Difference between revisions of "LeverMind"

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** [[LeverMind/To do]]
** [[LeverMind/To do]]
* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
** [[Cassandra Team]]
** [[Community organizing]]
** [[Community organizing concepts]]
** [[Meaningful liberty#Community networking|Community networking]] and Meaningful liberty
** [[Decentralized alternatives]]
** [[Security alternatives]]
** [[Technology alternatives]]
** [[Voluntarism]], volunteering, organizing, and managing volunteers effectively
** [[Voluntaryism]], voluntary interactions without rulers (rather than suffering under and supporting the global mafia corporatocracy with their monopoly on violence, coercion, theft, and mass murder)

Revision as of 17:18, 15 July 2024

LeverMind projects
LeverMind.net logo v1b cleaned.png
(First logo design sketch.)
LeverMind.net is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

LeverMind.net is a free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.


This article is a stub requiring expansion.
LeverMind.wiki redirects here.

LeverMind developing projects are founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy.

LeverMind projects are hosted on sister-sites:

  • LeverMind.net is the online Facebook-like free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.
  • Projex.Wiki, this wiki you are reading, hosts open-source developing LeverMind projects that include forum Organization, public relations strategies, and counter-propaganda Productions.

See also