LeverMind/To do

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File:LeverMind logo.png
LeverMind logo (coming soon).
These pages need better organizing.
This article is a stub requiring expansion.

LeverMind ASAP to do

  • buy a domain for promo video production:
    • LeverMind.ca
    • LeverMind.Digital
    • LeverMind.Media
    • LeverMind.Productions
    • LeverMind.Stream
    • LeverMind.Studio
    • LeverMind.Tube (Have Volun.Tube, which could feature a dedicated channel.)
    • LeverMind.TV
    • LeverMind.Video
  • forum features
    • tweak feature options for new HumHub modules
    • consult admins about HumHub features
    • learn what the HumHub wiki is capable of
  • community organizing
    • draft write ups for LeverMind.org on Projex.Wiki:
    • consult community about LeverMind drafts

LeverMind.net to do

https://LeverMind.net is a forum operating on the HumHub platform.
LeverMind.net is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.org to do

https://LeverMind.org relocates to LeverMind/Organization, here on Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.video to do

https://LeverMind.video relocates to LeverMind/Productions, here on Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.wiki to do

https://LeverMind.wiki relocates to LeverMind, here on Projex.Wiki.