LeverMind/Trusted Team

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This page is under development.
Check back soon for updates.
LeverMind projects
LeverMind.net logo v1b cleaned.png
(First logo design sketch.)
LeverMind.net is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.net is a free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.


This article is a stub requiring expansion.


More soon.

LeverMind.net is more than just a social media platform.

This is an experiment in alternative bottom-up social organizing - perhaps even a community remedy to arbitrary top-down authoritarian power (the source of all common problems today).

Keep in mind that if this process is successful in any way it may inspire other folks to utilize our example as a template to emulate. We can hope and strive, to survive and thrive.


More soon.

Maintain, sustain, and improve:

  • content - availability, searchability, and quality
  • decentralized communications - and wider-networks of free-thinkers
  • LeverMind - the communities, the site and tech (including Projex.Wiki), related projects, the brand, public relations, and everything LeverMind-related

Top priorities

More soon.

To do list

More soon.


More soon.


More soon.


More soon.

Thank you!

More soon.

See also