User:JasonCarswell/Personal projects

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This page is under development.
Check back soon for updates.
email John about Television series pitches -
☐ logo
☐ business cards, postcards, flyers
☐ T-shirts, merch, etc
Trudeau's Bag Man, short video
2023-03-18 Trudeau's Bag Man, short video shoot
☐ video editing
Mass Awakening production development, independent short video
☐ graphic designs, banners, church flyers, props, cast & crew invites?, schedule?, etc
WEFringe communications
☐ make flyers & posters (& newsletters) for many groups to explain all projects
WEFringe group email lists
☐ refine pages
WEFringe monthly newsletter
☐ draft purpose, mission, values, goals, etc
☐ draft/design layouts with purpose
☐ draft outlines, projects, themes, etc
☐ draft request for ads, designers, editors, funding, submissions, etc
articles, calendar, graphics, humour, info, lists, news, notices, opinions, etc.
Prep for business: Giraffe Ideas
draft about pages + logos:
Giraffe Ideas
Glossed & Profound
☐ config: SnapRAID
☐ design: logos + business cards + stickers + merch (below)
☐ setup: Patreon, SubscribeStar, crypto, etc.
☐ setup: webstore + merch
setup emails: @Projex.Wiki, @Proton.Me,
LeverMind 001 re-record + re-edit audio (below)
LeverMind animated intro
LeverMind logo
Santa Libertas
Santa Libertas animated intro
Santa Libertas logo
Santa Libertas set
User:JasonCarswell/Merchandise ideas
Zigzagzig cat door


2022-12-10 Green Room Christmas Party
Green Acres Organic Produce
logos + business cards + stickers + merch (below)
Open Curricula Projects Animation, ongoing project
SnapRAID configuration
☐ Start pages:
Bruno Dippoliti's recommendations
John Jones' recommendations
Giraffe Ideas, Glossed & Profound, Projex.Wiki
A Message From Our Sponsors Windsor cover version

2023-05-20 We Are Ready, Freedom-lovers, groups and organizations SHOW UP to display collective strength… We're MANY, we're UNITED, and "WE ARE READY!" May 20, 2023. Globalism overplayed their hand. We know their plans. Their power does not guarantee success. Fear & anxiety must disappear so our energy can prepare instead. - WeAreReady.World
Community organizing concepts
☐☑ Projex.Wiki front page overhaul
Welcome to Projex.Wiki, ☐ Resilience, ☐ Why Windsor?, ☐ What's New!!!
Category:Projex.Wiki, ☐ Projex.Wiki:About, ☐ Projex.Wiki:Help, ☐ Projex.Wiki:To do
Category:Windsor, Ontario, ☐ Windsor, Ontario
Category:Global projects, ☐ Global projects
Category:Global freedom projects, ☐ Global freedom projects
Recommendations, ☐ Friends list, ☐ Best indie-media sources skeptical of authority, ☐ Soon to migrate to Projex.Wiki
Miscellaneous, ☐ Politics, ☐ Associations, ☐ Platforms, ☐ Management, ☐ Copyrights, ☐ Administration, ☐ FOTPACH, ☐ FOTPACHIES, ☐ Feedback please, ☐ Hope
verify domain redirects?
WEFringe communications
☐ make flyers & posters (& newsletters) for many groups to explain all projects
WEFringe group email lists
☑ SSL + ☐ learn how to work SSL?
☑ set up first 8 groups
☐ refine pages
☑ draft email lists reasoning
☑ draft email lists FOTPACH self-regulating rules & guidelines
How to behave in group email lists, rules, guides, and etiquette
How to share group emails, titles, content, etc
☐ draft FOTPACH self-regulating forum rules & guidelines
Community organizing concepts
WEFringe monthly birthday celebrations
☑ Draft text for 1) private and 2) public notices/flyers
2023-03-18 Andrea's birthday soiree
Jason: design flyers (image files) for public party
Share both (images + text) across all social media and/or print out
flyer image files may be shared and/or printed
text may be copy/paste shared and/or printed
WEFringe monthly newsletter
☐ draft purpose, mission, values, goals, etc
☐ draft/design layouts with purpose
☐ draft outlines, projects, themes, etc
☐ draft request for ads, designers, editors, funding, submissions, etc
articles, calendar, graphics, humour, info, lists, news, notices, opinions, etc.
Windsor Media Center
Filmmaking, ongoing project
Open Curricula Projects Animation, ongoing project
WindsorMedia group email lists for the Windsor Media Center / Windsor Film & Arts Center
☐ set up 4 email groups: announce, development, productions, social
☐ draft Wikipedia article about the Windsor Media Center / Windsor Film & Arts Center

Green Room

☐ get green 64gb thumbdrive with Klaus back ◄ ◄ ◄
☐ get "Toss COVID Down Trudeau's Throat" ◄ ◄ ◄
☐ ask Rob about finding a Ryobi cordless drill ◄ ◄ ◄
☑ ask Sherry about finding a Ryobi cordless drill
☑ announce monthly birthdays
☐ ask if Amanda can speak
☐ ask if anyone wants to organize April or May's birthday celebration
March 4th BD + surprise 40th next year
Sat March 18 potluck Birthday Soiree (after Mexico trip & St. Patricks Fri 17)

Sir Richard's

2023-03-18 Andrea's birthday soiree from 3pm-9pm, then

WEFringe monthly birthday celebrations 9pm+.

☐ 2023-03-18 9:00pm+
  • 226-676-0700
  • kitchen open until midnight
  • Saturdays live music
  • March 18th: Wade Sharp, country music
country music = farmers, rural life, loyal to the market
western music = cowboys, ranching, less fiddles, more Mexican, loyal to the sound, image, and lifestyle
☑ St Patrick decorations will still be up
☑ row of tables reserved for 24 Freedom Fighters
☑ cupcakes, cakes, deserts welcome
☐ call back if numbers change

Graphic design


  • banners
    • Celebrate Windsor Freedom
    • Top issue icons
      • alternatives & solutions
      • decentralization
      • depopulation eugenics & vaccine injuries
      • economics & inflation
      • energy monopoly
      • food crises
      • freedom of open communications
      • global totalitarian surveillance state
      • survivalist over-regulation
      • systemic & political corruption
  • Csaba's truck decoration

Design projects

Beaver design by Jason Carswell.
  1. MJC business card
    + Projex.Wiki page that MJC business cards will link to
  2. The Vigilant Beaver, a Windsor Essex newsletter
    + get feedback
  3. WEFringe logo
    WEFringe, we the 'Fringe' Majority of Windsor & Essex County
    + get feedback
  4. WEFringe business card
    + Projex.Wiki page that WEFringe business cards will link to
    + get feedback
  5. flyers
    • Don't prosecute Brisco! / Legalize freedom.
  6. branding
  7. Local clean energy is NOT global clean energy.
    • alt: Local clean energy increases global damage.
  8. memes
    • Casper The Friendly Ghost
    • Elmer The Safety Elephant
    • The Vigilant Beaver, Windsor Essex Newsletter
  9. "Freedom!" designs
    • Angry Beaver
      reference beavers
      I:\PROJECTS\PROJECTS 2009-2014\Design Active\The Cookhouse Saloon (2010)\
    • Be the resistance for freedom you wish to see in the world.
    • Beaver Design
      I:\PROJECTS\PROJECTS 2009-2014\Design Active\The Cookhouse Saloon (2010)\
    • Csaba's truck decoration
      reference to show to Csaba
      I:\PROJECTS\PROJECTS 2009-2014\Design Active\Scans (2010)\
    • Don't prosecute Brisco! / Legalize freedom.
    • Dove Freedom
    • Face It, They Lied To Us done properly
    • Freedom Lion Crest
    • First Nations Freedom
    • Monarch Windsor Freedom
    • Sheeple Love Authority
    • Teddy Grave Consequences
    • The Burning Moose
    • The Vigilant Beaver, a Windsor Essex newsletter
    • Windsor Freedom

Illustrations (memes, posters, stickers, T-shirts)

  • Casper The Friendly Ghost
  • Elmer The Safety Elephant
    • "Before" (getting the shot) / "After" (in a hospital bed)
    + needs good punch line below it
    • corporate media announcement of untimely demise of Elmer
    + needs good punch line below it
  • Doom Porn
  • Troof Bong

Logos + business cards + stickers + merch

logos + business cards + stickers + merch
Face It, They Lied To Us
Giraffe Ideas
The Fringe Examiner
☐ design business cards + get feedback
Bruno Dippoliti recommendations
John Jones recommendations
☐ draft page to link from card
☐ get feedback



coming soon
  • mutant vehicle
  • paintings
  • sculptures

Protest signs

  • Corporate media = ministry of truth lies!
  • Death Genocide by a thousand cuts regulations.
  • End lockdown, quarantine the sick and weak, the rest is obvious tyranny!
  • Get the latest "vaccine" if you beLIEve the world is overpopulated.
  • How would you know if authorities lie to you?
  • Billionaires profit from war and slavery. Imagine how much they could profit from exploiting "health"care.
  • If your media, government, corporations, banksters, and ruling class are at war with you, the sheeple - how would you know?
  • "Leaders" and corporate media are perpetual liars. Ask me how I know.
  • $cienti$m = blind faith in corrupt corporate "science"
  • The tyranny will continue until obedience improves!
  • There are 2 kinds of people:
    1. People who think the government cares about them.
    2. People who think.


  • reverse desk
  • file papers
  • catch up taxes



LeverMind animations

LeverMind interview skits

    • Noam O'Tierney, (pronounced "no more tyranny") six-foot garden gnome
      • Concept: Every fringe minority gripe spun from Gnome perspective.
      • Script:
        • No, no, no, no, Noam. My name is Noam O'Tierney. My grandfather was a leprechaun, immigrated from Ireland to Canada.
        • Who says there aren't six-foot garden Gnomes? Corporate media is ALWAYS lying, slandering, diminishing us, calling us common folks "little people" and "vertically challenged" plebs.
        • The housing crisis problem is that they give us tiny homes, doll houses, and holes in the ground to live in. Hollywood misinforms and ruins everything. [Village of dollhouses in St. Jocham, Lakeshore]
      • Notes:
        • complains about Trudeau selectively favouring some minorities and not others, like trans over gnomes or fringe minorities
        • Mrs. O'Tierney, dividing families, trust question, went and got vaxxed and now sick in bed (log cottage home set with quilts, candles, logs, sticks, rustic, barn, etc. - or toolshed?)
        • convert flower gardens to food gardens
        • raised beds are easier to hide behind
        • Gnome militia to defend Gnome culture from commie/fascist/authoritarian/government overreach and death by a thousand regulations.
        • off-grid Gnome-steading culture
        • hiding/rolling in fall leaves
        • green energy / garden decoration salesman (ie. flower wind-turbines)
        • You do not want to know how we make garden Gnome fertilizer.
        • If a garden Gnome sexually identifies as a road pylon - will anyone see it?
        • bee population decline = no beard wax
        • Bill Gates and industrial farming are destroying garden Gnomes' natural habitat!
        • Recurring nightmare: I'm Gnome Solo in Empire Strikes Back and Darth Trudeau freezes me in concrete with peaches.
        • Recurring dream: I'm that Amélie movie traveling around the world and in the end she hooks up with me instead of the French guy.
      • Scenario shots:
        • wears war paint, camouflaged clothes, crawls through gardens
        • stealth gnome peaks over hedge, camera pulls back to reveal obvious tall red hat
        • trips/knocks over Easter Island head (meter the aggressive stuff to keep the character sympathetic)
        • What's the difference between Dwarfs, Elves, Leprechauns, etc? Semantics. It's just racial division manufactured by the ruling class.
        • boycotting Christmas and Santa's enslaved elves. What's Santa going to do when robots are cheaper than Elves? EDA, Elf depopulation agenda.
        • stealing Christmas lights in brotherhood with Santa's exploited Elves (but Elves want nothing to do with Gnomes)
        • runs from cops
    • Where's Waldo?, the depressed protestor with a lisp
      • "Where's Waldo Common Sense?" sign doesn't work (character is too self-aware) but a "Where's Common Sense?" sign could.
      • opening intro will be funny, without any S sounds to delay lisping to next part
      • My name is Waldo. I'm an average normal guy. Like anyone's boring life, ignoring my primary activity, my generally low profile would have me be very forgettable, to blend into the crowd. Though, you might've heard of me, when, apparently an author made literature for children motivated by my clothing. I haven't read any. I don't even own a book...
      • [lisping] I'm dyslexic. As a serious activist and protester, I'm depressed that no one will take me seriously.
    • Lady Of Ye Renaissance, nature vs corporatocracy, consumer culture, industrial, garbage,
    • Dawn Of The Witch, old goth valley girl, talking gossip about politicians and their two-faced hypocrisies
    • Unemployed Mafia, legit work is tough, no good drugs since the CIA took over, wistful for the monopoly on violence days, at least we had a code of ethics.
    • Confused Santa
      • Sure some call me Claus, but you can call me Nick. It was so much simpler in the old days. I used to have just two lists for all the girls and boys - but now, so many genders to keep track of. And inflation! Even if I could afford it, there's so little food for the elves.
      • Confused Santa doesn't know what to do. Girls, boys, other genders, etc. Inflation, elf worker rights, reindeer food shortages, etc. False sex accusations from adults and children, etc. It's all too damn much. Gonna have to pack it all in for the Great Reset. You all may think it's a conspiracy, but Santa watches all of it. [Insert more details here.] We have long lists of conspiracy analysis that's all come true in the last few years. It's clear as day. Santa's gonna have to use his magic sleigh to travel to another solar system.


Series pitches

Television series pitches
My first television series pitch
Maple Fringe Majority, television series pitch
The Rendezvous, television series pitch
Truth In Topics, television series pitch (working title)

Video projects

☐ clip + edit Irek Kusmierczyk
☐ upload clip video
☐ upload full raw video
fundraising social media campaigns for:
  • Csaba
  • Will
Journalists For Freedom
  1. Riptide Roy
  2. Ollie
  3. Z
  4. Brianna
PlugNPlay Productions promo
Sophia Sevo projects
  1. Government Mass Murderous Eugenics, Systemic Elder Euthanasia
    • draft outline
    • draft conspiracy article
    • draft video production plan
  2. Corrupt Windsor Politics, Facts & Theories
    • draft outline
    • draft conspiracy article
    • draft video production plan


verify domain redirects?
SnapRAID configuration
☐ 2022 good candidates lists
☐ 2021 + 2022 upload galleries
☐ Immich - Self-hosted backup solution for photos and videos on mobile device.
☑ learn manual creation new user accounts
☐ learn/change Projex.Wiki login page to include sign up requests + accept.
☐ learn/change Projex.Wiki access, admins, groups, permissions, privacy, etc.
How to join Projex.Wiki, new basic instructions
How to edit a wiki page, new basic instructions
How to behave on Projex.Wiki, rules, guides, and etiquette
How to behave in group email lists, rules, guides, and etiquette
How to share group emails, titles, content, etc
☐ learn How to import wiki templates
Projex.Wiki branding guide




WEFringe monthly newsletter

Store + maker projects

  • banners
  • business cards
  • coffee mugs
  • flags
  • flyers
  • hats
  • newsletters
  • post cards
  • posters
  • stencils
  • stickers
  • T-shirts


Tech ASAP projects

  • SSL
  • verify domain redirects?
  • SnapRAID configuration
  • Dave ☑ data assistance
  • Dawn ☐ data assistance, ☐ PC upgrade (Kijiji?)
  • Dawn ☐ PC upgrade (Kijiji?)
  • John ☐ data assistance

Tech goal projects

  • Immich - Self-hosted backup solution for photos and videos on mobile device.
  • setup domains:
MapleFringe : .ca, .cloud, .com, .search, .net, .org, .shop
TruthSeeker : .club, .party, .quest, .search, .shop, .wiki
  • setup platforms and resources:
☑ Mediawiki - for any project
☐ Lemmy - ranked aggregation forum (like Reddit)
☐ Movim - forum and chat (like Facebook/Messenger)
☐ NextCloud - social network + data base
☐ open-source VPN - independent networking
☐ PeerTube - video hosting (like YouTube)
☐ photo gallery - for large collections of large images
☐ web store - independent marketplace
☐ Yacy - independent search



WEFringe communications
WEFringe audio video club
WEFringe creatives
WEFringe podcast society
WEFringe radio operators
WEFringe web masters
WEFringe group email lists, open community organization, and inclusive social management
☑ draft initial list of email lists (below)
☑ draft reasoning behind starting lists
☐ draft email lists rules & guidelines
☐ share with friends to get feedback
mutatis mutandis, initialize email lists and share with the wider community
WEFringe monthly birthday celebrations
WEFringe monthly newsletter (working title), newsletter project (+ open renaming contest)
☐ draft purpose, mission, values, goals, etc
☐ draft/design layouts with purpose
☐ draft outlines, projects, themes, etc
☐ draft request for ads, designers, editors, funding, submissions, etc
articles, calendar, graphics, humour, info, lists, news, notices, opinions, etc.
WEFringe preppers & survivalists
WEFringe urban garden society
