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[[File:Apache Cassandra logo.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''Not to be confused with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra Apache Cassandra]''', an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across commodity servers.</br>The font used for its logo is probably Cronos Bold Italic.]]
[[File:Apache Cassandra logo.jpg|thumb|right|200px|'''Not to be confused with [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra Apache Cassandra]''', an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across commodity servers.</br>The font used for its logo is probably Cronos Bold Italic.]]
: '''''Cassy''' redirects here.''
: '''''Cassy''' redirects here.''
: '''''Not to be confused with the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra Apache Cassandra] database''', the CQL query language, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cassandra Project Cassandra], or [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cassandra_(literature)'' Project Cassandra ''(literature)].''
: '''''Not to be confused with the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Cassandra Apache Cassandra] database''', the CQL query language, [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cassandra Project Cassandra], or [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cassandra_(literature)'' Project Cassandra ''(literature)].''
: ''This page was mirrored and forked from the [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy SaidIt.net/s/Cassy] sidebox.''
: ''This page was mirrored and forked from the [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy SaidIt.net/s/Cassy] sidebox.''
: ''This article ceased development 2023-04-12 until updated 2024-07-15.''
: ''This article ceased development 2023-04-12 until updated 2024-07-15.''
'''What comes after [https://SaidIt.net SaidIt.net]?'''
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[[File:Cassandra Of Troy - 26144 master.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Oil painting on canvas of ‘'''[[Cassandra of Troy]]'''’, circa 1800s.]]
[[File:Cassandra Of Troy - 26144 master.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Oil painting on canvas of ‘'''[[Cassandra of Troy]]'''’, circa 1800s.]]
'''[https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra Cassandra] is an ancient Greek figure who foretold great doom, yet no one believed her, though tragically she was always correct.'''
'''[http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra Cassandra] is an ancient Greek figure who foretold great doom, yet no one believed her, though tragically she was always correct.'''
"''Cassandra is a mouthful, Cassy is better,''" said [https://SaidIt.net/u/AmericanMuskrat /u/AmericanMuskrat], unfairly banished (and restored), exemplifying the need to evolve beyond the limitations of SaidIt. The shorter name is also reflective of the Lemmy platform, a federated decentralized Reddit-like forum.
== Current SaidIt issues ==
SaidIt was a news aggregation forum for truth-seeking and free-thinking, but its issues have festered as a refuge for those banned from Reddit (good, bad, and ugly), and the stagnant, uninspired, and absent management has allowed the site to forum-slide into nasty chaos on par with Voat, Poal, and 4Chan.
"''Cassandra is a mouthful, Cassy is better,''" said [http://SaidIt.net/u/AmericanMuskrat /u/AmericanMuskrat], unfairly banished (and restored), exemplifying the need to evolve beyond the limitations of SaidIt. The shorter name is also reflective of the Lemmy platform, a federated decentralized Reddit-like forum.
== Current Cassy priorities ==
'''1)''' Discuss [[FOTPACHIES community management|ethical social management]] ideas: goals, manifestos, [https://SaidIt.net/s/IdeasForSaidIt/comments/7eus/these_seeds_for_fairness_and_justice_on_saidit/ fair forums], rules, community guidelines, protocols template sets, access, anonymity, security, self-regulation, defense against spam, [https://SaidIt.net/s/Terminology/comments/8f81/sealioning_a_harassment_tactic_under_the_guise_of sealioning], & [https://SaidIt.net/s/Terminology/comments/7k6o/stabs_shills_trolls_and_bots STABs] (shills, trolls, & bots), backups, public relations strategies, priorities, to-do-lists, etc.
== Cassy priorities ==
'''2)''' Discuss decentralized/distributed platform/client options and their pros and cons.
# Discuss [[FOTPACHIES community management|ethical social management]] ideas: goals, manifestos, [http://SaidIt.net/s/IdeasForSaidIt/comments/7eus/these_seeds_for_fairness_and_justice_on_saidit/ fair forums], rules, community guidelines, protocols template sets, access, anonymity, security, self-regulation, defense against spam, [http://SaidIt.net/s/Terminology/comments/8f81/sealioning_a_harassment_tactic_under_the_guise_of sealioning], & [http://SaidIt.net/s/Terminology/comments/7k6o/stabs_shills_trolls_and_bots STABs] (shills, trolls, & bots), backups, public relations strategies, priorities, to-do-lists, etc.
# Discuss decentralized/distributed platform/client options and their pros and cons.
# Discuss set up, trouble shooting, technical issues, assistance, administration, moderation, etc + customising the flow, form (GUI), and functionality.
# Discuss anon solutions. All things related to being anonymous (or not), building bonds, and maintaining trust with reasonable cyber-hygiene security precautions - without giving anything away.
'''3)''' Discuss set up, trouble shooting, technical issues, assistance, administration, moderation, etc + customising the flow, form (GUI), and functionality.
We hope SaidIt, [[Goat Matrix]], RabbitHole.wf, other forums, & developers might freely chime in &/or adopt some of these open good ideas from these hopeful & wishful discussions to improve life & liberty & fairness.
'''4)''' Discuss anon solutions. All things related to being anonymous (or not), building bonds, and maintaining trust with reasonable cyber-hygiene security precautions - without giving anything away.
We hope SaidIt, other forums, & developers might freely chime in &/or adopt some of these open good ideas from these hopeful & wishful discussions to improve life & liberty & fairness.
== Help plan our next steps beyond SaidIt. ==
== Help plan our next steps beyond SaidIt. ==
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'''We obviously have problems, but we're working on solutions.'''
'''We obviously have problems, but we're working on solutions.'''
[https://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy/ /s/Cassy] should not be confused with the vapourware development in [https://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum /s/PhoenixForum] for dreaming our hypothetical our next-generation forum's ideals, form, & functions.
[http://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy/ /s/Cassy] should not be confused with the vapourware development in [http://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum /s/PhoenixForum] for dreaming our hypothetical our next-generation forum's ideals, form, & functions.
== Cassandra Team projects in development ==
== Cassy developments ==
=== SaidIt issues ===
[http://SaidIt.net SaidIt.net] was a news aggregation forum for truth-seeking and free-thinking, but its issues have festered as a refuge for those banned from Reddit (good, bad, and ugly), and the stagnant, uninspired, and absent management has allowed the site to forum-slide into nasty chaos on par with Voat, Poal, and 4Chan.
And then there's the mismanagement...
So to answer the question "'''What comes after SaidIt?'''" the Cassandra Team was formed.
'''☑ [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy /s/Cassy]  
'''☑ [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy /s/Cassy]'''
: To evolve beyond SaidIt.
: To evolve beyond SaidIt.
'''☑ [https://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity /s/SaidItCommunity]'''
'''☑ [http://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity /s/SaidItCommunity]'''
: To develop self-management concepts for SaidIt, Cassy, and any social media platform.
: To develop self-management concepts for SaidIt, Cassy, and any social media platform.
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::* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
::* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
[[File:Projex.Wiki Logo v1.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[https://Projex.Wiki Projex.Wiki]''' is an organizing resource anyone (but bots) may '''[[How to join Projex.Wiki|join]]''' to improve.]]
=== Servers ===
<strike>'''☑ "Cassandra" indie server'''</strike> - offline, former host of [http://RabbitHole.WF RabbitHole.WF]
'''☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #1''', host of '''Projex.Wiki'''
'''☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #2''', host of '''LeverMind.net'''
== Cassandra Team platforms ==
'''☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #1''', host of Projex.Wiki
=== Goat Matrix + Gvid.TV ===
'''☑ https://Projex.Wiki'''
[[File:Matrix.Gvid.tv logo.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[http://Matrix.Gvid.tv Matrix.Gvid.tv]''' is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and discussion forum.]]
: [https://SaidIt.net/s/Projex /s/Projex]
'''☑ http://GoatMatrix.net''' (formerly http://Matrix.Gvid.TV), a Reddit-like forum ([[Goat Matrix]])</br>
'''☑ http://Gvid.TV''', a video vault</br>
'''☑ http://Img.Gvid.TV''', an image vault</br>
'''☑ http://Matrix.Gvid.TV/chat''', the forum's chat
: On the '''[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki MediaWiki]''' platform akin to '''[https://WikiSpooks.com WikiSpooks.com]''', '''[[Projex.Wiki]]''' is a powerful resource-manager utility for organizing, hosting, and presenting wiki-based projects of all kinds, including freedom-minded projects, global projects, group projects, and personal projects of any sort.
: x0x7's hand-coded sites.
[[File:LeverMind.net Logo v1.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[https://LeverMind.net LeverMind.net]''' is a free-discourse bottom-up community-run forum and Facebook-like communications hub.]]
=== LeverMind.net ===
'''☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #2''', host of LeverMind.net
[[File:LeverMind.net logo v1b cleaned.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[http://LeverMind.net LeverMind.net]'''</br>
is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki,</br>
a Facebook-like free-discourse bottom-up self-regulating community-forum.</br>
Read the developing '''[[LeverMind]]''' documentation.]]
'''☑ https://LeverMind.net'''
'''☑ http://LeverMind.net'''
: [https://SaidIt.net/s/LeverMind /s/LeverMind]
: On the '''[http://www.HumHub.com/en/ HumHub]''' platform, '''[[LeverMind.net]]''' is the online Facebook-like free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.  '''[[LeverMind]]''' developing projects are founded on the '''[[voluntaryist]] principles of bottom-up community self-management''' opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy.
: On the '''[https://www.humhub.com/en/ HumHub]''' platform, '''[[LeverMind.net]]''' is the online Facebook-like free-discourse community-forum and communications hub.  '''[[LeverMind]]''' developing projects are founded on the '''[[voluntaryist]] principles of bottom-up community self-management''' opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy.
: With the lessons learned from [[starting new social media platforms]], [[FOEPATCHISM]], and [[community organizing]] we're working on the foundational outlines in the [[LeverMind]] project's operational documentation.
'''https://Gvid.TV''', a video vault</br>
: Related:
'''https://Img.Gvid.TV''', an image vault</br>
:http://LeverMind.org - redirects to [[LeverMind/Organization]]
'''https://Matrix.Gvid.TV''', a Reddit-like forum</br>
:http://LeverMind.productions - redirects to [[LeverMind/Productions]]
:☑ http://LeverMind.shop - redirects to [[LeverMind/Shop]] until the LeverMind.net store is set up
:http://LeverMind.store - redirects to [[LeverMind/Shop]] until the LeverMind.net store is set up
:☑ http://LeverMind.video - redirects to [[LeverMind/Video]]
:☑ http://LeverMind.wiki - redirects to [[LeverMind]] for all the LeverMind project's operational documentation
: x0x7's hand-coded sites.
: [http://SaidIt.net/s/LeverMind /s/LeverMind]
=== Projex.Wiki ===
[[File:Projex.Wiki Logo v1.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[http://Projex.Wiki Projex.Wiki]''' is an organizing resource anyone (but bots) may '''[[How to join Projex.Wiki|join]]''' to improve.]]
'''☑ http://Projex.Wiki'''
: On the '''[http://www.MediaWiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki MediaWiki]''' platform akin to '''[http://WikiSpooks.com WikiSpooks.com]''', '''[[Projex.Wiki]]''' is a powerful resource-manager utility for organizing, hosting, and presenting wiki-based projects of all kinds, including freedom-minded projects, global projects, group projects, and personal projects of any sort.
: [http://SaidIt.net/s/Projex /s/Projex]
<strike>'''☑ Cassandra indie server'''</strike> - offline, former host of https://RabbitHole.WF
=== RabbitHole.WF ===
'''☑ https://RabbitHole.WF'''
'''☑ http://RabbitHole.WF''', back online!
: LarrySwinger2's phpBB.
: LarrySwinger2's phpBB.
=== Tube.4AEM.com ===
'''☑ http://Tube.4AEM.com'''
'''☑ http://Tube.4AEM.com'''
: d3rr's "Down The Memory Hole" [[PeerTube]] instance.
: d3rr's "Down The Memory Hole" [[PeerTube]] instance.
:: [https://SaidIt.net/s/DownTheMemoryHole /s/DownTheMemoryHole]
:: [http://SaidIt.net/s/DownTheMemoryHole /s/DownTheMemoryHole]
=== Related ===
==== ClitHole.Club ====
: '''☑ http://www.ClitHole.Club'''
:: [[User:Gloomy_bear]]'s site.
==== [[Giraffe Ideas]] ====
: '''☑ http://GiraffeIdeas.Wiki''' : active offline
:: Windsor-based creative production cooperative & backup wiki.
:: [http://SaidIt.net/s/GiraffeIdeas /s/GiraffeIdeas]
==== [[Glossed And Profound]] ====
: '''☑ http://GlossedAndProfound.com'''
:: Global creative development & production cooperative.
:: [http://SaidIt.net/s/GlossedAndProfound /s/GlossedAndProfound]
== Cassy platform plans ==
=== Chew.Tube ===
'''☐ http://Chew.Tube'''
This domain has been secured for an [[Invidious]] instance - a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.
'''☑ http://www.ClitHole.club'''
: ''See also: [[#Invidious]] (below) and [[Chew.Tube]]''
: [[User:Gloomy_bear]]'s site.
=== Maple Fringe ===
'''☐ https://MapleFringe.com'''
: The window of great opportunity has closed on the grand "[[Maple Fringe]]" dream - now upgraded with [[LeverMind]] (above).
: [https://SaidIt.net/s/MapleFringe /s/MapleFringe]
: ☐ http://MapleFringe.ca
: <strike>☐ http://MapleFringe.cloud</strike>
: ☐ http://MapleFringe.com
: <strike>☐ http://MapleFringe.net</strike>
: <strike>☐ http://MapleFringe.org</strike>
: <strike>☐ http://MapleFringe.shop</strike>
: On the '''[https://movim.eu/ Movim]''' platform, an request or invite only community consisting primarily of (but certainly not exclusively Canadians), of a freedom-protecting politically "''small fringe minority with unacceptable views,''" as alleged by corrupt tyrant, Prime Minister Trudeau.
: Former plan:
: On the '''[http://movim.eu/ Movim]''' decentralized platform, a request or invite only community consisting primarily of (but certainly not exclusively Canadians), of a freedom-protecting politically "''small fringe minority with unacceptable views,''" as alleged by corrupt tyrant, Prime Minister Trudeau.
: [http://SaidIt.net/s/MapleFringe /s/MapleFringe]
=== Truth Seeker ===
: Many of these links now redirect to the unaffiliated excellent site: '''http://TruthSeeker.se'''
:: " '''''The Truth Seeker''' - A collection of news, documentaries, videos and articles from various sources.'' "
<strike>'''☐ http://TruthSeeker.Party'''</strike> (no longer secured by us)
: Was to be:
:* A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
:* A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''free speech and fun'''.
'''☐ http://TruthSeeker.Club'''
: Redirects to '''http://TruthSeeker.se'''
: Was to be:
:* A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
:* A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''civilized, serious, elevated discourse'''.
'''☐ http://UncensoredScience.com''' (not yet secured by us)
: Was to be:
:* A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
:* A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''civilized, serious, elevated discourse'''.
: Still secured by us:
:☐ http://TruthSeeker.quest, redirects to '''http://TruthSeeker.se'''
:☐ http://TruthSeeker.shop, redirects to '''http://TruthSeeker.se'''
:☐ http://TruthSeeker.wiki, redirects to [[Truth Seeker]] and may evolve
=== Volun.Tube ===
'''☐ http://Volun.Tube'''
: A PeerTube instance like [http://Tube.4AEM.com Tube.4AEM.com] ([http://SaidIt.net/s/DownTheMemoryHole /s/DownTheMemoryHole]).
: ''See also: [[Voluntaryism]] and [[Volun.Tube]]''
== Other Cassy projects ==
'''☑ [[Community organizing]]'''
'''☑ [[Decentralized alternatives]]'''
'''☑ [[Economic alternatives]]'''
'''☑ [[FOEPATCHISM]]'''
'''☑ [[FOEPATCHISM]]'''
: '''F'''air, '''O'''pen, E'''thical, '''P'''eaceful, '''A'''ccountable, '''T'''ransparent, '''C'''onsistent, '''H'''onest, '''I'''nclusive, ''' '''S'''ocial '''M'''anagement - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.
'''☑ [[Security alternatives]]'''
'''☑ [[Starting new social media platforms]]'''
'''☑ [[Survival alternatives]]'''
'''☑ [[Technology alternatives]]'''
'''☑ http://Welcome.Wiki'''
: Welcome.Wiki is a simple, clear, easy to remember (rebranding) redirect to [[Welcome]] (shorter than [https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome]) where global or local-Windsor/Essex folks can be introduced our [[Windsor ACTION Group]], our ideas, and what's actually going on locally and around the world, and what we can actually do about it.
: In short, Welcome.Wiki is for awareness, counter-propaganda, and recruitment for the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_movement freedom movement].
: Coming soon (with downloadable printable pamphlets to share):
:# ☐ http://Action.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Children.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://CommonLaw.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Communications.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Economics.Welcome.Wiki
:# '''☐ http://Freedom.Welcome.Wiki'''
:# ☐ http://Health.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Humanity.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Nutrition.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://ProtectAndPrepare.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://VaxxedHealth.Welcome.Wiki
:# ☐ http://Windsor.Welcome.Wiki
== Potential future projects ==
=== Cryptocurrencies ===
: ''Main article: [[Economic alternatives]]''
: [[Cryptocurrencies]] all have their strengths and weaknesses.
=== DIY Tutorials ===
: [[DIY Tutorials]]
: Ideally include user-levels:
:# Plug-n-Play
:# Beginner
:# Advanced
:# Expert
=== FLOSS decentralized search engines ===
: '''''[[F/LOSS]]''' = free/libre open-source software, free of charge or restrictions''
: [[FLOSS]] [[decentralized]]/[[distributed]] search engine(s) goals:
:* focus on searching (and archiving?) but '''NOT alone'''
:*# decentralize
:*# search
:*# promote
:*# socially network
:* search specifically for censored, noteworthy, and truth-seeking content
:*: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_search_engine Distributed search engine]
==== Search engine platforms ====
:☐ [http://OpenCola.io OpenCola.io]
:☐ [http://Presearch.com Presearch.com] - also earns tokens
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_search_engine#Presearch Presearch]
: '''F'''air, '''O'''pen, E'''thical, '''P'''eaceful, '''A'''ccountable, '''T'''ransparent, '''C'''onsistent, '''H'''onest, '''I'''nclusive, ''' '''S'''ocial '''M'''anagement - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.
:☐ [http://searX.space searX.space]
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Searx searX]
'''☑ https://GiraffeIdeas.Wiki : active offline'''
:☐ [http://YaCy.net YaCy.net]
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy YaCy] - decentralized search engine
: [https://SaidIt.net/s/GiraffeIdeas /s/GiraffeIdeas]
=== Fringe Deplorables Web Ring ===
: Windsor-based production cooperative & backup wiki.
: ''Main article: [[Fringe Deplorables Web Ring]]''
'''☐ https://TruthSeeker.Club'''
=== Invidious ===
: A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
: [[Invidious]] is a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.
: A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''civilized, serious, elevated discourse'''.
:[http://Invidious.io Invidious.io]
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Invidious Invidious]
: A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
:☐ http://Chew.Tube - This domain has been secured for an Invidious instance.
: A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''free speech and fun'''.
'''☐ https://UncensoredScience.com'''
=== Open Curricula Projects ===
: A Lemmy instance that is '''self-regulated''' by the community.
:* [[Open Curricula Projects]]
: A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for '''civilized, serious, elevated discourse'''.
:** [[Open Curricula Projects Animation]]
:** [[Optimists' Photography Workshop 2024]]
'''☐ https://Volun.Tube'''
=== Protocol alternatives ===
: A PeerTube instance like [http://Tube.4AEM.com Tube.4AEM.com] ([https://SaidIt.net/s/DownTheMemoryHole /s/DownTheMemoryHole]).
: [[Protocol alternatives]] to the common Internet protocols.
=== Potential other FLOSS projects ===
:☐ [[BitTorrent]] & [[WebTorrent]]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent BitTorrent]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/WebTorrent WebTorrent]
* [[protocol alternatives]] to the Internet
:☐ [[bittorrent]] & [[webtorrent]]
:☐ [[IPFS]]
:☐ [[IPFS]]
:☐ [https://Nostr.com Nostr.com]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System InterPlanetary File System]
:☐ [https://OpenCola.io OpenCola.io]
:☐ [[OpenVPN]], an open-source virtual private network
:☐ [http://Nostr.com Nostr.com]
::: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN OpenVPN]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostr Nostr]
:☐ [https://Qortal.org Qortal.org]
:☐ [http://OpenCola.io OpenCola.io]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cory_Doctorow#Life_and_career Cory Doctorow #Life and career]
:☐ [http://OpenVPN.net OpenVPN.net]], an open-source virtual private network
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN OpenVPN]
:☐ [http://Plebbit.com Plebbit.com]] - a serverless, adminless, and open-source platform that allows users to share information and opinions without censorship. It uses a peer-to-peer pubsub network and public key based addressing to scale infinitely and offer different UI options.
:☐ [http://Qortal.org Qortal.org]
:☐ [[sharding]]
:☐ [[sharding]]
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Shard_(database_architecture) Shard (database architecture)]
:☐ [[TOR]] portal
:☐ [[TOR]] portal
::: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Tor_(network) Tor (network)]
=== Rob Braxman Tech ===
: [http://Brax.Me Brax.Me]
::: an app platform focused on privacy and the Privacy Community
::: with a store featuring more privacy products
:* [http://BraxTech.net BraxTech.net] - Brax3 [Privacy] Phone (2024)
:* Brax Virtual Phone
:* Braxmail
:* BytzVPN
:* YouTube channel: [http://www.YouTube.com/@robbraxmantech YouTube.com/@robbraxmantech] '''''Rob Braxman Tech'''''
* [https://Brax.Me Brax.Me]
=== VPNs ===
* cryptocurrency
: [[BytzVPN]], recommended by [[#Rob Braxman Tech]] (above)
* DIY Tutorials
: [[OpenVPN]]
*# Plug-n-Play
:☐ [http://OpenVPN.net OpenVPN.net]
*# Beginner
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN OpenVPN]
*# Advanced
*# Expert
* '''[[Fringe Deplorables Web Ring]]'''
=== Web apps and modules ===
* '''[[Invidious]]'''
: [[Modules]] for [http://www.HumHub.com/en/ HumHub]
:☐ [https://Invidious.io Invidious.io]
:☑ '''video chat server''' (http://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules like Jitsi video chat)
:: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Invidious Invidious]
:☑ '''web store''' (http://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules)
* [[modules]] for '''HumHub'''
: [[Web apps]]
:☑ '''video chat server''' (https://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules like Jitsi video chat)
:☐ [http://NewsBlur.com NewsBlur.com] - lets you subscribe to thousands of sites, read stories as they come in, and share them with friends. It supports web, iOS, Android, email, Twitter, YouTube, and more.
:☑ '''web store''' (https://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules)
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/NewsBlur NewsBlur]
* ''[[Open Curricula Projects]]''
=== Web archiving ===
** ''[[Open Curricula Projects Animation]]''
** [[Optimists' Photography Workshop 2024]]
* open-source decentralized search engine(s)
: [[Web archiving]]
** focus on searching (and archiving?) but '''NOT alone'''
:: Wikipedia: [http://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_archiving Web archiving]
*:: 1) decentralize 2) search 3) promote 4) socially network
** search specifically for censored, noteworthy, and truth-seeking content
*: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_search_engine Distributed search engine]
:☐ [https://OpenCola.io OpenCola.io]
:☐ [https://Presearch.com Presearch.com] - also earns tokens
:: Wikipedia: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_search_engine#Presearch Presearch]
:☐ [https://searX.space searX.space]
:: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Searx searX]
:☐ [https://YaCy.net YaCy.net]
:: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy YaCy] - decentralized search engine
* '''[[OpenVPN]]'''
: ☐ [[web-scrape archive]] - for our forums' links
:☐ [https://OpenVPN.net OpenVPN.net]
:: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVPN OpenVPN]
* web archiving
:* more
*: Wikipedia: [https://en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_archiving Web archiving]
** web-scrape archive - for our forums' links
* more
== Related subSaidIts ==
== Related subSaidIts ==
[[File:Saidit.net_2019_Logo_Night_Text_In_Bubble.svg-700px.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[https://SaidIt.net SaidIt.net]''' is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and debate forum for free-thinking and truth-seeking.]]
[[File:Saidit.net_2019_Logo_Night_Text_In_Bubble.svg-700px.png|thumb|right|200px|'''[http://SaidIt.net SaidIt.net]''' is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and debate forum for free-thinking and truth-seeking.]]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Agenda21_Agenda2030 /s/Agenda21_Agenda2030]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Agenda21_Agenda2030 /s/Agenda21_Agenda2030]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/AlternativeMedia /s/AlternativeMedia]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/AlternativeMedia /s/AlternativeMedia]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Artificial_Intelligen /s/Artificial_Intelligen]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Artificial_Intelligen /s/Artificial_Intelligen]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy /s/Cassy] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy /s/Cassy] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cassy/wiki wiki]
*: Plans & actions to branch out with SaidIt & beyond.
*: Plans & actions to branch out with SaidIt & beyond.
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Censorship /s/Censorship]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Censorship /s/Censorship]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/CopyrightActivism /s/CopyrightActivism]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/CopyrightActivism /s/CopyrightActivism]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/CorporateMedia /s/CorporateMedia]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/CorporateMedia /s/CorporateMedia]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Corporatocracy /s/Corporatocracy]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Corporatocracy /s/Corporatocracy]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/ClassWar /s/ClassWar]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/ClassWar /s/ClassWar]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cryptocurrency /s/Cryptocurrency]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cryptocurrency /s/Cryptocurrency]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Cybersecurity /s/Cybersecurity]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Cybersecurity /s/Cybersecurity]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/CyberWar /s/CyberWar]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/CyberWar /s/CyberWar]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Decentralize4Dummies /s/Decentralize4Dummies] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/Decentralize4Dummies/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Decentralize4Dummies /s/Decentralize4Dummies] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/Decentralize4Dummies/wiki wiki]
*: Learn, set up, assist, troubleshoot, & maintain tyranny resistant communication networks.
*: Learn, set up, assist, troubleshoot, & maintain tyranny resistant communication networks.
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings /s/DecentralizeAllThings] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings /s/DecentralizeAllThings] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings/wiki wiki]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/FederateAllMedia /s/FederateAllMedia]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/FederateAllMedia /s/FederateAllMedia]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/FLOSS /s/FLOSS]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/FLOSS /s/FLOSS]
*: Free/Libré Open-Source Software
*: Free/Libré Open-Source Software
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/FreedIt /s/FreedIt]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/FreedIt /s/FreedIt]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/FreeMediaHeckYeah /s/FreeMediaHeckYeah] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/FreeMediaHeckYeah/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/FreeMediaHeckYeah /s/FreeMediaHeckYeah] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/FreeMediaHeckYeah/wiki wiki]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/IdeasForSaidIt /s/IdeasForSaidIt]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/IdeasForSaidIt /s/IdeasForSaidIt]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/LibreCulture /s/LibreCulture]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/LibreCulture /s/LibreCulture]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Organizing /s/Organizing]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Organizing /s/Organizing]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum /s/PhoenixForum] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum /s/PhoenixForum] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/PhoenixForum/wiki wiki]
*: Dev next-gen forum ideas & ideals, form & functions.
*: Dev next-gen forum ideas & ideals, form & functions.
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Piracy /s/Piracy]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Piracy /s/Piracy]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Programming /s/Programming]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Programming /s/Programming]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Rights /s/Rights]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Rights /s/Rights]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/ResistanceAnalysis /s/ResistanceAnalysis]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/ResistanceAnalysis /s/ResistanceAnalysis]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/RulingClass /s/RulingClass]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/RulingClass /s/RulingClass]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity /s/SaidItCommunity] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity /s/SaidItCommunity] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/SaidItCommunity/wiki wiki]
*: Dev bottom-up self-management for SaidIt, Cassy, & social media platforms.
*: Dev bottom-up self-management for SaidIt, Cassy, & social media platforms.
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Software /s/Software]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Software /s/Software]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Surveillance /s/Surveillance] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/Surveillance/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Surveillance /s/Surveillance] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/Surveillance/wiki wiki]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Technocracy /s/Technocracy]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Technocracy /s/Technocracy]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/Tyranny /s/Tyranny]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/Tyranny /s/Tyranny]
* [https://SaidIt.net/s/WikiSpooks /s/WikiSpooks] + [https://SaidIt.net/s/WikiSpooks/wiki wiki]
* [http://SaidIt.net/s/WikiSpooks /s/WikiSpooks] + [http://SaidIt.net/s/WikiSpooks/wiki wiki]
== See also ==
== See also ==
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* [[Community organizing]]
* [[Community organizing]]
* [[Decentralized alternatives]]
* [[Decentralized alternatives]]
* [[Economic alternatives]]
* [[LeverMind]]
* [[LeverMind]]
* [[Security alternatives]]
* [[Security alternatives]]
* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
* [[Starting new social media platforms]]
* [[Survival alternatives]]
* [[Technology alternatives]]
* [[Technology alternatives]]
* [[Voluntarism]], organizing and managing volunteers effectively
* [[Voluntarism]], organizing and managing volunteers effectively
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[[Category:Cassandra Team]]
[[Category: Cassandra Team]]
[[Category: Cassy]]
[[Category:Community organizing concepts]]
[[Category: Community organizing concepts]]
[[Category: Decentralizing]]
[[Category:Ethical community management]]
[[Category: Ethical community management]]
[[Category:Ethical social management]]
[[Category: Ethical social management]]
[[Category:FOTPACHIES community management]]
[[Category: FLOSS]]
[[Category:Lists of lists]]
[[Category: FOTPACHIES community management]]
[[Category: Lists of lists]]
[[Category:SaidIt communities]]
[[Category: Prepping]]
[[Category:Social media]]
[[Category: SaidIt communities]]
[[Category:Starting new social media platforms]]
[[Category: Social media]]
[[Category: Starting new social media platforms]]
[[Category:Technology prepping]]
[[Category: Technology]]
[[Category:Technology projects]]
[[Category: Technology prepping]]
[[Category: Technology projects]]
[[Category: Websites]]

Latest revision as of 09:39, 3 March 2025

Not to be confused with Apache Cassandra, an open source distributed database management system designed to handle large amounts of data across commodity servers.
The font used for its logo is probably Cronos Bold Italic.
Cassy redirects here.
Not to be confused with the Apache Cassandra database, the CQL query language, Project Cassandra, or Project Cassandra (literature).
This page was mirrored and forked from the SaidIt.net/s/Cassy sidebox.
This article ceased development 2023-04-12 until updated 2024-07-15.

Why "Cassy"?

Oil painting on canvas of ‘Cassandra of Troy’ detail, circa 1800s.
Oil painting on canvas of ‘Cassandra of Troy’, circa 1800s.

Cassandra is an ancient Greek figure who foretold great doom, yet no one believed her, though tragically she was always correct.

"Cassandra is a mouthful, Cassy is better," said /u/AmericanMuskrat, unfairly banished (and restored), exemplifying the need to evolve beyond the limitations of SaidIt. The shorter name is also reflective of the Lemmy platform, a federated decentralized Reddit-like forum.

Cassy priorities

  1. Discuss ethical social management ideas: goals, manifestos, fair forums, rules, community guidelines, protocols template sets, access, anonymity, security, self-regulation, defense against spam, sealioning, & STABs (shills, trolls, & bots), backups, public relations strategies, priorities, to-do-lists, etc.
  2. Discuss decentralized/distributed platform/client options and their pros and cons.
  3. Discuss set up, trouble shooting, technical issues, assistance, administration, moderation, etc + customising the flow, form (GUI), and functionality.
  4. Discuss anon solutions. All things related to being anonymous (or not), building bonds, and maintaining trust with reasonable cyber-hygiene security precautions - without giving anything away.

We hope SaidIt, Goat Matrix, RabbitHole.wf, other forums, & developers might freely chime in &/or adopt some of these open good ideas from these hopeful & wishful discussions to improve life & liberty & fairness.

Help plan our next steps beyond SaidIt.

Cassy is for discussing decentralized forum/fora options, federation vs distribution, & planning our community's next steps.

We obviously have problems, but we're working on solutions.

/s/Cassy should not be confused with the vapourware development in /s/PhoenixForum for dreaming our hypothetical our next-generation forum's ideals, form, & functions.

Cassy developments

SaidIt issues

SaidIt.net was a news aggregation forum for truth-seeking and free-thinking, but its issues have festered as a refuge for those banned from Reddit (good, bad, and ugly), and the stagnant, uninspired, and absent management has allowed the site to forum-slide into nasty chaos on par with Voat, Poal, and 4Chan.

And then there's the mismanagement...

So to answer the question "What comes after SaidIt?" the Cassandra Team was formed.


To evolve beyond SaidIt.


To develop self-management concepts for SaidIt, Cassy, and any social media platform.
See also:


☑ "Cassandra" indie server - offline, former host of RabbitHole.WF

☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #1, host of Projex.Wiki

☑ VPS Virtual Private Server #2, host of LeverMind.net

Cassandra Team platforms

Goat Matrix + Gvid.TV

Matrix.Gvid.tv is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and discussion forum.

http://GoatMatrix.net (formerly http://Matrix.Gvid.TV), a Reddit-like forum (Goat Matrix)
http://Gvid.TV, a video vault
http://Img.Gvid.TV, an image vault
http://Matrix.Gvid.TV/chat, the forum's chat

x0x7's hand-coded sites.


is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki,
a Facebook-like free-discourse bottom-up self-regulating community-forum.
Read the developing LeverMind documentation.


On the HumHub platform, LeverMind.net is the online Facebook-like free-discourse community-forum and communications hub. LeverMind developing projects are founded on the voluntaryist principles of bottom-up community self-management opposing the global corporatocracy's top-down tyrannical technocracy.
With the lessons learned from starting new social media platforms, FOEPATCHISM, and community organizing we're working on the foundational outlines in the LeverMind project's operational documentation.
http://LeverMind.org - redirects to LeverMind/Organization
http://LeverMind.productions - redirects to LeverMind/Productions
http://LeverMind.shop - redirects to LeverMind/Shop until the LeverMind.net store is set up
http://LeverMind.store - redirects to LeverMind/Shop until the LeverMind.net store is set up
http://LeverMind.video - redirects to LeverMind/Video
http://LeverMind.wiki - redirects to LeverMind for all the LeverMind project's operational documentation


Projex.Wiki is an organizing resource anyone (but bots) may join to improve.


On the MediaWiki platform akin to WikiSpooks.com, Projex.Wiki is a powerful resource-manager utility for organizing, hosting, and presenting wiki-based projects of all kinds, including freedom-minded projects, global projects, group projects, and personal projects of any sort.


http://RabbitHole.WF, back online!

LarrySwinger2's phpBB.



d3rr's "Down The Memory Hole" PeerTube instance.



User:Gloomy_bear's site.

Giraffe Ideas

http://GiraffeIdeas.Wiki : active offline
Windsor-based creative production cooperative & backup wiki.

Glossed And Profound

Global creative development & production cooperative.

Cassy platform plans



This domain has been secured for an Invidious instance - a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.

See also: #Invidious (below) and Chew.Tube

Maple Fringe

The window of great opportunity has closed on the grand "Maple Fringe" dream - now upgraded with LeverMind (above).
Former plan:
On the Movim decentralized platform, a request or invite only community consisting primarily of (but certainly not exclusively Canadians), of a freedom-protecting politically "small fringe minority with unacceptable views," as alleged by corrupt tyrant, Prime Minister Trudeau.

Truth Seeker

Many of these links now redirect to the unaffiliated excellent site: http://TruthSeeker.se
" The Truth Seeker - A collection of news, documentaries, videos and articles from various sources. "

http://TruthSeeker.Party (no longer secured by us)

Was to be:
  • A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
  • A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for free speech and fun.


Redirects to http://TruthSeeker.se
Was to be:
  • A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
  • A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for civilized, serious, elevated discourse.

http://UncensoredScience.com (not yet secured by us)

Was to be:
  • A Lemmy instance that is self-regulated by the community.
  • A Reddit-like news aggregation forum, for civilized, serious, elevated discourse.
Still secured by us:
http://TruthSeeker.quest, redirects to http://TruthSeeker.se
http://TruthSeeker.shop, redirects to http://TruthSeeker.se
http://TruthSeeker.wiki, redirects to Truth Seeker and may evolve



A PeerTube instance like Tube.4AEM.com (/s/DownTheMemoryHole).
See also: Voluntaryism and Volun.Tube

Other Cassy projects

Community organizing

Decentralized alternatives

Economic alternatives


Fair, Open, Ethical, Peaceful, Accountable, Transparent, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive, Social Management - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.

Security alternatives

Starting new social media platforms

Survival alternatives

Technology alternatives


Welcome.Wiki is a simple, clear, easy to remember (rebranding) redirect to Welcome (shorter than Projex.Wiki/wiki/Welcome) where global or local-Windsor/Essex folks can be introduced our Windsor ACTION Group, our ideas, and what's actually going on locally and around the world, and what we can actually do about it.
In short, Welcome.Wiki is for awareness, counter-propaganda, and recruitment for the freedom movement.
Coming soon (with downloadable printable pamphlets to share):
  1. http://Action.Welcome.Wiki
  2. http://Children.Welcome.Wiki
  3. http://CommonLaw.Welcome.Wiki
  4. http://Communications.Welcome.Wiki
  5. http://Economics.Welcome.Wiki
  6. http://Freedom.Welcome.Wiki
  7. http://Health.Welcome.Wiki
  8. http://Humanity.Welcome.Wiki
  9. http://Nutrition.Welcome.Wiki
  10. http://ProtectAndPrepare.Welcome.Wiki
  11. http://VaxxedHealth.Welcome.Wiki
  12. http://Windsor.Welcome.Wiki

Potential future projects


Main article: Economic alternatives
Cryptocurrencies all have their strengths and weaknesses.

DIY Tutorials

DIY Tutorials
Ideally include user-levels:
  1. Plug-n-Play
  2. Beginner
  3. Advanced
  4. Expert

FLOSS decentralized search engines

F/LOSS = free/libre open-source software, free of charge or restrictions
FLOSS decentralized/distributed search engine(s) goals:
  • focus on searching (and archiving?) but NOT alone
    1. decentralize
    2. search
    3. promote
    4. socially network
  • search specifically for censored, noteworthy, and truth-seeking content
    Wikipedia: Distributed search engine

Search engine platforms

Presearch.com - also earns tokens
Wikipedia: Presearch
Wikipedia: searX
Wikipedia: YaCy - decentralized search engine

Fringe Deplorables Web Ring

Main article: Fringe Deplorables Web Ring


Invidious is a dis-YouTube rerouting platform allowing users to be globally anonymous.
Wikipedia: Invidious
http://Chew.Tube - This domain has been secured for an Invidious instance.

Open Curricula Projects

Protocol alternatives

Protocol alternatives to the common Internet protocols.
BitTorrent & WebTorrent
Wikipedia: BitTorrent
Wikipedia: WebTorrent
Wikipedia: InterPlanetary File System
Wikipedia: Nostr
Wikipedia: Cory Doctorow #Life and career
OpenVPN.net], an open-source virtual private network
Wikipedia: OpenVPN
Plebbit.com] - a serverless, adminless, and open-source platform that allows users to share information and opinions without censorship. It uses a peer-to-peer pubsub network and public key based addressing to scale infinitely and offer different UI options.
Wikipedia: Shard (database architecture)
TOR portal
Wikipedia: Tor (network)

Rob Braxman Tech

an app platform focused on privacy and the Privacy Community
with a store featuring more privacy products


BytzVPN, recommended by #Rob Braxman Tech (above)
Wikipedia: OpenVPN

Web apps and modules

Modules for HumHub
video chat server (http://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules like Jitsi video chat)
web store (http://LeverMind.net uses HumHub with modules)
Web apps
NewsBlur.com - lets you subscribe to thousands of sites, read stories as they come in, and share them with friends. It supports web, iOS, Android, email, Twitter, YouTube, and more.
Wikipedia: NewsBlur

Web archiving

Web archiving
Wikipedia: Web archiving
web-scrape archive - for our forums' links
  • more

Related subSaidIts

SaidIt.net is an uncensored Reddit-like aggregation news and debate forum for free-thinking and truth-seeking.

See also