Television series pitches

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Anitque National television.

My first television series pitch

  • My first television series pitch ~ by Jason Carswell
    • In the afternoon (2023-03-06), I submitted my 3 pitches to their online submission form:
    • That evening, a couple gentlemen from TV1 (subscription television owned by Bell Canada) visited the Windsor Media Center to present their production histories, explained how as television producers they are accepting series pitch submissions, and took five minutes in person for everyone with a concept.
    • The producers explained that TV1 will:
      1. provide all the professional filmmaking gear required
      2. provide a modest budget
      3. sponsors are permitted, but not advertising
      4. broadcast the series on TV1 for 90 days
      5. after 90 days the series belongs 100% to the series creator(s)
      6. creators may share it elsewhere (YouTube, etc) but TV1 may not fund additional seasons absent TV1 promotion
    • They will return to Windsor in July.

Maple Fringe Majority, television series pitch

    • Logline (aka elevator pitch):
      Reflections from diverse free-thinkers and truth-seekers from Windsor and Essex County who've formed freedom and prepper communities, sharing political analysis and critical insights on local, national, and global issues, while showing how to organize, take action, find alternatives, and spread solutions to improve our communities, region, Canada, and our planet Earth to better resist, survive, and thrive in the face of the undemocratic monopolistic tyrannical new world order threatening our freedoms and futures.
    • Topical episodes may include:
      1. accountability & corruption
      2. autonomy & ethics
      3. censorship & communications
      4. children & education
      5. communities & organizing
      6. current events & historical precedents
      7. economics & alternatives
      8. employment & unions
      9. faith & philosophy
      10. gardening/farming & food crises
      11. health/wellness & housing
      12. lawful vs legal
      13. medical freedom
      14. occasional notable guests
      15. networking
      16. political problems & alternatives
      17. prepping & surviving
      18. propaganda & psychological opperations
      19. surveillance & tyranny
      20. the future of humanity
      21. U.N. Agenda 21 & the Great Reset
      22. weaponized consumer culture
    • Proposed episode format may include:
      1. opening hook, dramatic clip or profound idea from within
      2. short animated credits (by animator Jason Carswell)
      3. folks introductions
      4. folks background stories
      5. folks share their motivations
      6. folks introductions to issues
      7. folks interviewed on location (ie. farmer's opinions from a farmer while farming)
      8. explanatory mini-documentaries for historical context
      9. short current events clips
      10. folks explain the official narrative claims, currently and for the future
      11. folks expose the lies, historically, currently, and what will actually happen
      12. folks delve deeper on the issues
      13. folks discuss alternatives
      14. folks share solutions
      15. folks share plans, hopes, and dreams for the future
      16. motivational conclusion (ie. heartwarming scene, quote, rant, etc.)
      17. closing animated credits
      18. Easter egg ending

The Rendezvous, television series pitch

Other pitches