WE Protect Freedom!/Pamphlet development

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WE Protect Freedom!
WE Protect Freedom! Logo v1A.png
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This article was once a sub-section of WE Protect Freedom!/Outreach material.
See also: WE Protect Freedom!/Pamphlets for the finished results.

Pamphlet proposal

Content description

The bold dynamic alarmist card front intentionally grabs your attention alerting folks of the war of perpetual crises the ruling class is imposing on the slave class of humanity.

The front-outside and back-inside of the pamphlet will contain all the same content presented on the Welcome page until overflowing and too vast to fit on a pamphlet. Variation pamphlets may be edited as necessary and pamphlet issues can focus on specific topics (Autonomy, Children, Communications, Food, Health, Housing, Nature, Rights, Speech, Wealth, Work, etc.).

The examples of issues should motivate folks to take action and participate in our communities and utilize our online resources starting on our Welcome pages featuring researchable links and much more detailed information.

Branding and design

For consistency and good brand recognition, we'll utilize the familiar entire business card front with yellow/black warning 45 degree stripes with red accents including the rim around the card and the title box outline.

Hopefully some folks may appreciate the aesthetic design that should continue across other merchandise, print, products, and signage.

For future branding and/or designs, perhaps minimal classy flourishes might be nice, or bracketing rampant lions (as in an unfinished painting by Jason Carswell: Unfinished Scottish rampant lion painting. ).

Body painting - QR code.
There are too many reasons to avoid QR codes to list here.
It could be a bummer.

There are too many reasons to avoid QR codes to list here. It could be a bummer.

Pamphlet front-outside

More soon.

Q: What goes here?

A: It's all on Welcome. (Until it becomes too vast to fit on a pamphlet.)

Pamphlet back-inside

The text is intentionally alarmist to convey the critical importance and urgency, while also aiming to motivate people to action, and of course raise questions that may be answered on the Welcome pages and by participating in our communities. Importantly, we must convey that there is community, hope, alternatives, solutions, and freedom for any who seek it.

More soon.

Q: What goes here?

A: It's all on Welcome. (Until it becomes too vast to fit on a pamphlet.)

Pamphlet design variations

Business card design variations

Logo design variations

Potential future variations

  • Protect Autonomy! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Communications! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Discourse! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Food! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Health! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Housing! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Inquiry! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Mobility! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Nature! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Privacy! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Rights! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Sovereignty! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Speech! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Technology! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Wealth! Business Cards v1B.png
  • Protect Work! Business Cards v1B.png