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Random hurried notes and thoughts, timestamped.
Druthers wanted
If you would like a compiled but incomplete set of Druthers issues, contact Jason@Projex.Wiki.
These are the specific issues wanted to aggregate into fuller (or even complete) collections:
- Issues #1-14,
- Issues #16, #18, #19, #23
- Jul '23 #32 x34
- Aug '23 #33 x43
- Sep '23 #34 x24
- Oct '23 #35 x28
- Nov '23 #36 x28
- Dec '23 #37 x59
- Jan '24 #38 x57
- Feb '24 #39 x59
- Apr '24 #41 x80
2023 For Colleen: May, July, Aug, Sept, Oct
Action ideas:
- Druthers fast-distribution in mall parking lots, neighbourhoods, or efficiently strategic mass deliverable locations
- Illuminate political billboards (Irek, etc.) reflect sunlight or project "LIES!" while flying cautionary banners and distributing Druthers
- 2024-08-29
Group Action Goals
- For counter-propaganda, we must get ahead of the Next Big Thing™s brainwashing messaging. It's not complicated. Simply cultivate skepticism of officials and official narratives.
- To recruit and grow, we must drag the net, sort the catch, discard all net-loss losers (energy-wasters & time-sucks), and grow the ranks of effective action fringe folks.
- Action is greater than talk for effectively resisting tyranny.
- Talk about ideologies, politics, science, and tyranny of the past, present, and potential future - is NOT ACTION.
- Talk about COVID/lockdown/vaccine war stories (everyone has many) for therapy - is NOT ACTION.
- Talk about not being divided is unrealistic. Alternatively, we can accept that we are all different, are not a hive mind, and we can embrace our "diversity" to focus and unite on issues we care about more effectively. In a do-ocracy the do-ers make stuff happen and may or may not invite others to assist or for support. Everyone is free to 1) help the do-ers, 2) do their own thing, 3) complain, 4) shut up.
- New meetings will feature:
- Opening introduction
- Action issues (events/causes)
- Awareness issues (sharing/teaching)
- Unscheduled presentations (sharing/teaching)
- Questions & Answers
- Closing summaries
- Social time
- 2024-08-21
Ideas for signs
- If you are against tyranny, coercion, corruption, exploitation, injustice, mafia governments, monopolies, propaganda, war, and evil you need to have a psychological examination. /sarcasm
- Government tyranny is worsening, regardless of votes - Left, Right, or not at all. TAKE ACTION!
- If you can't see the propaganda, YOU are the target. If you do see propaganda, you're still not safe. TAKE ACTION!
- TRUMP first forced the lockdowns (when even I could see how disastrous it would be). Biden is no better. The Left and Right are just party wings of the same war-hawk deep-state uni-party.
- 2024-08-20
Santa Libertas
- Santa runs for office.
- Santa for education counselor.
- Santa for mayor.
- Santa for premiere.
- Santa for prime minister.
- Santa for president.
- Santa for global emperor.
- 2024-08-20
- Billboard / bus stop ad rental
- Political billboard illuminations
- Mobile rally unit in a wagon (deep-cycle battery, inverter, mic(s), speaker(s), video screens, PC, cameras, cooler, soapbox/stage)
- SSL + Email + Client
- Shipping container storage
- Goldbacks
- 2024-09-04
- Animated like Terry Gilliam's Monty Python's Flying Circus, featuring Shepard Fairey-like art work, and Get Your War On vicious humour and critical political analysis, with good (or A.I. generated) voice impressions of famous folks.
- Dos Equis "The Most Interesting Man in the World", featuring MJC and/or Santa Libertas.
- Parody featuring "Lunch atop a Skyscraper" (not "Empire State building lunch"), a black-and-white photograph taken on September 20, 1932, of eleven ironworkers sitting on a steel beam of the RCA Building, 850 feet (260 meters) above the ground during the construction of Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, New York City. It was a staged photograph arranged as a publicity stunt, part of a campaign promoting the skyscraper.
- M-Pyre Pox, an allergy to the Globalist Empire, not to be confused with M-Pox or Money Pox
- 2024-09-09
- Cartoon: Justin Trudeau clinging to power (hanging on to lightning bolt or electric cord / small Justin hanging on to big leg of "power" pants)
- I Want It All (4:12) ~ Queen? sampled for WEF, WHO, etc.
- 2024-09-12
- T-shirt: "Look how easy it is to be stupid!" (with LOOK STUPID in large, smaller text in a line, all underlined with the bottom underline saying "when you follow & support tyranny."
- JJ: I would not - because as a member of that centuries old team of misfits (merchants/bankers), I' know that the average citizen today, as is in days gone past, are followers.
- JJ: Stupidity is so very easy.
- MJC: That would make a good T-shirt... "Look how easy it is to be stupid!" [text messaging with John Jones]
- Voluntaryist crest shield flag motto design.
- 2024-09-13
- Sign: "---" (Funny & insightful, so good I thought I'd never forget, but did.)
- Sign: "Projex.Wiki + + Windsor Action Group information and sign-up."
- Sign: "Tolerate intolerance until intolerable? Then what?"
- Cartoon: "Corruption & Tyrannical" parody of "Simon & Garfunkel" (Bridge Over Troubled Waters?)
- 2024-09-15
- "Participate in protecting your own freedom and wisdom! No one else will."
- 2024-09-17
- Mystery Science Theatre 3000 type production - but to call out the propaganda in all sorts of films.
- Licensing for corporate media would be financially impossible, but anonymous underground videos could be made, and/or use public domain films.
- To find success and/or longevity, critically you'd need strong writers and a good team to pull it off.
- 2024-09-24
- Windsor combo shoots:
- + " A Message From Our Sponsor"
- + "Electoral Awareness" campaigns - Local; Provincial; National
- + "Freedom Awareness" campaigns - Local; Provincial; National
- + "I Am Canadian"-type parody commercial for Windsor
- + "LeverMind.Net" ads
- + "LeverMind.Productions" ads
- + "LeverMind.Video" ads
- + "LeverMind 001, Overview"
- + "LeverMind 002"
- + "LeverMind 003, Queer Without A Cause"
- + "LeverMind 004, Canadian Political Harassment" (
- + " Maple Fringe Majority", docu series
- + "Projex.Wiki" + "" ads
- + "Santa Libertas" skits
- advice for good little citizens
- binder of phrases, quotes, sayings, etc.
- choreography + poses
- + "Speech Bubbles" skits
- + "Windsor 'Emergency' 2022, The Untold Story", aka the So-called blockade
- draft "LeverMind 003, Queer Without A Cause"
- Truth Paste
- Site name?, .forum, .club, .party
- A pun on toothpaste and horse paste.
- Truth paste for GOATs (greatest of all time).
- The fun with marketing TruthPaste could be spectacular.
- Even weirder: Market LeverMind as if it were TruthPaste!!!
-, Long.One,
- 2024-10-21
- Cartoon: 6 panels
- A: 1) Cop, "Freeze citizen!" 2) "I'm just a criminal." 3) Cop, "You're free to go."
- B: 4) Cop, "Freeze citizen!" 5) "I didn't do anything." 6) Cop, "You're arrested - with all your savings."
- 2024-10-26
Captain Obvious
- Captain Obvious skits
- Bob's boat bobs on the water. Bob's last name is Obvious. Obviously Bob Obvious. He's the captain of his boat.
- "Captain Bob We-Us", with accent pronounced "Ve-Us" ?
- landlocked sea pirate ?
- career shift from boat to fire chief?
- Paper airplanes in street.
- 2024-10-30
May WE Awaken
Relocated to 2025 May WE Awaken, 2024-11-11.
- 2024-11-01
- Just as computers has never been a so technologically advanced science, so too, propaganda and psyops have never been a so manipulatively advanced science.
- 2024-11-14
Marketing to men
- Elon Musk · @elonmusk · Nov 13, 2024
- Exactly
- Just Loki · @LokiJulianus · Nov 12
- Elon getting a bunch of otherwise disengaged young men interested in how the government works is an existential threat to the current system in ways that cannot be quantified.
- I've been thinking on this too recently, and even before the election.
- They're demasculating our culture, making men wimps, making all of us less secure and many defenseless.
- This culture needs to change. And not top-down. And not for stupid reasons or resorting to violence.
- To my point, I want to develop some foundational documentation (a MANifesto?) for us and the world to refer to before and during the starting of a campaign to inspire a global bottom-up movement to be thoughtful, compassionate, active, strong, non-offensive well-defended men with meaningful purpose and joyful fulfillment. Especially young men.
- That's a mouthful that we can work on.
- There is no "I" in "team" - and you can't spell "resistance to and reform of corrupt government" without "men". Just as (((they))) put the "Nazi" in "Ashkenazi".
- Related food for thought:
- Here’s Why Trump WON The Young Men Vote! w/ Lee Fang (17:07) ~ The Jimmy Dore Show, Nov 13, 2024
- Extreme Misogyny: Exposing the Global Myth (1:22:31) ~ Men Are Good!, Oct 23, 2024
- Amala Ekpunobi is also always extremely intelligent, exceptionally insightful, and very fair with based common-sense about all things, including men's issues - but sadly seems focused on click-bait opinion on obvious crap rather than delving into deeper problems, alternatives, and solutions beyond just "everyone be nice".
- ~ posted in
- 2024-11-11 - 2024-11-14
- Be A Man!, Grow Up!, Act Like A Lady!
- Anti-infantilization - new word by MJC.
- Dr. Susan David [...] was talking about emotional intelligence and she brought up a really good point that I think needs to be considered...
- " I like being happy. I'm a pretty happy person but when we push aside normal emotions to embrace false positivity, we lose our capacity to develop skills to deal with the world as as it is, not as we wish it to be."
- I think some of that is what is going on. ~ 16:32 - 17:03
- ~ Why Are Ivy League College Students Being Treated Like Babies Now? (23:15) ~ Truthstream Media, Nov 16, 2024
- Dr. Susan David [...] was talking about emotional intelligence and she brought up a really good point that I think needs to be considered...
- 2024-11-17
- Why is Gen Z so Poor? (29:45) ~ ColdFusion, 2024-11-10
- 2024-11-20
- You don't need permission to
- and you shouldn't need forgiveness.
- but our mafia governments will try to
- demonize your for defending your rights.
- 2024-11-16
Couch Your Words
- *couch your words
- graphic image of couch-sofa flashed on video framing a focus word within
- icon + words to teach people not to be absolutists and qualify viewpoints from being
- words may include:
- Allegedly
- Correlation
- I think
- In my opinion
- Suspicion
- 2024-11-18