Goat Matrix

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Revision as of 17:30, 23 January 2025 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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Goat Matrix projects
(First logo design sketch.)
GoatMatrix.net is a friend of Projex.Wiki and LeverMind.net.
GoatMatrix.net is a free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.

This article is a stub requiring expansion.

More soon.

GoatMatrix.net, also known as GoatMatrix or The Goat Matrix is a hand-built human-coded forum website developed from scratch by x0x7.


More soon.


More soon.

"Goat Matrix" or "GoatMatrix" or "The Goat Matrix" ? ? ?


More soon.

Feature wish lists

More soon.

Visit GoatMatrix.net/s/IdeasForMatrix for initial instances of ideas with discussions. This topical sub-forum thread may be aggregated here into practical reference wiki-lists.

This short wiki-list will naturally grow in time and be relocated to Goat Matrix/Tech ideas for organized wish lists for developing future features.

Items marked with an asterisk* could potentially be organized on this wiki.

Alphabetical for now, but will likely be sectioned into related categories.

  • Chronological list of comments, site-wide from all posts, so folks make know about conversations they've missed - as is on SaidIt.net/Comments. (This will be useful for community building until there are simply too many comments and threads to keep up with - after which may still be useful for sub-wide communities and their growth.)
  • Documentation for a FAQ - as I documented on SaidIt.net/wiki
  • Documentation for CSS and eventually theme selection and/or sharing capabilities - along with popularity statistics.
  • Documentation for basic to advanced Markdown code - as I documented on SaidIt.net/wiki/Commenting
  • GoatMatrix search options - perhaps via Cassandra Team decentralized search engines.
  • MetaVote™ for voting and tagging system for deeper analytics, algorithms, and better search results. A 5x5 grid with "Meh-Neutral" in the center and in the corners: Wise, Funny, Repulsive, and Daft. With five degrees from any corner to any corner, midway between Wise and Funny is Witty, among the 25 options. Similarly metatags and sub-metatags could be organized for quick tagging of posts and comments.
  • Post-Whenever edit-ability - for a user to manage their list of pending posts, re-order, post asap, post at a specific time/date, or delete. Drag and drop would be ideal.
  • Timestamps for chat comments.
  • Timestamps for posts and comments, revealed by hovering over dates (more specific than "3 years ago").

Policy wish lists

More soon.

Can't think of anything specific, but if this develops into a list it may be relocated to Goat Matrix/Organization for organizing principles, guides, and rules.

See also