User:JasonCarswell/Public projects

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Last significant update: 2023-03-15.


Projex Books


WEFringe communications
WEFringe audio video club
WEFringe creatives
WEFringe podcast society
WEFringe radio operators
WEFringe web masters
WEFringe group email lists, open community organization, and inclusive social management
☑ draft initial list of email lists (below)
☑ draft reasoning behind starting lists
☐ draft email lists rules & guidelines
☐ share with friends to get feedback
mutatis mutandis, initialize email lists and share with the wider community
WEFringe monthly birthday celebrations
South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter (working title), calendar and newsletter project (+ open renaming contest)
☑ draft purpose, mission, values, goals, etc
☐ draft/design layouts with purpose
☐ draft outlines, projects, themes, etc
☐ draft request for ads, designers, editors, funding, submissions, etc
articles, calendar, graphics, humour, info, lists, news, notices, opinions, etc.
WEFringe preppers & survivalists
WEFringe urban garden society

Community organizing

Online resources


Windsor freedom rallies