South-Western Ontario newsletter

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Revision as of 12:51, 12 August 2023 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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This page is under development.
Check back soon for updates.
File:WEFringe logo.png
WEFringe logo (coming soon).
This outdated page has been renamed and is being upgraded to co-align with the new South-Western Ontario calendar project.
This page was started in March, paused, then resumed August, 2023.
This page is a work in progress, under development.
Not to be confused with WE Protect Freedom!
Not to be confused with WEFringe group email lists.
Not to be confused with WEFringe monthly birthday celebrations.

WEFringe monthly newsletter (current working title), is a monthly newsletter project of and by the people of Windsor and Essex County, Ontario, Canada, with a focus on sharing critical information to prepare for the worst while hoping and striving for the best while resisting and fighting the tyranny of government and corporate overreach.

Working title

The name of this project, WEFringe newsletter, is a temporary title to work with for now, until it is soon replaced with the long-term name and new branding. Outlined below on this page are the open contests for the best name, slogan, and branding ideas.

Newsletter goals

Goals coming soon.

Production management

Production management details coming soon.


Communication details coming soon.


Development details coming soon.


Outreach details coming soon.
  • reach out to all groups and political parties in Windsor and Essex County
  • only share what you want to share with the world
  1. 1st request (optional) for each group
    • name
    • purpose
    • location
    • meeting times / schedules / calendar of upcoming events
    • group name
  2. 2nd request (optional) for each group
    • submit an article or few, from a paragraph to a half-page
  3. 3rd request (optional) for each group
    • submit a cartoon, comic, design, graphic, illustration, image, meme, or photo
    • provide source
    • get permission if possible
  4. 4th request (optional) for each group
    • consider and discuss if we want overarching themes for newsletters
  5. 5th request (optional) for each group
    • consider and discuss whether we want to advertise or promote anything
    • consider and discuss what rules and guides we might establish in a charter
  6. 6th request (optional) for each group
    • help review the content
    • help format the content
    • help publish the content
      1. present on Projex.Wiki
      2. email
      3. PDFs may be self-printed by anyone anywhere
      4. print out and...
      5. ...distribute
      6. perhaps future performers may read the newsletters in audio and/or video shows


Submission outline details coming soon.

☐☑ draft optional requests

Community submissions

Community submission details coming soon.

Individual submissions

Individual submission details coming soon.

Editing and layout

Editing and layout details coming soon.


Publishing details coming soon.


Support details coming soon.


Funding details coming soon.


Merchandise details coming soon.

Branding guide

Branding guide details coming soon.

Open contests

Open contest details coming soon.

Name-branding contest

Name-branding contest details coming soon.

Slogan contest

Slogan contest details coming soon.

Branding and design contest

Branding and design contest details coming soon.

Newsletter names, slogans, and submitters

Potential newsletter brand-names and submitters, so far:

  • Duck & Cover
    Many deeper layers and meanings to this title.
    + duck reading, and could lean on retro/vintage stylizations ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Fringe Examiner
    + magnifying glass + theme ~ Jason Carswell
    WEFringe: We the 'Fringe' Majority, of Windsor & Essex County.
    Fighting for freedom, preparing for the worst, hoping and striving for the best.
    • Iconic hand holding magnifying glass over maple leaf monthly reveals different things: "Tyranny", Eye of Providence Over Pyramid, carpet fringe, ze bugz, etc.
    • Potential themes: "Cens*rsh!p & Pr*paganda", "No World Order", "Surveilling The State Of Things", "Voluntarism & Voluntaryism", etc.
  • The Maple Fringe
    ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Truth-Seeker
    + lighthouse logo, ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Media Is The Moose-age
    + moose design ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Vigilant Beaver
    + beaver design ~ Jason Carswell
  • True North Grit
    ~ Ray Potvin & Jason Carswell

Contest prizes

Contest prize details coming soon.