Template:Bittersweet Seeds: Donation options

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Bittersweet Seeds has no ads, but is supported by user donations.

This donation support model is an alternative solution to exploitative capitalism, also known as the gift economy or sharing economy, that Jason Carswell first learned about at Burning Man.

Initially Bittersweet Seeds' angel funding or seed funding has come indirectly from the governments of Windsor, Ontario, Ontario, and Canada, and over ten years ago, Vancouver, British Columbia and British Columbia. With this stingy disability support Jason Carswell was financially trapped in the utterly rigged "system" designed to keep people down. On occasion Jason Carswell also received generous support from family, while developing this project since 2001.

After Jason Carswell's initial original stories and project development, Glossed And Profound produced projects, including Bittersweet Seeds, will be paid for through the power of the community and crowdsourcing. Eventually, the wisdom of the crowd will drive the content, not advertisers nor corporations.

There are few donation options just yet. Please be patient and come back soon. (The Bittersweet Seeds story must become presentable to attract fans and their support while the Glossed And Profound production management process needs to be realized.)

Glossed And Profound's Bittersweet Seeds project accepts the following cryptocurrencies:
Donate ONLY with addresses direct from these sources, coming soon:
Do not rely on InfoGalactic's openly altered information.

If you must donate to Jason Carswell before the
Glossed And Profound production management and accounting system has been established,
thank you kindly, and please verify that User:JasonCarswell has edited the last revision in
this template's history to verify these addresses are correct.

Bitcoin logo.svg
Bitcoin (BTC) for the anonymous donation address visit:

BittersweetSeeds.com or GlossedAndProfound.com, coming soon.

Or support Jason Carswell directly
with Bitcoin: 1DqcTPZUDMP9i3jDWEEnFncQe1SQnwpyJs.
Feel free to leave a message, anonymous or not.

Namecoin logo.svg
Namecoin (NMC) for the anonymous donation address visit:

BittersweetSeeds.com or GlossedAndProfound.com, coming soon.

Or support Jason Carswell directly
with Namecoin: Mvs8cASZfsUBrKp2fH5kQk3Vts9JoZSNTX.
Feel free to leave a message, anonymous or not.

Steem logo.svg
Steem or Steem Dollars for the donation address visit:

BittersweetSeeds.com or GlossedAndProfound.com, coming soon.

Or support Jason Carswell directly
at Steemit.com/@jasoncarswell.
Feel free to leave a message, anonymous or not.

If there's a particular cryptocurrency you wish we supported, let me know and I'll try to add it.

Feel free to mail cash, gifts, praise,
condemnations, and thoughts to:

Jason Carswell
c/o Canada Post Office
@ Shoppers Drug Mart,
4835 Wyandotte St. E.,
Windsor, ON N8Y 1H9

Even if you aren't donating at this moment,
feel free to leave a message at my main hangouts:

To support the non-corporate alt-indie host websites follow their donation information: