion and design-over-time, compositing, editing, etc.

Job placements may follow the 9-day class so a particular focus will be on pragmatically preparing students for production, with less emphasis on theory, homework, and practice exercises.

Brief overview: Windsor Media Centre Animation Classes


The Windsor Media Centre's first 2D animation classes start in September, 2023.

9 days over 3 weeks:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
4,5,6 | 11,12,13 | 18,19,20 of September, 2023.
  • Class size of ONLY 10-15 students.


  • 3.5 hours morning (9am - 12:30pm)
  • 0.5 hour lunch (12:30pm - 1pm)
  • 3.5 hours afternoon (1pm - 4:30pm)
  • after class hours ???
  • off-class days ???


Not a requirement, but it might be good if students could bring in examples of their illustration abilities and/or brief clips of video work. Not to worry if you have none to show or aren't prepared.

2D Animation - Day 1/9

Introduction to traditional 2D animation on paper, day 1 of 3.

1A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00 Introductions.
    • Brief teacher overview.
    • Student introductions, portfolios, experience, ambitions, goals, objectives.
    • Teacher gauges the general class levels.
    • Run down the overview of what has been prepared for the class to be presented.

Flexibility of options.

  • Student may get out of the class what they wish to get.
  • Students may be as passive or as active as they wish.
  • Students may absorb the fundamentals class as prepared and presented.
  • Students may take a vote to set aside portions of little interest to focus on other elements.
  • Students may generally ignore the lessons to work on their own personal project for their demo reel, and ask for assistance when the teacher has a moment.
  • Students may prefer to work on a collaborative class production.

As a flexible creative teacher, I will not only be ready to spontaneously adapt to other scenarios, I have several great creative concepts worthy of being fleshed out by the class, should they wish to explore my options. With luck and time available I may even outline these options on the side - just in case.

For clarity and simplicity, the remainder of this 9-day class outline will be traditionally prepared to be presented, without tangential "options".

  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

1B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00

Classical animation production

Superior to the 12 principles:
21 Foundations of Animation (9:41)
01 Appeal
02 Strong Design
03 Staging
04 Acting & Pantomime
05 Keys & Breakdowns
06 Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose
07 Thumbnails
08 Timing, Spacing & Easing
09 Squash & Stretch
10 Arcs
11 Primary & Secondary Action
12 Silhouette
13 Line of Action & Reversals
14 Anticipation, Overshoot & Settle
15 Opposing Action
16 Counterpose
17 Leading Action
18 Breaking Joints
19 Overlap & Follow Through
20 Accents
21 Exaggeration
clearly presented by Angry ANIMATOR, 2019-01-15.
Mouth shape chart featuring common phonemes and visemes.
A page from Cartoon Animation (1994) by Preston Blair, the best book for animation students.
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 2/9

Introduction to traditional 2D animation on paper, day 2 of 3.

2A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

2B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 3/9

Introduction to traditional 2D animation on paper, day 3 of 3.

3A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

3B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

Long Weekend 1

4 days.

2D Animation - Day 4/9

Introduction to 2D animation on computers, day 1 of 3.

4A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 10:00-11:00 Brief overview of Visual language for animation.
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

4B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 5/9

Introduction to 2D animation on computers, day 2 of 3.

5A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

5B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 6/9

Introduction to 2D animation on computers, day 3 of 3.

6A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

6B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

Long Weekend 2

4 days.

2D Animation - Day 7/9

Introduction to 2D post production on computers, day 1 of 3.

7A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 12:00-12:30

7B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 8/9

Introduction to 2D post production on computers, day 2 of 3.

8A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

8B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - Day 9/9

Introduction to 2D post production on computers, day 3 of 3.

9A/9 - 9:00-12:30

  • 09:00-10:00
  • 10:00-11:00
  • 11:00-12:00
  • 12:00-12:30

9B/9 - 1:00-4:30

  • 01:00-02:00
  • 02:00-03:00
  • 03:00-04:00
  • 04:00-04:30

2D Animation - End Of Crash Course


2D Animation - Job Placement

Potential video production fields:

  • 2D production
  • 3D production
  • Character animation
  • Commercials (and public service announcements)
  • Documentaries
  • Event videos (festivals, protests, weddings, etc.)
  • Feature films
  • Imagery
    • Photography
  • Industrial videos
  • Memes
  • Music videos
    • Audio engineering
    • Audio production
  • Podcasts (audio/radio/video)
  • Shorts
  • Visual poetry (art films)
  • Web ads
  • Web design
  • Web site clients

Potential places that may be interested in placements:

2D Animation - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

2D Animation - Notes

Questions for Amanda

  1. Did Amanda look at my invoice?
    • Did she understand it was based on the December numbers?
    • Did it make sense to her?
  1. Class hours are 9:00am - 4:30pm.
    • May teachers and students come early and stay later to use the equipment (ie. homework, projects, testing, practice, etc.), seek answers, and/or socialize?
    • Is there a lunch break, and for how long?
  1. Classes take place Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays.
    • May teachers assign homework over the two 4-day periods?
  1. Job placements may follow the 9-day class.
    • What are the criteria that must be met, and by when?
    • May we start compiling lists of folks to cold call to see if they're interested?
  1. How many video cameras will we have to record the classes?
    • Will we have decent lighting and sound recording?
    • Will someone be available to edit the footage under my supervision?
      We'd likely cut to minimize length and repetition.
      We'd likely also cut in example clips found online.
    • Can we share the videos online?
    • For free? (This is the best way to market the next class.)