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Projex.Wiki is powerful resource-manager for organizing, hosting, and presenting wiki-based projects of all kinds, including freedom-minded projects, global projects, group projects, and personal projects of any sort.

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Random hurried notes and thoughts, timestamped.


Druthers wanted

If you would like a compiled but incomplete set of Druthers issues, contact Jason@Projex.Wiki.

These are the specific issues wanted to aggregate into fuller (or even complete) collections:

  • Issues #1-14,
  • Issues #16, #18, #19, #23
  • Jul '23 #32 x34
  • Aug '23 #33 x43
  • Sep '23 #34 x24
  • Oct '23 #35 x28
  • Nov '23 #36 x28
  • Dec '23 #37 x59
  • Jan '24 #38 x57
  • Feb '24 #39 x59
  • Apr '24 #41 x80

2023 For Colleen: May, July, Aug, Sept, Oct

Action ideas:

  • Druthers fast-distribution in mall parking lots, neighbourhoods, or efficiently strategic mass deliverable locations
  • Illuminate political billboards (Irek, etc.) reflect sunlight or project "LIES!" while flying cautionary banners and distributing Druthers

Group Action Goals

  • For counter-propaganda, we must get ahead of the Next Big Thing™s brainwashing messaging. It's not complicated. Simply cultivate skepticism of officials and official narratives.
  • To recruit and grow, we must drag the net, sort the catch, discard all net-loss losers (energy-wasters & time-sucks), and grow the ranks of effective action fringe folks.
  • Action is greater than talk for effectively resisting tyranny.
    • Talk about ideologies, politics, science, and tyranny of the past, present, and potential future - is NOT ACTION.
    • Talk about COVID/lockdown/vaccine war stories (everyone has many) for therapy - is NOT ACTION.
    • Talk about not being divided is unrealistic. Alternatively, we can accept that we are all different, are not a hive mind, and we can embrace our "diversity" to focus and unite on issues we care about more effectively. In a do-ocracy the do-ers make stuff happen and may or may not invite others to assist or for support. Everyone is free to 1) help the do-ers, 2) do their own thing, 3) complain, 4) shut up.
  • New meetings will feature:
    1. Opening introduction
    2. Action issues (events/causes)
    3. Awareness issues (sharing/teaching)
    4. Unscheduled presentations (sharing/teaching)
    5. Questions & Answers
    6. Closing summaries
    7. Social time

Ideas for signs

  • If you are against tyranny, coercion, corruption, exploitation, injustice, mafia governments, monopolies, propaganda, war, and evil you need to have a psychological examination. /sarcasm
  • Government tyranny is worsening, regardless of votes - Left, Right, or not at all. TAKE ACTION!
  • If you can't see the propaganda, YOU are the target. If you do see propaganda, you're still not safe. TAKE ACTION!
  • TRUMP first forced the lockdowns (when even I could see how disastrous it would be). Biden is no better. The Left and Right are just party wings of the same war-hawk deep-state uni-party.

Santa Libertas

  • Santa runs for office.
    • Santa for education counselor.
    • Santa for mayor.
    • Santa for premiere.
    • Santa for prime minister.
    • Santa for president.
    • Santa for global emperor.


  • Billboard / bus stop ad rental
  • Political billboard illuminations
  • Mobile rally unit in a wagon (deep-cycle battery, inverter, mic(s), speaker(s), video screens, PC, cameras, cooler, soapbox/stage)
  • SSL + Email + Client
  • Shipping container storage
  • Goldbacks


  • Animated like Terry Gilliam's Monty Python's Flying Circus, featuring Shepard Fairey-like art work, and Get Your War On vicious humour and critical political analysis, with good (or A.I. generated) voice impressions of famous folks.
  • Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man in the World", featuring MJC and/or Santa Libertas.
  • Parody featuring "Lunch atop a Skyscraper" (not "Empire State building lunch"), a black-and-white photograph taken on September 20, 1932, of eleven ironworkers sitting on a steel beam of the RCA Building, 850 feet (260 meters) above the ground during the construction of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York City. It was a staged photograph arranged as a publicity stunt, part of a campaign promoting the skyscraper.
  • M-Pyre Pox, an allergy to the Globalist Empire, not to be confused with M-Pox or Money Pox


  • Cartoon: Justin Trudeau clinging to power (hanging on to lightning bolt or electric cord / small Justin hanging on to big leg of "power" pants)
  • I Want It All (4:12) ~ Queen? sampled for WEF, WHO, etc.


  • T-shirt: "Look how easy it is to be stupid!" (with LOOK STUPID in large, smaller text in a line, all underlined with the bottom underline saying "when you follow & support tyranny."
    JJ: I would not - because as a member of that centuries old team of misfits (merchants/bankers), I' know that the average citizen today, as is in days gone past, are followers.
    JJ: Stupidity is so very easy.
    MJC: That would make a good T-shirt... "Look how easy it is to be stupid!" [text messaging with John Jones]
  • Voluntaryist crest shield flag motto design.


  • Sign: "---" (Funny & insightful, so good I thought I'd never forget, but did.)
  • Sign: "Projex.Wiki + + Windsor Action Group information and sign-up."
  • Sign: "Tolerate intolerance until intolerable? Then what?"
  • Cartoon: "Corruption & Tyrannical" parody of "Simon & Garfunkel" (Bridge Over Troubled Waters?)


  • "Participate in protecting your own freedom and wisdom! No one else will."