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LeverMind projects
LeverMind.net logo v1b cleaned.png
(First logo design sketch.)
LeverMind.net is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.net is a free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.


LeverMind.wiki redirects here.
This article is a stub requiring expansion.

LeverMind developing projects are founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management rather than government or corporate top-down tyrannical technocracy. LeverMind projects stem from sister-sites - LeverMind.net is the online Facebook-like forum, and Projex.Wiki is this wiki you are reading. In addition to the forum and wiki, branches of LeverMind include the open-source Organization documentation and the development and distribution of the public relations Productions.


For several years User:JasonCarswell has covered the expenses of domains, hosting, and sites. The community can discuss and determine alternative solutions, such as donations, marketplace sales, advertising, video production support, etc. - as well as how and where fund-raising could be invested (code-bounties, merch, new features, other projects, productions, staff, etc.).

See also