2024-09-21 Million Person March

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Flyer text

2024-09-21 Million Person March 4 Children flyer.

2024-09-21 Million Person March 4 Children flyer

Saturday, September 21st
11 am

Rally speakers from 11:00am - 11:45am
Start marching 12:00pm
The marching tour will have several stops at specific places of interest with information presented.
No lunch provided, so bring your own if you wish. Limited water supplies.

Dieppe Gardens
78 Riverside Dr. W., Windsor, ON

Rally & March


  • Indoctrination & Sexualization Of Children
  • Sterilization & Mutilation Of Children
  • Exploitation & Trafficking Of Children

Protect And Preserve The Innocence Of Children

Keep The Pressure On!

Pamphlet flyers

Salena and Tina should have some information pamphlets, and they should include the route. Jason is working on some other pamphlets too.


Blue and red lapel button pins.

Jason bought a button maker (1.25" & 2.25") and some printer ink. Watch this space to find out if it all comes together in time - or just show up to the rally. Feel free to throw

Red bandanas

12 ways to wear red bandanas, a symbol of solidarity used by coal miners resisting tyranny.

Jason is bringing 30 red bandanas for folks, a symbol of solidarity used by the "Rednecks" a century ago, coal miners resisting tyranny, striking and fighting against the slavery and company script, bringing us the 40-hour work week, lunch breaks, an end to child labour, as well as the May Day and Labour Day holidays. Over the decades corporate media has twisted the term "redneck" into a backward pejorative insult to rural White folks.


The Indoctrination Has To STOP - Hands Off Our Kids! (1:22:45) ~ Clyde Do Something, 2024-09-13.

Discussion about the Million Person March 4 Children across Canada and the world on 2024-09-21:

The Indoctrination Has To STOP - Hands Off Our Kids! (1:22:45) ~ Clyde Do Something, 2024-09-13