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WORK IN PROGRESS! This page is under development. Check back for developments. |
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Feel free to join to help edit Projex.Wiki. |
Global |
- Intro paragraph goes here.
WIP = work in progress
- Intro paragraph goes here.
MediaWiki has been installed.
Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
Getting started
Projex.Wiki to do lists
Bridging to do
Bridging to other sites
Research how to bridge to other sites, as already exists for Wikipedia to other languages.
- Wikis:
- WS : WikiSpooks
- IG : InfoGalactic
- ES : Encyclosphere
- EP : Everipedia
- WP : Wikipedia
- WT : Wiktionary
- WQ : WikiQuote
- WV : WikiVoyage
- WA : Wikia
- SW : Wookiepedia
- CP : Conservapedia
- MP : Metapedia
- RW : Rational Wiki
- etc.
- Websites:
- SI or /s/ : SaidIt
- FI or /f/ : FreedIt
- Ri or /r/ : Reddit
- etc.
- Testing ground: Windsor,_Ontario#Windsor_on_Wikipedia
- Displays two links as [local Projex.Wiki link]([smaller superscript offsite link]):
- Current hack: [[Windsor, Ontario]]<sup>([https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Windsor,_Ontario WP])</sup>
- We may be forced to code as: [[Windsor, Ontario]]<sup>([[:WP:Windsor, Ontario|WP]])</sup>
- Preferred code: [[Windsor, Ontario]][[WP^:Windsor, Ontario]] would display as Windsor, Ontario(WP).
- Preferred only: [[WP:Windsor, Ontario]] would display as Windsor, Ontario with the offsite icon link to Wikipedia without specific indication.
- Note:
- Until WP: is specially defined [[WP:Windsor, Ontario]] displays as a normal link WP:Windsor, Ontario.
- When defined, [[:WP:Windsor, Ontario]] the fore-colon would change the function, most likely to remove the offsite icon (as with Wikipedia links to articles in other languages).
- For example, [[:Category:Windsor, Ontario]] does not trigger the footer category function yet displays a link to that category page: Category:Windsor, Ontario.
- ? Solved with templates ?
- ? Better: Make a universal option list ?
- ? Auto-generated separate page with topical search/subjects/subs links ?
- ? Fetch extant subject/sub results ?
- ? Dropdown list ?
- ? Auto-generated separate page with topical search/subjects/subs links ?
Bridging from other sites
Bridge from other sites, as already exists for Wikipedia to other languages.
- Share solutions with InfoGalactic, WikiSpooks, etc.
- Develop solutions with SaidIt, FreedIt, etc.
Bridging with other sites
- Develop bridge protocols with
- Encyclosphere
- other Cassandra Team platforms
- other sites
- other wikis
Categories to do
- Draft Projex.Wiki:Catgories guidelines
- Organize
- Configure sub-categories to fold/expand/collapse
- Extensions ?
- Templates ?
- Top category always: Categories:Projex.Wiki
Logos to do
- Projex.Wiki logo
design Projex.Wiki logoinstall Projex.Wiki logo- Projex.Wiki logo contest
- improve Projex.Wiki logo
- reinstall Projex.Wiki logo
- design sister project logos
Main Page to do
Emulate other wikis
As a template to build from their page-code and social/site planning may be copypasted for now to evolve or change as necessary.
Front page of InfoGalactic.comFront page of WikiSpooks.com- InfoGalactic:Community_portal
- InfoGalactic:Galactic_boardroom
MediaWiki to do
Extensions to install
SMW Semantic MediaWikik
Templates to install
- {{---}}
- Categories
- Configure sub-categories to fold/expand/collapse
- Citation needed
- Colbegin / colend
- Cquote
- Div col / div col end
- Expand section
- Footer templates (develop with sidebox templates)
- Hatlink templates
- Infobox templates
- Pad templates
- Portal templates
- Project templates
- Sidebox ideas
- Date of last 3 edits and by whom
- Regional nesting as seen on Windsor, Ontario and G.R.O.W.
- Regional nesting will only have one "parent" with multiple "children"
- Topical nesting
- Topical nesting may not be possible with multiple "parents"
- Sidebox templates (develop with footer templates)
- Site map ?
- Categories map ?
Wish List (find/make, install, use)
- archive to/from other platforms?
- embed modules/frames in wiki? (ie. TheLounge chat)
- folding lists (collapsing/expanding without tables)
- icon library(s)
- left margin: make better use of space
- top of each page (auto-generated, above infobox?): last edit, by user, verified?
Projex.Wiki Priority Content To Draft
Projex.Wiki: Main_Page- Projex.Wiki:FAQ Frequently Asked Questions / About
- Projex.Wiki:Goals
- Projex.Wiki:Community
- Projex.Wiki:Access Anon - Private - Public
- Projex.Wiki:Developing Technological Solutions
- Projex.Wiki:Organizing Community Solutions
- Projex.Wiki:Scale Personal - Local - Regional - National - Global
- Projex.Wiki:Mission Statement
- TALLER : Transparency, Anarchism, Liberty, Logic, Evidence, Reason.
- FATSCHOS : Fair, Accountable, Truth-Seeking, Consistent, Honest, Open, Skeptics.
- TALLER FATSCHOS accepts people of all sizes.
- Perhaps we can create a political FATSCHOS Party and a TALLER Religion to believe what we want to with the rights and privileges of other belief systems.
- FOTPACH : Fair, Open, Transparent, Peaceful, Accountable, Consistent, Honest
- Projex.Wiki:Near Plans
- Projex.Wiki:Road Map
- Projex.Wiki:Support
- Projex.Wiki:Accounting - Goal: 100% Transparency
- Projex.Wiki:Donate
- Projex.Wiki:Gear
- Projex.Wiki:Help out
- Projex.Wiki:Wish Lists
- Projex.Wiki:Community
- Projex.Wiki:Outline / Overview
- Projex.Wiki:Platforms
- Cassandra Team development (/s/Cassy)
- Projex.Wiki:Friends of Projex
- Projex.Wiki:Networking
- Projex.Wiki:Platform Wish List
- federated NextCloud instance: ???
- federated PeerTube instance: Volun.Tube
- See also:
- /s/DownTheMemoryHole
- Autonomy BitChute channel
- Down The Memory Hole PeerTube instance
- See also:
- federated Lemmy instance: TruthSeeker.Party
- More utilities:
- Cryptocurrency
- DIY Tutorials
- Plug-n-Play
- Beginner
- Advanced
- Expert
- TOR portals
- Video chat server
- VPN - virtual private network
- VPS - virtual private server + proxy
- Webscrape archive - for our forums' links
- Web store
- YaCy - decentralized search engine
- much more
- Projex.Wiki:Resources
- Projex.Wiki:Management
- Projex.Wiki:Accounting - Goal: 100% Transparency
- Projex.Wiki:Content Expectations & Guides
- Projex.Wiki:Content Rights
- Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
- Projex.Wiki:General disclaimer
- Not sure what should go here. Suggestions welcomed.
- Projex.Wiki:Guidelines & Rules
- Be excellent to one another.
- Not sure what else should go here. Suggestions welcomed.
- Projex.Wiki:Admin Duties
- Projex.Wiki:Admins
- User:d3rr co-admin
- User:Jason_Carswell as co-admin
- User:JasonCarswell as user
- User:Robin co-admin
- pending: User:LarrySwinger co-admin
- pending: User:Optimus84 as co-admin
- Projex.Wiki:Mod Duties
- Projex.Wiki:User Duties
- Projex.Wiki:Policies
- Projex.Wiki has no interest in compromising anyone's privacy.
- Fuck the corporatocracy, secret agencies, governments.
- Projex.Wiki:Privacy policy
- Not sure what else should go here. Suggestions welcomed.
- Projex.Wiki: Projects
Projex.Wiki Priority Content To Draft
- Projects To Draft Outlines
- Alternatives
- Alternative Communications
- Alternative Economics
- Alternative Education
- Alternative Employment
- Alternative Energy
- Alternative Entertainment
- Alternative Food
- Alternative Health
- Alternative Justice
- Alternative Lawfare
- Alternative Media
- /s/AlternativeMedia
- Decentralization
- FLOSS = Free/Libré Open-Source Software
- /s/FLOSS (free/libré open-source software)
- Alternative Networking
- Alternative Politics
- Alternative Resources
- Alternative Resource Management
- Projex.Wiki: Scale Personal - Local - Regional - National - Global
- Projex.Wiki: Access Anon - Private - Public
- Mandate avoidance
- Maskless education
- Maskless health
- Maskless job boards
- Maskless restaurants
- Maskless services
- Maskless stores
- Alternative Resource Management
- Solutions
- Technology alternatives
- FOTPACH Protocols
- Developing Fair, Open, Transparent, Peaceful, Accountable, Consistent, Honest protocols for everything from social media management to cooperatives to government.
- LibréFestos
- Manifestos for ethical FOTPACH resistance to tyranny, living, and freedom.
- Organizing
- Freedom Resistance aka Resistance Organizing
- Getting Things Done aka GTD
- Social Media Management, bottom up, self-regulating
- Wiki Optimization
- Prepping
- Production
- Production Development
- LeverMind Variety Show
- Bittersweet Seeds
- Trutherism 101
- Truther Top 20s
- Production Management
- Giraffe Ideas, a media production studio cooperative, based in Windsor, Ontario, Canada
- Glossed And Profound, a media management cooperative, based globally online
- Production Development
- Resistance Organizing
- Cooperatives
- Decentralization
- Resistance Action
- Resistance Activism
- Resistance Branding
- Resistance Communications
- Resistance Counter-Propaganda
- Resistance Events
- Resistance Finances
- Resistance Management
- Resistance Overlap
- Resistance Rallies
- Resistance Sharing
- Resistance Trusted Teams
- Resistance Underground
- Social Media Management
- Alternatives
- Reference:
Projex.Wiki: About
- More coming soon.
Projex.Wiki slogan: Alternatives & Solutions.
Projex.Wiki is an Internet-based wiki-project specifically for hosting and presenting wiki-projects of all kinds.
Wiki-projects may include but are not limited to:
- Encyclopedic content unsuitable for other wikis (WikiSpooks, InfoGalactic, Wikipedia, Wiktionary, WikiQuote, WikiVoyage, Wikia, Wookiepedia, Conservapedia, Metapedia, Rational Wiki, etc)
- Media productions
- Counter-propaganda
- Production development
- Project management
- Publishing original content
- Articles
- Blogs
- DIY tutorials
- Essays
- Galleries
- Listicles
- Lists
- Reviews
- Wish lists
- Whatever you think is a good project for you personally, for groups, or for our world.
- Resistance organizing for freedom against tyranny
- Documenting events
- Manifestos
- Organizing actions
- Planning strategies
- Regional resources
- Resistance analysis
- Social media management
- Decentralization
- DIY tutorials
- Manifestos
- Policy development
- Fair, open, accountable, consistent, honest administration
- Software planning
- Developing a next-generation forum
Projex.Wiki is:
- This wiki for various open projects.
- A hub of various instances of decentralized platforms.
- A hub of various other platforms.
- Home of Jason Carswell.
- An open forum feed for discussion on SaidIt.net: /s/Projex + Projex wiki
- https://GiraffeIdeas.Club links to Giraffe Ideas
- https://GiraffeIdeas.Net links to this main page
- https://GiraffeIdeas.Org links to Giraffe Ideas
- https://GiraffeIdeas.Shop links to Giraffe Ideas
- https://GiraffeIdeas.Wiki links to this main page.
- https://GiraffeIdeas.XYZ links to Giraffe Ideas
Volun.Tube will be a PeerTube instance at https://Volun.Tube, but for now it links to this paragraph.
Glossed And Profound
Glossed And Profound (aka, GaP or G&P) is a production management online cooperative for developing and creating counter-propaganda to resist the tyranny of the globalist corporatocracy. Effectively a production studio in conventional terms, Glossed And Profound is a 1) transparent, 2) cooperative, 3) online 4) evolving open project to 5) produce counter-propaganda - all factors that make this very different than private corporations serving executives.
- https://GlossedAndProfound.com links to Glossed And Profound
- The open forum discussion on SaidIt.net, /s/GlossedOver + wiki, is for all discussions related to all Glossed And Profound projects.
- The locked feeds (listed below) on SaidIt.net were only to publish new content like a blog while discussions on all of them would be centralized in one /s/GlossedOver feed instead of several. It's now more practical to just publish on this wiki and open the forums up when needed.
- /s/GlossedAndProfound + wiki
- /s/BittersweetSeeds + wiki
- /s/LeverMind + wiki
- /s/Trutherism101 + wiki ***
- /s/TrutherTop20s + wiki - Lists of inconvenient truths.
- The locked feeds (listed below) on SaidIt.net were only to publish new content like a blog while discussions on all of them would be centralized in one /s/GlossedOver feed instead of several. It's now more practical to just publish on this wiki and open the forums up when needed.
Bittersweet Seeds
Bittersweet Seeds is a screenplay to storyboard to graphic novel project for presenting and publishing a cautionary tale set ~25-30 years from now.
Bittersweet Seeds will be transparently managed and produced by Glossed And Profound on Projex.Wiki.
LeverMind is short for The LeverMind Variety Show project.
LeverMind will be transparently managed and produced by Glossed And Profound on Projex.Wiki.
- https://LeverMind.wiki links to LeverMind
Trutherism 101 is a project to develop and produce a counter-propaganda comedy series of animated shorts. This project may be produced within and presented in sections in The LeverMind Variety Show. Ideally the ultimate goal is to stitch all Trutherism 101 episodes into a feature-length mocumentary.
Trutherism 101 will be transparently managed and produced by Glossed And Profound on Projex.Wiki.
- https://Trutherism101.com links to Trutherism 101
Jason Carswell
- User:Jason_Carswell, co-admin of Projex.Wiki
- User:JasonCarswell, user on Projex.Wiki
- JasonCarswell.com links to Jason Carswell
- /u/JasonCarswell on SaidIt.net
- User:JasonCarswell (junior admin) on InfoGalactic.
- User:JasonCarswell on WikiSpooks.
SaidIt forum feeds worth watching
- /s/Cassy + wiki
- Plan and take our next steps branching out above and beyond SaidIt.
- /s/Cryptocurrency
- /s/Decentralize4Dummies + wiki
- Learn, set up, assist, and troubleshoot tyranny resistant federated sites and distributed clients.
- /s/DecentralizeAllThings + wiki
- /s/FederateAllMedia
- /s/FLOSS (Free Libré Open-Source Software)
- /s/IdeasForSaidIt
- /s/LibreCulture
- /s/PhoenixForum + wiki
- Develop next-generation forum ideas and ideals, form and functions.
- /s/WikiSpooks + wiki
- /s/AlternativeMedia
- /s/Activism
- /s/AntiWar
- /s/Architecture
- /s/BackyardFarming
- /s/Buddhism
- /s/CopyrightActivism
- /s/CorbettCommenters
- /s/DIY
- /s/Farming
- /s/Food
- /s/Gardening
- /s/GetMotivated
- /s/GreenParty
- /s/Health
- /s/Medicine
- /s/MentalHealth
- /s/MicroGrowery
- /s/OffGrid
- /s/Permaculture
- /s/Preppers
- /s/ResistanceAnalysis
- /s/Rights
- /s/Solutions
- /s/Terminology
- /s/Trees
- /s/Voluntarism
- /s/Water
- /s/WindsorOntario
- /s/AlternativeMedia
- /s/AnimatedShorts
- /s/Animation
- /s/Documentaries
- /s/Entertainment
- /s/Filmmaking
- /s/MediaAnalysis
- /s/MovieAnalysis (spoilers)
- /s/MovieCritiques (spoilers)
- /s/MovieReviews (spoiler-free)
- /s/Movies
- /s/Music + wiki
- /s/Screenwriting
- /s/Television
- /s/TVEpisodes
Politics and contextual understanding
- /s/Agenda21_Agenda2030
- /s/APlusPlusPlus
- /s/Censorship
- /s/Canada
- /s/ClassWar
- /s/ClimateSkeptics
- /s/Collusion
- /s/Conspiracy
- /s/Coronavirus
- /s/Corporatocracy
- /s/Corruption
- /s/CorruptScience
- /s/CultureWars
- /s/CyberWar
- /s/Energy
- /s/FuckMasks
- /s/Gaslighting
- /s/LockdownSkepticism
- /s/NoNewNormal
- /s/PoliticalAnalysis
- /s/Propaganda
- /s/PsyOps
- /s/Pushback
- /s/Radiation
- /s/RulingClass
- /s/Surveillance + wiki
- /s/Technocracy
- /s/Tyranny
- /s/Unrest
- /s/VaccineSkepticism
- /s/WarWatch
- /s/Windsor_Ontario
Best indie-media sources
- CorbettReport.com ~ James Corbett
- Odysee.com/@reallygraceful:3 ~ Grace Elizabeth
- TheConsciousResistance.com ~ Derrick Broze
- TheLastAmericanVagabond.com ~ Ryan Cristian
- TruthInMedia.com ~ Ben Swann
- TruthstreamMedia.com ~ Aaron Dykes + Melissa Dykes
- UnlimitedHangout.com ~ Whitney Webb
- VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com ~ David Freiheit, Esq., aka YouTube's Viva Frei + Robert Barnes, Esq.
Must-see documentaries
Contextual understanding on inconvenient truths in our chaotic world in this short list of powerful must-see documentaries:
See also
- Activism
- Cassandra Team project
Color guides
Template:PadTable color keyTemplate:Pad | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||