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[[File:Mad Skillz - 0moqtq2o.png|thumb|right|200px|Develop your mad skillz.]]
[[File:Mad Skillz - 0moqtq2o.png|thumb|right|200px|Develop your mad skillz.]]
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: '''''This outdated page was only mirrored here from SaidIt.net, including the introduction unchanged since 2018.  A proper Projex.Wiki revision will be made soon.'''''
: '''''This outdated page was only mirrored here from SaidIt.net, including the introduction unchanged since 2018.  A proper Projex.Wiki revision will be made soon.'''''
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Revision as of 12:34, 26 September 2024

Develop your mad skillz.
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Feel free to join to help edit ever-evolving Projex.Wiki.
This outdated page was only mirrored here from SaidIt.net, including the introduction unchanged since 2018. A proper Projex.Wiki revision will be made soon.

Mirrored and continued from the original lists started at


Welcome to this Decentralize All Things wiki.

This editable wiki page is similar to a comment but anyone can edit and contribute, including adding internal links (include the entire SaidIt html path) and external links to other websites.

Assistance with SaidIt Markdown code formatting can be found on this https://SaidIt.net/wiki/Commenting wiki page for common issues to advanced techniques.

If this wiki page grows too unwieldy then sub-pages can be made for specific topics. If this wiki page grows excessively unwieldy we may use the uncensored WikiSpooks.com and/or InfoGalactic.com wikis to add and curate content and/or do non-encyclopedic open-wiki-projects in coordination with SaidIt and this SaidIt forum.

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Centralization / decentralization / distribution / distributed decentralization.

Because a single point of failure is the easiest way for tyranny to stop and stomp on resistance, it's important we decentralize and distribute away from a central hub to a network mesh of information. Projex.Wiki may be a good starting place to organize projects, but it should never be the only or last place that information resides. Naturally we'll openly share developments, solutions, and ways we can collaboratively and openly share projects.

See also:

  • Decentralized alternatives‏‎
  • Wikipedia: Decentralization
    Decentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group and given to smaller factions within it.
  • Wiktionary: decentralize
    1. To cause something to change from being concentrated at one point to being distributed across a number of points.
    2. To reduce the authority of a governing body by distributing that authority among several bodies.
  • Wordnick: decentralize
    1. To distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a central authority) among several local authorities.
    2. To bring about the redistribution of (an urban population and industry) to suburban areas.
    3. To cause to withdraw or disperse from a center of concentration.
  • Amazon Web Services: What is Decentralization in Blockchain?
Mirrored from /s/DecentralizeAllThings:

Decentralize All Things, authority, Internet, and everything for greater freedom.

  • Decentralize all things.
  • Decentralize all colluding monopolies and hegemony.
  • Decentralize policing power back to communities.

  • Affiliate and federate. Unify, diversify, and distribute. Whatever it takes - but remain decentralized.
  • Centralized controlled dogmatic 'Left' and 'Right' are just the tribalist wings of the war-hawk corporatocracy, also known as the Military Industrial Academic Complex.
  • Centralized religion and scientism are equally unverifiable faith-based social viruses for 'authoritative' and 'experts' systems of control.

See also:


Political decentralization

Alternative markets list

More soon.
See also: Agora, Agorism
See also: Decentralized alternatives#Alternative markets list
See also: Economic alternatives#Agorism
See also: Meaningful liberty#Agorism

Big Ass Data Broker Opt-Out List

Cloud and internet services alternatives list







Decentralized applications



  • browser app by Gab
  • "The Comment Section of the Internet - The Dissenter web browser is built for The People, not advertisers. Block Big Tech ads and trackers by default. Discover a comment section on every URL online. Welcome to the free speech internet. Download Dissenter Browser Downloads of Dissenter are available for. Windows 64-bit , Linux and macOS."
  • https://Dissenter.com








Open Markets Institute

The OSSwin Project








Decentralized federated projects








  • https://social.QuodVerum.com/about
  • "QuodVerum is an open discussion forum. We welcome all ideas and opinions, and will exercise minimum moderation only when we believe laws are being broken. Many of us are "refugees" from other social media and loathe equally the paternalistic thought police at Twitter and Facebook and the open lunacy of Gab. Words are not violence. Use them. But our platform is not a launching pad for criminal activity, harassment or the promotion of violence or bigotry in any form, against any one. Let's reintroduce free and civil discourse."
  • QuodVerum (Mastodon Server) - "Many of us are 'refugees' from other social media and loathe equally the paternalistic thought police at Twitter and Facebook and the open lunacy of Gab."

Decentralized Forum Federation (DFF)

SaidIt.net + NotABug.io

Lists of decentralized alternatives

Everipedia.org's List of decentralized social media applications https://Everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/list-of-decentralized-social-media-applications


https://PasteBin.com/RadNDWbZ List

https://PrivacyTools.io List

Decentralization protocols and platforms list









  • There are many more not yet listed and in development.*

Financial and funding alternatives list

Moved to: Economic alternatives#Crowdfunding and financial alternatives


Moved to: Economic alternatives#Cryptocurrencies

Hosting guides

Offline hosting guide

[ To Be Determined ]

Self hosting guide

Some options for exposing your local services to the internet include:

Domain names can be pointed to your services by configuring their `CNAME`.

Paywall alternatives list

Ryan Dawson has gone through hell being censored.

In his interview with the Halsey News Network "Radio Free America (Episode 268): Social Censorship (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oq_2W8_oDHE)" (2019-03-04) @ around 1:40:00 they discuss who he's ruled out and the solution he goes with now. He finally set up a paywall through Cleeng after trying Muvi and Wistia and other stuff.


  • https://Cleeng.com
  • Cleeng is a company based in the Netherlands that does nothing but payment processing. Subscriber Retention Management™ Designed For OTT. Most advanced APIs for maximum modularity and OTT efficiency. "Cleeng Core enables you to build a comprehensive OTT video platform and manages all aspects of subscriber management for you. Cleeng Core consists of identity and access management [IAM], product entitlement, customer service, subscriber billing and advanced analytics functionalities."
  • See also: https://DuckDuckGo.com/?q=Cleeng+Paywall+Netherlands



See also: https://DuckDuckGo.com/?q=video+paywall+services

Sadly , Ryan Dawson said "they" were messing with his Cleeng account @8m+ in "A bit of everything with anti-bolton (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dW6I-X-6iuM)" (2019-06-10).

Ryan Dawson also adopted<ref>https://SaidIt.net/s/censorship/comments/qc7/a_way_around_some_of_the_youtube_censorship_ryan/</ref> an alternative-to-YouTube censorship-workaround live-chat with super-chats (donations / payments / tips): https://streamlabs.com/Rys2sense


Search engine alternatives list

See also: Technology alternatives#Search engines

Social media alternatives

Not necessarily decentralized (please add noteworthiness):


  • https://Ello.co
  • Seems interesting, aimed at artists. The interface is annoying. I prefer DeviantArt.


  • https://Flote.app
  • Social Media Based in Blockchain
    • "Flote is a community-driven social network without big tech censorship and vague community guidelines. On Flote people can express themselves freely, build communities, and earn digital money by providing valuable content. Post text, images, audio, and video. That includes livestreaming with fee-free superchats!
    • "Support your favorite creators so they can continue to provide you their best content, or put your profile to work to earn money with tips, superchats, and subscriptions. We never collect any platform fees, so you get every bit you've earned deposited into your Flote wallet."
    • "Coming Soon"
      • "Community boards"
      • "Group messaging"
      • "More currencies"
      • "Marketplace & storefronts"
  • https://DuckDuckGo.com/?q=Flote



  • https://Parler.com
  • "Parler is an unbiased social platform focused on open dialogue and user engagement. We allow free speech and do not censor ideas, political parties or ideologies. We protect your privacy and will never sell your personal data."






Alternatives to Reddit and SaidIt

SaidIt.net is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and debate forum for free-thinking and truth-seeking.

r/RedditAlternatives is a sub about websites similar to Reddit.

s/SaiditAlternatives is a sub about websites similar to SaidIt.




  • Decentralized and federated alternative to Reddit and SaidIt.
  • https://Join-Lemmy.org
    • Lemmy is a Reddit-like link aggregator for the fediverse - a free and open-source software for running self-hosted social news aggregation and discussion forums. Lemmy instances are run by a large number of individuals or corporations, each with their own content moderation policies. There is no advertising, tracking, or secret algorithms. Content is organized into communities, so it is easy to subscribe to topics that you are interested in, and ignore others.
    • Wikipedia: Lemmy (software)
  • Instances of Lemmy:


Matrix.Gvid.tv is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and discussion forum.





  • https://social.QuodVerum.com/about
  • "QuodVerum is an open discussion forum. We welcome all ideas and opinions, and will exercise minimum moderation only when we believe laws are being broken. Many of us are "refugees" from other social media and loathe equally the paternalistic thought police at Twitter and Facebook and the open lunacy of Gab. Words are not violence. Use them. But our platform is not a launching pad for criminal activity, harassment or the promotion of violence or bigotry in any form, against any one. Let's reintroduce free and civil discourse."
  • QuodVerum (Mastodon Server) - "Many of us are 'refugees' from other social media and loathe equally the paternalistic thought police at Twitter and Facebook and the open lunacy of Gab."


Smart phone alternatives


  • AbovePhone.com
    • The Above Phone is designed to protect you from the three layers of mobile tracking. This includes telecom data collection of our phone calls and texts, the operating system, and the apps that we use. The Above Phone protects you by shifting to internet based communications, using open source operating systems with no corporate attachments, and...
  • DuckDuckGo: AbovePhone


Copperhead OS

YouTube alternatives and video decentralization list

See also



  • TO DO: Create table for this list to include decentralization features and distinguishing information on each site, including: Addons, Advertising, DIY, Downloads/BitTorrent/WebTorrent, Blockchain, Comments, Support/Trading (Crypto/Curating/Donations/Rewards/Subscriptions), Federated, LiveChats, PayWall, Performance, Playlists, Streaming, Uploads/NoUploads, Years Active, Other.
    • Copy this list and those above to WikiSpooks.

This list's origins:

See also