2023-09-13 WE Protect Freedom! Wednesday-Minor Meeting Email Update
- < WE Protect Freedom!
- This wiki-page is an archived record of an email.
Please feel free to responsibly share this email with folks who may appreciate it. (ie. Facebook, email, etc.)
Contact me (Jason Carswell, 519-903-0560) if you have agenda items and/or announcements for future email updates and meetings.
I apologize in advance for my imperfect notes, confusions, errors in details, terminology, or misunderstandings.
Reach out if in doubt.
2023-09-13 WE Protect Freedom! Meeting Agenda
There aren't many items on the agenda, yet, but some are rather noteworthy - the Million Person March, Wed Sept 20, Scream Louder gender war presentations, Thur Sept 21, printing (flyers, cards, banners, T-shirts, etc.). Naturally everyone is very welcome to reach out or show up with more items to add.
This email and others like it are archived for future reference. (https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/WE_Protect_Freedom!/Meeting_agendas,_minutes,_and_updates) The archives might get improved/updated, but the substance should remain the same, uncensored. Reading this you've received those emails or have since been added to the growing list.
I apologize for not getting this out sooner, again. I aim to get better at managing my information and limited time.
Our freedom fighter friend, Ollie, familiar to us at the Green Room and Green Acres and more, is sadly in Met Hospital not doing well. It's like a prison of sorts, and he'd appreciate it if folks might help him by doing some errands for him, and I think he'd appreciate the company.
For more, call Ollie at 519.257.3552 and maybe he might appreciate emails: MrMopar00@Yahoo.com.
2023-09-13 7:00pm Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
Casual second Wednesday-Minor on September 13 - at Brown's Lounge, 1118 Drouillard at 7pm.
This meeting will not take place in the back room of Brown's Lounge (as the established euchre club takes priority), however we may use the main front lounge (again) or the patio tables outside.
We may use the back room on Wed, Sep 20 (after the march), Wed, Oct 11, Wed, Nov 22, and Wed, Nov 29. We may also discuss alternatives and Community venue ideas.
2023-09-19 6:30pm Tuesday, September 19
Stand up for parental rights and family values at the first Greater Essex County District School Meeting for the 2023/2024 school year, 451 Park Street West, Windsor, Ontario. We will be inside or still outside looking in. Stand for our rights as parents for the children we love. No secrets in school!
If you're confused or have to choose only one event, the main event to support is the Million Person March...
2023-09-20 9:00am+ Wednesday September 20, Million Person March
NOT cancelled to focus on...
Elton Robinson text messaged me the flyer at right with the following content:
- Hands Off Our Kids
- Protect Parental Rights
- # 1MillionMarch4Children
- National Call to Action
- # 1MillionMarch4Children
- Windsor, Ontario
- City Hall
- 350 City Hall Square West
- March Begins from Windsor City Hall or Dieppe Gardens (Riverside/Ouellette)
- Wednesday, September 20th 2023
- Bring Your Kids
- http://www.HandsOffOurKids.ca
I am not in the loop about Windsor's plans for the 2023-09-20 Million Person March, Wednesday, September 20. I look forward to hearing all about it.
I believe the Parents for Parents' Rights are head organizers of the protest at Dieppe Gardens, Riverside Drive at Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario, meeting (and rally?) at 9:00am at the flag, and the 11:00am march. Confirm via Elton to find out more and stay aware of any developments.
2023-09-20 7:00pm Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
Wednesday-Major on September 20 - at Brown's Lounge, 1118 Drouillard at 7pm. Despite being a "Wednesday-Major" (first and third Wednesdays of each month), this meeting may be overshadowed and/or cancelled by the big march. Or it may be a great way to decompress and have post-mortem discussions about the day's events - what we did right, what went wrong, how we can improve and better organize for future events.
Some folks cannot march due to employment responsibilities - so I know they would like to participate in later-day activities, even if it's just socializing and catching up on all that went down, as well as getting updates about other news and future plans.
The number of attendees and general vibe may determine how formal this meeting may be. Please contact me (Jason Carswell, 519-903-0560) if you have agenda items and/or announcements for future email updates and meetings.
2023-09-21 6:00pm Thursday, Scream Louder gender war presentations
What: Scream Louder about the harms of gender medicine with transman Scott Newgent & Canadian Gender Experts
How: $35/ticket includes buffet and soft drinks
When: Thursday, September 21 / 6:00pm Buffet Open / 7:00pm Presentations
Where: Eastern Flavours, 4072 Walker Road #5, Windsor ON, N8W 3T5
- Scott Newgent - Premier the "Why" Speech
- Pierre Barnes - School Library Materials
- Shannon Boschy - Abusive School Boards
- Melanie Bennet - Comprehensive Sex Education
For more info email: PFPRInfo@ParentsRights.ca (Parents for Parents' Rights)
2023-09-27 Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
Casual fourth Wednesday-Minor on September 27 - at Brown's Lounge, 1118 Drouillard at 7pm.
This meeting will not take place in the back room of Brown's Lounge (as the established euchre club takes priority), however we may use the main front lounge (again) or the patio tables outside. Unless we make other arrangements or find another place or location like Memorial Optimist Park.
2023-10-04 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-10-11 7:00pm Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
We may use the back room on Wed, Sep 20 (after the march), Wed, Oct 11, Wed, Nov 22, and Wed, Nov 29. We may also discuss alternatives and Community venue ideas.
2023-10-18 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-10-25 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-10-28 Saturday, Windsor Media Centre Halloween Party
Theme: Tim Burton's animated classic, Nightmare Before Christmas
2023-10-31 Tuesday, Halloween
2023-11-01 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-11-08 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-11-15 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-11-22 7:00pm Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
We may use the back room on Wed, Sep 20 (after the march), Wed, Oct 11, Wed, Nov 22, and Wed, Nov 29. We may also discuss alternatives and Community venue ideas.
2023-11-29 7:00pm Wednesday Eve, Brown's Lounge Meeting
We may use the back room on Wed, Sep 20 (after the march), Wed, Oct 11, Wed, Nov 22, and Wed, Nov 29. We may also discuss alternatives and Community venue ideas.
2023-12-06 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-12-13 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-12-20 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-12-24 Sunday, Christmas Eve
2023-12-25 Monday, Christmas
2023-12-27 7:00pm Wednesday Eve Meeting
Brown's Lounge???
2023-12-31 Sunday, New Year's Eve
2024-01-01 Monday, New Year's Day
Previous discussions on branding, ordering business cards, making T-shirts, and banners have developed to the point of manufacture. At the Wednesday 13th meeting you'll have the last-last chance to voice preferred changes before the first printings (and there's no reason why we can't make more later).
I've designed new business cards, had some feedback, hope for more feedback Wednesday, and plan to order them Friday. Soon we'll have some new cards to hand out.
The 2023-09-20 Million Person March organizers have the T-shirts and banners in order. My T-shirt guy can't make them that soon anyway. However, we can still make T-shirts, banners, etc. for future events, rallies, casual wear, etc. If you have good concepts to print, or would like to be part of the development team, let us know. If you'd like to throw money at us or invest for a return, let us know. We need not be limited to my initial branding concepts, as those are potentially just the beginning of much more to come.
We should discuss what message, content, and information will go on the Welcome wiki-page and/or the future flyers and/or possible postcards.
Outreach material
I should have some business card mockups for tonight. (Thank you to John Dippoliti for a new printer that actually works, unlike my 5 others.) I would have ordered some cards already but I have been exceptionally busy.
More on flyers for the meeting tonight. This is my prime focus this afternoon.
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/WE_Protect_Freedom!/Outreach_material - Banners, business cards, flyers, pamphlets, postcards, and Welcome page.
WE Protect Freedom!
These wiki-pages feature some of my initial evolving efforts at documenting concepts for our communities to consider, provide further input, improve, and hopefully accept and implement. As always, everyone is welcome to join to help edit Projex.Wiki and contribute to these wiki-pages, or you may interact via email, phone, or in person with Jason or others who will improve these wiki-pages with your contributions.
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/WE_Protect_Freedom!
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/WE_Protect_Freedom!/Branding_development
Bruno Romanzin and I came up with some great developments after last weeks meeting. I have yet to apply them to a mockup for folks' feedback.
Bonus material
A few recommendations
Honest Canadian Government Ad
" The Canadian Government has made a new tourism ad and it’s surprisingly honest and informative! "
- YouTube video: Honest Government Ad | Canada 🇨🇦 (4:45) ~ thejuicemedia, Sep 5, 2023
How to Influence the Council
" With Ulez, 15 minutes Cities and all the other nonsense the local councils are imposing on towns in the UK and abroad, we need a way to persuade them to do things differently. I am joined by Rev Warren Leigh-Boyd who has a tool kit to do just that. #15minutecity #toolkit #councils "
- YouTube video: How to Influence the Council (58:10) ~ Richard Vobes, Sep 7, 2023
Men's Sheds
Perhaps we could do something like this in Windsor...
- YouTube video: Men's Sheds in the US (42:03) ~ Men Are Good!, Mar 30, 2023
" Men’s Sheds started in the 1990’s in Australia and have been growing worldwide since that time. The US has been slower to respond than some other countries. Men in the U.S. have built about 60 sheds which is just a fraction of the more than 2000 sheds worldwide. Sheds have been a blessing for men who have faced isolation and a huge lack of male to male contact in recent decades. Nearly all of the men’s organizations have been opened to women thus starving men of male to male camaraderie. Of course at the same time women’s groups have proliferated in all imaginable ways. Men’s groups are forbidden, women’s groups are empowering. Go figure.
We talk with Jeff Wolfsberg who is in the process of starting a shed in Massachusetts. We discuss sheds, the picture worldwide, the ways they are helping men, and get the inside info on Jeff’s work on getting a shed going in Massachusetts. "
Jeff’s Web site: MassMensShed.com
The US has a shed association that is helping men to get sheds started. You can find them at: USMensSheds.org
Peace, War and 9/11
" Redacted is proud to present “Peace, War and 9/11.” In this captivating documentary filmed six months before his passing, eminent scholar and lifelong peace activist Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war.
“Peace, War and 9/11” is a production of the International Center for 9/11 Justice (https://IC911.org; https://twitter.com/ic911justice ) It is directed by Ted Walter and Richard Heap. Executive producers are Ted Walter and Marilyn Langlois. It is distributed by Questar Entertainment/Hipstr. "
- YouTube video: Redacted Presents: Peace, War and 9/11 (Official Trailer) (2:37) ~ Redacted, Sep 4, 2023
- YouTube video: Redacted Presents: Peace, War and 9/11 (1:33:40) ~ Redacted, Sep 11, 2023
White Rose Movement
I have ordered some of their books, "The Liberator", and stuff, so we'll see the package soon - meanwhile you may download much of it for free, anytime.
- YouTube video: I am The White Rose (3:20) ~ SubversiveUK, Jan 29, 2022
- YouTube video: White Rose Mucho Grande - #SolutionsWatch (32:03) ~ The Corbett Report (Unofficial Mirror), Sep 5, 2023
" Etienne de la Boetie², author of Government — The Biggest Scam in History, and Kenny Palurintano of the White Rose join us to discuss their new project: White Rose Mucho Grande! Featuring highly thought-provoking visualizations of such convoluted topics of media ownership, seed company monopolization and elitist CFR/Bilderberg/Trilateral influence over government, these downloadable images promises to provide activists with the visual tool to spark conversations that will get people thinking. "
Show notes and alternative formats and platforms: https://www.CorbettReport.com/solutionswatch-whiterose/
" Etienne and Kenny Palurintano, of the White Rose, break down the White Rose and White Rose MUCHO Grande for James Corbett of the Corbett Report in this episode of #SolutionsWatch. "
All the Posters and White Rose Stickers: ArtOfLiberty.org/White-Rose
White Rose Telegram Channel: t.me/jointhewhiterose
Etienne de la Boetie2
- Executive Director, The Art of Liberty Foundation
- Author, “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
- ArtOfLiberty.org
- Get the book: Government-Scam.com
- Original writings and research: ArtOfLiberty.Substack.com
- YouTube mirrored video: The Corbett Report: Etienne & Kenny Palurintano Break Down The White Rose/ White Rose MUCHO GRANDE (32:03) ~ Etienne de la Boetie2, Sep 7, 2023
Animation Crash Course
I'll be teaching a 2D Animation Crash Course at the Windsor Media Centre - when we get the scheduling, marketing, and grants in order - and after the animation desks arrive.
The scheduling keeps shifting. The linked flyer is now incorrect but will soon be updated, as will the Windsor Media Centre animation classes information on the wiki.
This announcement to all Windsor businesses needing promotional content, indie-media creators, and freedom and prepper folks is to let you know about:
- Free* 2D animation crash course over 3 weeks of September.
- Free* short-term animation production for:
- A) Windsor/Essex media producers with specific projects, a need for talent, and/or would like test-hire assistants.
- Ideally work-placements would take place at the business location using their equipment, however, we plan to utilize the classroom and gear when not teaching classes.
- See the list of animation-related field examples below.
- B) Windsor/Essex content creators without studio resources who would like animated elements.
- We aim to take on smaller jobs that may not require the full 70 hours.
- See the list of non-animation-related field examples below.
- C) Windsor/Essex businesses who would like animated promotional media.
- We aim to provide modest animations to local businesses who might appreciate and use them (podcast intros/outros, social media, web ads, etc).
- A) Windsor/Essex media producers with specific projects, a need for talent, and/or would like test-hire assistants.
- Jason Carswell is seeking good concept ideas, writers, and other creatives to collaborate with. Especially for freedom-oriented content.
- Jason Carswell is seeking business and production management assistance.
- accountants, business registration experience, management, producers, etc.
- clients, grant-writers, lucrative projects, etc.
- public relations, social media promotions, etc.
* Animation classes and work-placements for the unemployed and under-employed are fully funded by government grants. Ideally work-placements would take place at the business location using their equipment, however, we plan to utilize the classroom and gear when not teaching classes - as well as take on smaller jobs that may not require the full 70 hours. There's no requirement but we hope the businesses who benefit from work-placement grants might donate towards the Windsor Media Centre's expenses.
Please contact MJasonCarswell for more information @Gmail.com or 519-903-0560.
Windsor and Essex County resources
Feel free to suggest information to add to these local resource lists:
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_arts_and_media
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_bicycling_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_education_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_employment_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_food_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_health_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_housing_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_legal_resources
- https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Windsor_and_Essex_County_little_free_libraries
See also
- Category:Resources
- Community organizing
- Decentralized alternatives
- Do-ocracy
- Economic alternatives
- Meaningful liberty
- Prepping
- South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter
- Technology alternatives
- WEFringe group email lists
- WE Protect Freedom!
- WE Protect Freedom!/Banners
- WE Protect Freedom!/Banner development
- WE Protect Freedom!/Branding development
- WE Protect Freedom!/Calendar (public)
- WE Protect Freedom!/Calendar (private)
- WE Protect Freedom!/Committee and meeting management
- WE Protect Freedom!/Meeting agendas, minutes, and updates
- WE Protect Freedom!/Merchandise
- WE Protect Freedom!/Merchandise development
- WE Protect Freedom!/Outreach material
- Welcome, newcomer introduction