2024-09-01 WEFringe Potluck Picnic & Casual Rally

- 2024 WEFringe Picnic redirects here.
This project wiki-page will change, develop, and evolve up to the event, and afterwards may host photos and/or other content.
This work in progress includes placeholder items below as things solidify. Check back soon.
How many are coming?
Will be there |
Unclear response |
May be there |
Can't make it |
Who's bringing what?
Perhaps mention what allergies your food is safe or unsafe for.
- Jason (Santa Libertas)
- tent + 3 nice chairs + table
- Sophia, donated water + $20
- Yo Huff, bringing donuts and paper plates, cups, and utensils
What's the lineup?
We're keeping it casual, yet still trying to organize a workable lineup for appreciative folks.
Please RSVP to Jason@Projex.Wiki to be added to the lineup, but of course last minute additions will be welcomed.
Since this is a work in progress, many items below are just silly placeholders to give you the idea until things solidify.
- speeches from?
- you?
- anyone
- edumacators
- etc.
- announcements from?
- Sherri about September plans?
- Yo about criminal landlords.
- Jason will explain the soft-launch of the new LeverMind.net, an online Facebook-like forum (sister-site to Projex.Wiki), founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy. (More info: http://LeverMind.Wiki)
- Jason will announce and present the first draft prototype of a Protect Freedom pamphlet that anyone may edit and/or self-print (colour, B&W, economy), along with proposals for other versions.
- (Protect Children, Protect Communications & Open Discourse, Protect Earnings, Savings & Ownership, Protect Farming, Health & Natural Remedies, Protect Mobility & Borders, Expose Tyranny & Corrupt Mafia Governments, Protect Alternatives, Solutions & Tradeoffs, etc.)
- Jason will propose we resume regular meetings, and present these ideas for consideration and discussion:
- Weekly ACTION meetings with a formalized prioritized emphasis on the major first and third Wednesday of each month. Folks who have limited time can attend the major meetings and those who want more can have the minor meetings.
- Group action goals need to be clearly and openly outlined and organized. Here are some ideas:
- For counter-propaganda, we must get ahead of the Next Big Thing™s brainwashing messaging. It's not complicated. Simply cultivate skepticism of officials and official narratives.
- To recruit and grow, we must raise awareness about our efforts and drag the net, sort the catch, discard all net-loss losers (energy-wasters & time-sucks), and grow the ranks of effective action fringe folks.
- Action is greater than talk for effectively resisting tyranny, regardless what angle(s) you choose to focus on.
- Talk about ideologies, politics, science, and tyranny of the past, present, and potential future - is NOT ACTION.
- Talk about COVID/lockdown/vaccine war stories (everyone has many) for therapy - is NOT ACTION.
- Talk about not being divided is unrealistic. Alternatively, we can accept that we are all different, are not a hive mind, and we can embrace our "diversity" to focus and unite on issues we care about more effectively. In a do-ocracy the do-ers make stuff happen and may or may not invite others to assist or for support. Everyone is free to 1) help the do-ers, 2) do their own thing, 3) complain, 4) say nothing.
- New meeting lineups should feature:
- Opening introduction
- Action issues (causes/events/projects/public relations/strategies)
- Awareness issues (sharing/teaching)
- Unscheduled presentations (sharing/teaching)
- Questions & Answers (interactive)
- Closing summaries (to clarify for sharing the minutes of meetings)
- Socializing time
- performances by?
- the beautiful (inside and out)
- the daring
- the talented
- music playlist by?
Every event needs planning, assistance, tasks done, and follow up.
What is missing from this list and wiki page?
Who is missing from this list and wiki page?
Who can help with these tasks? (And not flake out.)
- chairs?
- Does anyone have chairs to bring?
- Jason x3 chairs
- others?
- Does anyone have chairs to bring?
- cleanup?
- "Leave no trace!" and leave no ill will.
- Jason
- others?
- "Leave no trace!" and leave no ill will.
- communications?
- If issues remain unknown they can't be fixed. Everything should align in person, email, Facebook, and on this evolving wiki-page.
- decor?
- Does anyone have banners, decorations, flags, and/or signs to bring?
- Jason
- others?
- Does anyone have banners, decorations, flags, and/or signs to bring?
- drivers?
- Transportation to pickup, deliver, and return banners, chairs, food, ice, sound system, tables, tents, water, etc.
- Jason may need some wheels for early pre-setup delivery and late post-cleanup return(s).
- Transportation to pickup, deliver, and return banners, chairs, food, ice, sound system, tables, tents, water, etc.
- promotion?
- People will need to know about this event, and receive polite answers to questions that may arise.
- setup?
- Decor, sound systems, and tents don't set themselves up.
- Jason
- others?
- Decor, sound systems, and tents don't set themselves up.
- shade?
- Does anyone have shade tents to bring?
- Jason is bringing Elmer's shade tent
- Does anyone have shade tents to bring?
- sound system?
- May we borrow Winton's speakers (and necessities) from Rob?
- tables?
- Does anyone have tables to bring?
- thrist?
- Will we need water, ice, and coolers?
- Sophia cooler
- Will we need water, ice, and coolers?
Druthers wanted
If you would like a compiled but incomplete set of Druthers issues, contact Jason@Projex.Wiki.
These are the specific issues wanted to aggregate into fuller (or even complete) collections:
- Issues #1-14,
- Issues #16, #18, #19, #23
- Jul '23 #32 x34
- Aug '23 #33 x43
- Sep '23 #34 x24
- Oct '23 #35 x28
- Nov '23 #36 x28
- Dec '23 #37 x59
- Jan '24 #38 x57
- Feb '24 #39 x59
- Apr '24 #41 x80
- Sep '24 #46
Action ideas:
- Druthers fast-distribution in mall parking lots, neighbourhoods, or efficiently strategic mass deliverable locations
- Illuminate political billboards (Irek, etc.) reflect sunlight or project "LIES!" while flying cautionary banners and distributing Druthers
- 2024-09-01
- 2024-09-01 WEFringe Potluck Picnic & Casual Rally
- Freedom rallies
- LeverMind.net
- Ouellette Avenue
- Riverside Drive
- WEFringe
- Windsor and Essex County action projects
- Windsor events in 2024
- Windsor freedom rallies
- Windsor freedom rally photo galleries
- Windsor potluck picnics
- Windsor projects in 2024
- Windsor resistance projects