WE Protect Freedom!

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Revision as of 20:16, 2 August 2023 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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File:WE Protect Freedom! logo.png
WE Protect Freedom! logo (coming soon).
The ultimate truth:
All governments are inherently evil, corrupted, secretive, manipulative, divisive, exploitative, abusive, violent, and excessively murderous, with (s)elected puppet "leaders" rigging all entwined systems to serve psychotic Machiavellian elites for full spectrum dominance waged upon their own citizens with their bankster-media-military-industrial-academic-corporatocracy.
File:Ray's Hierarchy Of Improvement.png
Ray's Hierarchy Of Improvement.

Necessity is the mother of invention, poverty is the mother of necessity.
Guilt loves company more than misery.
The Evolution Of War shirt design, worn by one of the Druthers guys.
Robert's Rules of Order, manual of parliamentary procedure, first edition, 1876.
These pages will change and evolve over time, preferably with your input. Check back for developments.
Not to be confused with WEFringe group email lists.

" We're still here and not going away until things change. " ~ Sherri

WE Protect Freedom! groups openly organize #Actions, #Communications, and #Resources for local freedom and prepper communities' networking in Windsor and Essex County.

After discussing this for years, for the first time we're finally clearly rebranding, reorganizing, and redefining ourselves in the do-ocracy spirit (do-ocracy).

WE Protect Freedom! may be a comprehensive way to civilly organize, clarify fundamentals, positively rebrand ourselves, engage our members, better grow our numbers, and visibly and/or financially support our freedom groups.

In short the goal of this framework outline is to provide the community choices that may fall on or between these extremes:

  • bottom-up decentralized self-lead community - top-down centralized authority
  • altruistic concern for humanity - selfish desire for control
  • clear goals and definitions - ambiguous identity and purpose
  • cooperation and collaboration - acquiescence and obedience
  • effective public relations - remain unnoticed and impotent
  • crowd-sourced motivations - executive leadership dictates
  • self-organized action - passive following along
  • roadmap documentation - whimsy of the moment
  • informed consent - trickle down awareness
  • our community - the leader's group
  • having a say - going along
  • inclusivity - obedience
  • voluntary - no say
  • unity - hierarchy
  • open - private

What kind of society do you want? Why not make it happen?

This wiki page is intended to be as clear as possible in common parlance (avoiding legalese trickery), and as short as possible while removing as much room for error or misinterpretation as possible in comprehensive detail. If any wording accidentally, incidentally, and/or unconsciously employs any legalese, loopholes, or lax room for question we should expose it and clearly resolve it as soon as possible, like any respectable open-source endeavour would.

This crowd-sourced, open-source, transparent organization may be a template for other groups or projects to emulate, modify, and utilize as they see fit.

Don't be shy. More ideas, suggestions, and input are are very welcome as they can only improve how we organize our group, actions, branding, communications, and resources. Even bad ideas lead to better ones, and there's not always a single course of action.

First draft

Currently these two pages are just an evolving first draft pitch by Jason Carswell that will be presented to our communities for consideration, further input, development, improvements, tweaking, and hopefully for wider acceptance and implementation. This living document may evolve and change over time, yet it includes an immutable history of revisions ("view history" at the top of every wiki page).

Naturally and always, everyone is welcome to get a Projex.Wiki account to edit and contribute to these wiki pages (we'll soon host wiki classes), or you may interact via email, phone, or in person with Jason or others who will improve these wiki pages with your contributions.

Hopefully this developmental process on these WE Protect Freedom! and branding developments wiki pages will yield a cornerstone constitution (with room for amendments), powerful branding, and our community strengthened by distributed management, open organizing, improved communications, insightful analysis, preparation for sustainable growth, and greater fortifications against tyranny.

Our brand name

Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Recognize it or not, strong branding is critical in our modern age - especially when attempting to counter the corporatocracy's avalanche of brainwashing, distraction, division, deception, manipulation, and propaganda.

The name or title, "WE Protect Freedom!", is not written in stone nor printed on cards, yet, so this name, title, and branding project may come to nothing and be abandoned - or may remain, evolve, and/or thrive. Time will tell.

Why rebrand and reorganize?
Find out on the branding developments page.

Windsor and Essex County

The "WE" (all capitalized) of Windsor & Essex County was arrived at for the WEFringe group email lists and seemed like a catchy, clever gimmick to carry over. (Folks are welcome to disagree and express other ideas.) "WEFringe" is meant to be as clear and as short as possible for the group email title.


The "Freedom Fighters" term is not clear at all and needs improving.

  • Fighting for freedom? Or fighting against freedom?
  • Fighting with words? Fighting with fists? Fighting with nukes?
  • Why so angry? Why fight in a peace movement?

For good branding, all confusions and negatives should be avoided, including all associations with violence and fighting.


"Protect Freedom!" remains a peaceful, positive, actionable statement of resistance and opposition to all kinds of tyranny - the mafia government puppet "leadership" as well as the status quo establishment of banksters, corporate monopolies, the ruling class and their deep state, their matrix of rigged systems of deception, manipulation, exploitation, oppression, and extermination, and all orders of authoritarian overreach, corruption, and despotism - from local to global.

Four versions

All four versions may employ the same design motifs, whether those developed below or future motifs.

Globally, the first two versions may be sold world wide to raise funds for our causes, once designed and applied to merchandise. Hopefully with any luck, as open-source projects, these memetic ideas outlined below may inspire an effective world wide phenomenon with an organic life of its own.

Locally, we'll have our own two or more versions to be proud of and self-identify with.

Founding principles

Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Our official classification

Just because concepts are being clarified here to formalize a collective consensus and awareness about ourselves clearly here doe

The official status of our group is that we will never register with the government in any capacity because we believe mafia-government overreach, regulations, surveillance, and taxation are among the greatest problems facing humanity. Why volunteer your address to be targeted by the enemy?

We have yet to solidly verify (via reliable legal council) that an "open society" or "private society" is safe classification terminology for our group in Common Law and is not bound by government standards, legal restrains, or defining criteria, as are typically necessary for other group titles such as a charity, church, cooperative (coop), limited liability corporations (LLC), non-governmental organizations (NGO), etc.

It may be worth discussing creating other parallel registered group(s) to reap whatever benefits that classification status may facilitate, including community and grant funding, access to public resources, discounts, tax benefits, etc. This concept has been discussed and is commonly utilized by community centers, charities, and media production. Whether it's worth it to dance with the devil is a whole other discussion

See also

Core functions and goals

Section mirrored on WE Protect Freedom! branding developments

For maximum efficacy this WE Protect Freedom! defining and branding process requires revisiting and reconsidering our freedom groups' core functions and goals, including:

  1. organize, engage, and network our members, groups, actions, events, and resources
  2. clearly communicate and openly share our fundamental values, concerns, information, and ambitions
  3. expand growth of members, alliances, public awareness/visibility, community abilities, and community resources

Understanding and organization of these core functions can be shared clearly outlining our mission, among members as well as the public, be printed in materials, documented online, referenced in press releases, and apply to fundraising merchandise to greater or lesser extents.

What we're about

Below lists have been started to help clearly define what we're about.


  • balance, peace, and voluntary interactions
  • FOEPATCH inclusive social management
    FOEPATCHISM = Fair, Open, Ethical, Peaceful, Accountable, Transparent, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive Social Management - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.
  • freedoms (assembly, autonomy, choice, communications, DIY, economic, expression, independence, mobility, satire, self-reliance, sharing, skepticism, etc.)
  • human rights (employment, food, housing, security, etc. See also: Maslow's hierarchy of needs)
  • Natural Law (do not deceive/lie, harm, murder, steal, transgress, trespass against others)
  • communications and promotion of alternatives, corruption exposure, counter-propaganda, freedoms (above), free-thinking & truth-seeking, and solutions
  • sustainability (community, cultural, economic, energy, environmental, family, food, pan-generation stability, etc.)


  • agendas that sound good but are Trojan horses of evil driven by fear mongering hysteria (Agenda 21 now the Sustainable Development Goals (aka Agenda 2030), censorship, climate scams, depopulation agendas, divisive agendas, equity agendas, ESG (environment, social, governance) agenda for globalists' corporations, Trans agendas, UBI (universal basic income) traps, Woke agenda, Victimhood supremacy, Zionism, etc)
  • child harm and sexualization
  • corruption
  • corporatocratic greed at the expense of humanity
  • crimes against humanity
  • evil acts (coercion, corruption, deception, manipulation, theft, exploitation, violent harm, extermination)
  • injustice
  • kakistocracy
  • mafia governments that abuse their monopoly on violence
  • medical tyranny
  • open borders (at least until the deep state and military industrial complex stop mass murder, exploitation, supporting tyranny, and meddling in foreign affairs)
  • totalitarianism (authoritarianism, capitalist-extremism, communism, extremism, fascism, socialist-extremism)
  • toxic pollutants (environmental, food, products, radiation, etc.)
  • unbridled consumer culture (artificially manufactured and manipulated from the top down, yet blaming the individual)
  • war


Free-thinking individuals of our community may be unclear, may disagree, may not even debate, or may have diverse ideas on these issues:

  • abortion
  • aid
  • anti-gun vs pro-gun
  • authority, community management, and top-down governance
  • avarice, greed, selfishness
  • body, drugs, fitness, food, health, medicine, and wellness
  • capitalism, socialism, and many more -isms
  • education
  • employment
  • environment stewardship
  • faiths (and/or atheism)
  • finance
  • political party affiliations
  • taxes


  • advocate any forms of aggression and violence,
    • yet we must employ self-defense when necessary.
  • aim to take down the government.
    • This would defy the voluntaryist idea that folks may be free to choose to believe propaganda, be ignorant, and enslave themselves.
  • force people to believe or do anything.


Pending consensus validation by community folks.

All human beings in our loosely formed open community are on equal footing. Yet to be efficient and effective we must collectively arrive at decisions expediently - thus a reliable and trustworthy core management team should help. Like it or not, a single "leader" is a single point of failure, whether it's absence, corruption, inability, self-interests, or whatever. A small steering committee may self-manage their agendas, arrangements, schedules, etc. and inclusively communicate with subgroups (see #Subgroups below) and the larger community. (Naturally folks remain free to create their own associations and private societies structured differently.)


Establish a steering committee (core team, executive council, or whatever label) of at least five people.

  1. chair (may be a rotating position)
  2. vice chairs
  3. secretary
  4. treasurer


  • Anyone may call for a committee election at any meeting.
  • Anyone may nominate themselves or others at any meeting.
  • Committee members are free to skip meetings as they see fit when others can cover.
  • Committee members are responsible for distributing work and responsibilities with each other and the community to prevent overload, overwork, stress, etc.
  • Committee members are responsible for keeping each other and the community informed.
  • Committee members must be inclusive, openly transparent, and communicate clearly with the community, subgroups, other communities, and the public.
  • Committee members must never be closed off, elevated, nor Machiavellian.
  • Committee members should all be updated on everything equally and be able to fill in any position.
  • Committee members should number at least five.
  • No matter the number of committee members, all must be kept in the loop.
  • These criteria may evolve.
  • We may develop processes to retire committee members.


  • maintain and share agendas
  • maintain and share minutes
  • maintain order at the meetings
  • refine and share meeting rules/guidelines
  • run meetings

Potential duties

  • be as inclusive, open, and transparent as possible
  • calendar management
  • communications and networking with members, individuals, groups, and other communities
  • community organizing and management
  • community outreach
  • develop clear definitions and limits on issues with the community
    • organizing on this wiki page is a start
    • is recording of meetings or events permitted and under what conditions
    • what content is for personal/group/public/global consumption
  • event planning and execution
  • manage resources
  • oversee newsletters
  • oversee public relations (press releases, social media, websites, etc)
  • oversee subgroups
  • share all developments with the larger community

Meeting management

Pending consensus validation by community folks.

The goal: maintain order at the meetings.

Some of these ideas may be embraced, rejected, or linger on the fence, be rarely used, occasionally employed, or become mainstays - but all will require patience and practice to build up our collective better habits for more productive meetings.

To foster better respect and courtesy between folks its prudent that folks not interrupt speakers just as speakers should respect the community's limited time - thus we'd like to develop good habits with interruption and interjection mediation protocols.

Chair control

  • chair could signal with a call bell rather than a gavel
    1 bell = 5 minutes to meeting / end of presentation time / quiet, attention please!
    2 bells = 2 minutes to meeting / presentation 30 seconds over / interruption
    3 bells = 30 seconds to meeting / presentation 1 minute over
    4 bells = we're about to meeting / quiet, attention please!
  • talking stick?

Hand signals

  1. applause-hands (an element of participatory democracy used by the Occupy Movement )
  2. raised fingers
    • will wait for recognition from the chair
    • has something to say eventually (while not interrupting)
    • Make notes or potentially forget points while waiting!
    1 finger = one point to make
    2 fingers = two points to make
    3 fingers = three points to make
    • Lowered fingers indicate it's been covered or the moment has passed.
  3. urgent hands
    • Hands raised high outstretched above the head indicate urgency to express a short detail, correction, an interjection, etc. - while not yet interrupting.
  4. other ?

Ideally speaking

  • Ideally the person speaking should project their voice well.
    • Why bother speaking if you're not going to be heard?
    • Especially as some are hard of hearing.
  • Ideally the person speaking should stand.
  • Ideally with larger groups we'll have amplification gear for the speaker.
  • Ideally with much larger groups we'll have amplification gear for questions.


  1. pre-meeting: distribute PostIts + pens
  2. write down notes and questions rather than interrupt/interject
  3. post-meeting: collect PostIts + pens for future meetings


A quorum is the minimal number of officers and members of a committee or organization, usually a majority, who must be present for valid transaction of business. The "requirement for a quorum is protection against totally unrepresentative action in the name of the body by an unduly small number of persons." In contrast, a plenum is a meeting of the full body. A body, or a meeting, or vote of it, is quorate if a quorum is present (or casts valid votes).

Currently this concept (and this wiki page) may be overkill. However, if our community grows we should be ready to employ fair management and protective safeguard tools like this.

The committee and/or community may develop the various criteria, classifications, and define the minimum number as well as the circumstances for a quorum.


For more ideas on efficient meeting discipline:


Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Agenda time slots

  1. uninterrupted presentations
  2. formal Q&A back and forth periods
  3. casual discussion periods
  • establish time constraints
    • scheduled in agenda
    • measure time or not?
      • clock display, egg timer, flip book, signage, other manual time indicator, etc.
  • develop flexibility protocols
    • balance - over-rigidity can be as bad as no discipline
    • how to ask for more time?
    • how to grant more time with a silent signal?

Agenda usage

(These points may also apply to organizing rallies and other events.)

  1. Agendas should be compiled leading up to the meeting.
  2. Agendas should be shared with folks before the meeting. (via email, online?, etc.)
  3. Agendas should be flexible for adjustments and last minute additions.
  4. Minutes should be recorded during the meeting.
  5. Minutes should be shared with folks after the meeting. (via email, online?, etc.)

Agendas should feature

  1. Opening declaration.
  2. Reading of the agenda.
  3. Reading of the last meeting's minutes.
  4. Uninterrupted presentations.
    Each presentation may optionally be followed by:
    • Formal Q&A, as necessary, up to a cutoff time.
    • Casual discussion, as necessary, up to a cutoff time.
  5. Actionable summary. (Organize actions, event schedules, homework, recommended reading/viewing, research, to-do lists. )
  6. Announcements.
  7. Calendar.
  8. Review of and improvements to the minutes.
  9. Closing declaration.
  10. Casual discussion and disbursement.

Community members' preparation duties

Find out what information should be reviewed or researched, as was discussed at the previous meeting and included in the minutes. A brief summary may be presented for absent folks to catch up, but we can't get mired down hashing over the same old material.

Feel free to come up with new presentations to add to Wednesday's agenda that we should email out Tuesday afternoon.

A new presentation may be as simple as a factoid, a plea, a question, a statement, or a topic to ponder, discuss, or research.

Keep presentations as short as possible while being as clear as necessary.

Presentations should NOT be anything that could be digested as homework (ie. articles, books, clips, documentaries, music, videos, etc.).

Rather than discussing and debating issues to death, try to answer questions by pointing to brief documentation and strong references.

2023-08-02 meeting agenda

It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Everyone is welcome to contact Jason or Sherri to add their presentations to this agenda, or be added to the list in person. We're only beginning to learn, put into practice, and intentionally bring more civilized efficient order and effective action for greater results. Please read the recommended reading before the meeting. Ray will print out 20 copies of a simplified version of the more detailed online agenda.

We can try to start the meeting on time, keep it to 60 minutes or 90 minutes max, 120 minutes under extreme circumstances. The following time allotments minutes are guesstimates to keep us on track and for the chair to maintain a schedule at their discretion. Unfortunately we the Q&A + discussions won't be as long as folks may want - but they are free to network to discuss outside the meetings.

This singular meeting and agenda is an experiment in action and organization. Nothing here is written in stone. If people hate it, dislike most of it, appreciate some of it, or actually enjoy many aspects of it, meetings hereafter may reference and utilize whatever elements they wish. Meetings like this won't ever happen again - unless people want it.

  1. 00-01 Read: Agenda.
  2. 01-03 Read: Last Minutes.
  3. 03-04 Q&A + discussion
  4. 04-07 Ray : Meeting management: PostIts, uninterrupted presentations, chair controls, hand gestures, etc.
  5. 07-10 Q&A + discussion
  6. 10-13 Jason : Terminology: Do-ocracy.
    • Over a year ago at the Green Room, the do-ocracy concept was appreciated after being introduced by Jason who learned of it via autonomous Burning Man communities.
    • Jason mirrored an existing CommunityWiki article then forked it by adding a few paragraphs to Do-ocracy.
    • Doing things without engaging, including, and involving the larger group will only ever be self-interest projects cloaked as community work.
    • Informed discussion without action is just as effective at resisting tyranny as cowardice, inaction, and ignorance.
    • Ambitious or not, finished or not, large or not, recent or not, successful or not - all of Jason's efforts are "authorized", founded in, and justified by our do-ocracy principles.
    • These concepts along with the room and long overdue need for change, organization, and action are the fundamental catalysts that ignited Jason's current explosion of development activity. Not to mention the global perpetual war demanding effective resistance.
  7. 13-18 Q&A + discussion
  8. 18-23 Pastor Alin : Outdoor church + police.
  9. 23-28 Q&A + discussion
  10. 28-33 Don Miller : Doug Ford is coming to Windsor.
  11. 33-36 Jason : Presentation: Why we need strong branding, a basic introduction to motivations before we even look at and dissect graphic designs. (See also: branding developments)
  12. 36-39 Q&A + discussion
  13. 39-42 Jason : Presentation: Drilling down to define what we're about, an initial overview of WE Protect Freedom! issues for consideration and future development discussions. Impossible time constraints force us to deal with, discuss, and resolve these across future meetings:
    • Better organizing our agendas, goals, management, etc.
    • Initiate actions, calendars, event planning, mission statements, etc.
    • Preparing assignments, homework, research, etc. in order that knowledgeable people come prepared to meetings for actionable organizing, rather than needing teaching or just socializing. (We may form a social group if we like - or leave this as a social group and form an action group. Perhaps revive the Sanctuary Social Club?)
  14. 42-45 Q&A + discussion
  15. 45-47 Jason : Discussion: How open do we want to be? Starting the conversation.
    • Keep our community informed of what we meet about.
    • Keep it open for folks to join (anticipating and preparing for infiltrators).
    • Share information openly online (ie. Projex.Wiki, FreedomAllianceCanada.ca), in emails, and Facebook.
    • What information is not open, private, or needs guarding?
  16. 47-52 Q&A + discussion
  17. 52-54 Jason : Meeting management: Running meetings efficiently with civility - A Short Guide to Consensus Building.pdf verses Robert's Rules of Order
  18. 54-57 Q&A + discussion
  19. 57-58 Jason : Meeting management: Establish time constraints for presentations, develop flexibility protocols, get a call bell, and improve the #Agendas documentation.
  20. 58-59 Q&A + discussion
  21. 60-65 Jason : Read: Potential future agenda items. Even if these potential future agenda items haven't yet been presented, folks may want to be aware of upcoming topics, research them, get involved, get prepared, and/or have more to add.
  22. 65-70 Q&A + discussion
Last minute additional presenters (1-5 minutes each at discretion of the chair)
Q&A + discussion (1-5 minutes each at discretion of the chair)
  1. 70-71 Read: Actionable summary. (Organize actions, event schedules, homework, recommended reading/viewing, research, to-do lists. )
  2. 71-73 Announcements.
  3. 73-74 Calendar.
Last minute announcements and calendar additions
  1. 74-75 Q&A + discussion
  2. 75-77 Review of minutes and add improvements.
  3. 78 Closing declaration.
  4. 79 Casual discussion and disbursement.


  • Jason & Don : Maybe Thursday project.
  • Jason : We need to find a new meeting space.
    • Brown's Lounge will be resuming card games in the back room on Wednesdays soon.
  • Jason : Classes at the Windsor Media Centre.
    • Currently: Flim Camp For Kids until the end of August. Can still join.
    • Free 2-day animation class & 40 minute video in August, taught by Jason.
    • 10-day animation class in October, taught by Jason.
    • Other classes to set up or request?
      • Wiki basics, cryptocurrency basics, gardening basics, computing basics, prepping basics, etc.
    • Other scheduled WMC classes?
    • Should have gotten more info Monday night. Can email for it.
  • Jason & Mike : May make a road trip to Toronto to meet with Druthers folks.
    • But first the screenplay needs work.
    • To discuss Mike's short video.
    • To discuss Jason's comic strip pitches and/or illustrations.
    • May record a brief interview, may write up a general promotional article about Druthers, and may begin an encyclopedic Druthers article for non-censoring wikis (as a Wikipedia article was censored by User:Nick Moyes on 2021-11-28).

Bonus material

Recommended reading

New websites


These seminars may be worth checking out as a group or individually.

  • Kelly paid for a Dr. V.A. Shiva course that we could do as a group, like a class.
  • Frequent guest on The Corbett Report, Benny Wills "The Self Reliant Way"
    "Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the manhood of every one of its members. Self reliance is its aversion." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Potential future agenda items

Even if these potential future agenda items haven't yet been presented, folks may want to be aware of upcoming topics, research them, get involved, get prepared, and/or have more to add.

  1. Jason : Presentation: Branding, ongoing presentation and discussion. (See also: branding developments)
  2. Jason : Discussion, event planning, management, and networking resources: Who wants to plan and organize future events as well as establish our calendar of events?
    • Openly share the calendar online aggregated in one place that may then be copied, decentralized, linked, mirrored, propagated, referenced, etc.
    • Include participation with overlapping and regional communities, political parties, groups, and individuals to share whatever they wish, on their terms, with minimal conditions or strings attached.
    • Perhaps create other private calendars?, for reasons yet to be discussed and determined.
    • Example events: Future guests, Labour Day plans, Halloween Party, protests, rallies, social events, etc.
    • Start by organizing our calendar and lists, perhaps on a spreadsheet, featuring event categories, guest categories, featured local folks, topical issues, notable dates and anniversaries, needs, wants, wishes, resources, peripheral pavilions, other communities, volunteers, and communications.
  3. Jason & Others : Discussion and brainstorming: Future Alarms For Sheeple! Develop a campaign of simple slogans, signs, cards, flyers, etc. to preemptively predict and attack the Great Reset with the Great Rejection and Great Resistance - focusing on future weaponized problems (15 Minute Cities, Starvation Agenda, Currency, Housing, Immigration, Drugs, Crime, Grooming, etc.)
  4. Jason : Discussion and brainstorming: Common Law ideas, education, resources, etc.
  5. Jason : Discussion, event planning, management, and networking resources: Who wants to plan, organize, and establish our cross-community newsletter?
    • Openly share the newsletter online along side a downloadable self-printable version.
    • Include participation with overlapping and regional communities, political parties, groups, and individuals to share whatever they wish, on their terms, with minimal conditions or strings attached.
    • Newsletter contributions would cover who they are, actions, events, future plans, goals, ideas, etc. with a focus on freedom actions (resisting tyranny) and prepping (alternatives, analysis, arts, autonomy, care, communications, community, culture, defense, DIY, economics, education, employment, energy, entertainment, faith, food security, gardening, health, homesteading, helping, information, justice, local news, making, organizing, politics, resources, solutions, transportation).
  6. Jason & Don : Discussion: The ugly reality about the future of transportation. Get to know mechanics and/or invest in reliable used cars. Electric cars are set to divide the rich from the rest in the dust. (see also Windsor and Essex County transportation resources)
  7. Jason : Presentation: Three parallel DIY alternative community economics not dependent on the Internet or establishment currencies.
    1. Foster and promote the gifting economy ethos
    2. Develop a decentralized distributed time bank
    3. Jason's original idea for a decentralized distributed alt-bank network with a gold-tied community-based currency-ledger system.
  8. Jason : Discussion: Community storefront ideas, dreams, and options in Essex County.
    • More on this coming sooner or later. Have already had countless discussions with many folks. This is a big complex idea. As is...
  9. Jason : Discussion: Community homesteading ideas, dreams, and options in Essex County.
    • In a perfect world our dream compound may include: ample housing, artisan studios, cooking facilities, education facilities (for children and adults), elder care, energy facilities (biodiesel, hydro, solar, wind, etc), entertainment facilities, makers' workshops, mechanic facilities, obtanium resource management and storage units, organic gardening/farming, organic pond(s), technology facilities, trailer park, welding, etc.
  10. Jason : Proposal: Establish community-based monthly-inflation measurement teams - because our governments are unreliable liars.
  11. Jason & Ray : Proposal: Community preparedness coordinations.


more coming
See also: newsletter


  • access:
    • open
    • private
    • guarded
  • functions:
    • events past - present - future
    • notes, organized in parallel
      • goals vs projects
    • tasks
  • overlap:
    • communities
    • newsletters


Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Our freedom / prepper community members have different goals to accomplish, talents or resources to share, and areas of interests and projects to dive into - but few have time to "do it all". In an effort to better manage our motivation, time, energy, and resources this is a proposal to branch into subgroups to focus on specific group-based agendas that may naturally overlap. These subgroups may drill into the details of topics to present their summaries and conclusions to the larger community.

Initially it seems prudent to simply come up with three groups: Actions, Communications, Resources.

Folks may propose other, better, or preferable ways to do subgroups.

Actions group

  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Fundamentals
    • community networking within and with other groups
    • community support
    • family support and resources
    • managing our groups
    • sharing resources
  • Organizing events
    • activism
    • event planning
    • local actions
    • media planning
    • protests
    • rallies
    • securing justice
    • social events
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Communications group

  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Original product development and management
    • conceptualization
    • creation, creative expressions, counter-propaganda, and public relations
    • editing
    • media printing, production, and publishing
      • arts, audio, books, business cards, flyers, newsletters, podcasts, press releases, print, social media, stickers, video, websites, etc.
    • distribution
    • funding
    • merchandizing
      • branding, business cards, flyers, stickers, T-shirts, etc.
  • Mediums
    • archival
      • libraries, online archives, online resources, etc.
    • arts
    • emergency communications gear
    • digital media
      • audio, e-books, e-flyers, e-newsletters, podcasts, press releases, social media, video, websites, etc.
    • platforms
    • printed media
      • books, business cards, flyers, newsletters, press releases, stickers, etc.
    • tech gear
      • research, classes, funding, etc.
  • Maintain networks
    • communications networks
      • email groups, lo-fi alternatives (walkie talkies), network protocols, online resources, secure email, etc.
    • community networking within and with other groups
      • automate, batch, script, and roadmap as necessary
      • backup and archive
      • cross mediums and bridge platforms to share information so that no one is left out, regardless how much or little technology is utilized
      • distribute and decentralize
      • grant privacy permissions
    • emergency networks
    • food networks
    • health networks
    • obtanium networks (get, give, need, want)
    • resource networks
    • social media networks
    • social networks
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Resources group

  • Community networking within and with other groups
  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Economics
    • currencies, employment, markets and trade, etc.
  • Energy and transportation
    • batteries, car pooling, fuel, vehicles, etc.
  • Family support and resources
  • Food security
    • distribution networks, gardening, organic farms, etc.
  • Health and wellness
    • care and nursing, emergency networks, fitness, mental health, nutrition, etc.
  • Housing and homesteading
  • Making and obtanium
    • building supplies, raw resources, repair, upcycling, etc.
  • Prepping
    • emergency networks, forecasting, storage, supply management, etc.
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Socials group

more coming soon

This page is under development.
Check back soon for updates.


more coming

Community organizing

more coming
Wikipedia: Community organizing

Community organizing concepts and standard terminology can help us operate on the same page.

Community venue ideas

Event planning

Windsor Premier Cruises boat.
Contact: 519.250.3999
more coming

We need to plan our next events, starting by organizing our calendar and lists, perhaps on a spreadsheet featuring event categories, guest categories, featured local folks, topical issues, needs, wants, wishes, resources, peripheral pavilions, other communities, volunteers, communications.


more coming


more coming


more coming

Fundraising ideas

more coming
See Initial brand usage ideas on branding developments.'

See also