
From Projex.Wiki
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File:LeverMind logo.png
LeverMind logo (coming soon).
LeverMind.net is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki.
LeverMind.net is a free discourse communications forum for communities.
LeverMind.org is bottom-up social organizing and relocates to LeverMind/Organization on Projex.Wiki.
LeverMind.video is variety show development and relocates to LeverMind/Productions on Projex.Wiki.
LeverMind.wiki relocates to LeverMind on Projex.Wiki.
This article is a stub requiring expansion.

LeverMind developing projects are founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management rather than government or corporate top-down tyrannical technocracy. LeverMind projects stem from sister-sites - LeverMind.net is the online Facebook-like forum, and Projex.Wiki is this wiki you are reading. In addition to the forum and wiki, branches of LeverMind include the open-source Organization documentation and the development and distribution of the public relations Productions.