South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter

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Revision as of 02:30, 24 September 2024 by JasonCarswell (talk | contribs)
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Calendar icon.
Newsletter icon.
Logo from
Monarch butterfly at Point Pelee, Essex County,
(photo by Ryan Pimiskern, Flickr).
Wikipedia: Monarch butterfly
WikiMedia Commons: Danaus plexippus.
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SW Ontario calendar and SW Ontario newsletter redirect here.

The South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter (temporary working title) will be open evolving projects of and by the people of Windsor, Essex County, and beyond, to become online reference resources with self-printable flyers to distribute local regional information alone or with other publications (such as Druthers), with a focus on sharing critical information, to prepare for the worst, while hoping and striving for the best, and resisting the tyranny of government and corporate overreach.

Calendar and newsletter goals

Both the calendar project and newsletter project should be co-developed together, even if some aspects may not overlap.

Aggregate and develop

The goal is to collectively aggregate important freely available information, as well as develop and share new content.

Mission statement

We may want to remove as much confusion as possible by clearly defining #What we're about, what we #Protect, what we #Reject, what we're #Ambiguous about, and what we #NEVER do - as was done on the WE Protect Freedom! page. Perhaps we might draft a charter.

Open content

This open content (globally public) is not just for freedom and prepper folks, as we hope the wider public will not only become aware of important ideas and events they should learn about, but they may join our ranks. (As always, be prepared for infiltrators, with balanced skepticism.)

Private content

Once we've established our open content practices and routines we may then learn and grow confidence in how to grant private content access to individuals and groups with exclusive privileges - not just on Projex.Wiki but with other social media platforms and networks we may utilize.


We hope to collaborate with Freedom Alliance Canada and other networks.


Centralization / decentralization / distribution / distributed decentralization.

Because a single point of failure is the easiest way for tyranny to stop and stomp on resistance, it's important we decentralize and distribute away from a central hub to a network mesh of information. Projex.Wiki may be a good starting place to organize projects, but it should never be the only or last place that information resides. Naturally we'll openly share developments, solutions, and ways we can collaboratively and openly share the calendar and newsletter projects.

See also:

  • Decentralized alternatives‏‎
  • Wikipedia: Decentralization
    Decentralization or decentralisation is the process by which the activities of an organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, are distributed or delegated away from a central, authoritative location or group and given to smaller factions within it.
  • Wiktionary: decentralize
    1. To cause something to change from being concentrated at one point to being distributed across a number of points.
    2. To reduce the authority of a governing body by distributing that authority among several bodies.
  • Wordnick: decentralize
    1. To distribute the administrative functions or powers of (a central authority) among several local authorities.
    2. To bring about the redistribution of (an urban population and industry) to suburban areas.
    3. To cause to withdraw or disperse from a center of concentration.

Working title

The names of these projects (South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter) are temporary titles to work with for now, until replaced with better long-term names, slogans, and branding ideas. For more info see the #Open naming contests section below.

More dreams

Some long-term dreams may include:

  • starting with quarterly editions
  • shifting monthly editions
  • inspiring other regions to DIY (do it yourself), with or without our project as template, and/or utilizing Projex.Wiki
  • maybe co-develop podcast shows
  • what else?

Production management

Content sources

Groups and individuals may make announcements, post events, and share their schedules.

  • Action and freedom groups
  • Belief groups (atheists, Common Law, Natural Law, religions, etc.)
  • Charity groups
  • City, town, village, and regional authorities
  • Communications groups (arts and media, production, social media, technology, etc.)
  • Health and wellness groups
  • Individuals
  • Political groups (especially including fringe parties)
  • Politicians (especially including fringe candidates)
  • Prepper groups
  • Resources groups (education, employment, food, housing, makers, sales, etc.)


South-Western Ontario, starting with a focus on Windsor and Essex County. As this project develops with clearer focus, goals, and organization on these wiki pages we may invite more communities and folks to participate. (Feel free to suggest more places and topical categories to add to the bottom of this page.)


Initial thoughts and actionable outline:

  • Draft up an introductory pressrelease-like outline to share.
  • Reach out to all the groups, political parties, and individuals of interest.
  • They should only share what they wish to share with the world.
  1. 1st request for each group (optional)
    • Group name
    • Group purpose
    • Group meeting times / schedules / calendar of upcoming events
    • Meeting location / general contact info / who to contact with questions
      real world address and/or online sites and contact info
  2. 2nd request for each group (optional)
    • Submit an article or few, from a paragraph to a half-page
  3. 3rd request for each group (optional)
    • Submit a cartoon, comic, design, graphic, illustration, image, meme, or photo
    • Provide source
    • Get permission if possible
  4. 4th request for each group (optional)
    • Consider and discuss if we want overarching themes for newsletters
  5. 5th request for each group (optional)
    • Consider and discuss whether we want to advertise or promote anything
    • Consider and discuss what rules and guides we might establish (in a charter?)
  6. 6th request for each group (optional)
    • Help review the content
    • Help format the content
    • Help proof-read the content before release
    • Help publish the content
      1. Presented on Projex.Wiki
      2. Email
      3. PDFs may be self-printed by anyone anywhere
      4. Print out and...
      5. ...Distribute
      6. Perhaps podcast news readers may develop audio/video shows


Proposal (changeable):

Once submitted all content will be openly shared, and potentially further developed, edited, and tweaked, here on Projex.Wiki. Every wiki-page has a history of all edits and who made them.

Content that may not make it into an issue might still be utilized later.

We may develop and fine tune a Calendar and newsletter submissions guide to provide folks with a template of ideas they may draw from, along with rough limits for our purposes. Distinctions may be outlined regarding community submissions, distinct from individual submissions. Maybe something about ☐☑ drafting optional requests.

Distinctive types of content are worth outlining:

  • Evolving lists, repeated in every issue (ie. event calendar, known groups, recommended links, resources)
  • Regular columns
  • Group updates, may or may not be in every issue
  • Irregular columns
  • Single issue articles
  • Single issue images

We may keep evolving some lists, not only for collaborators, contributors, and editors, but to keep the public in the loop of what content we may need help with.

  • Articles lists
    • Needed articles list
    • Wanted articles list
    • Wish for articles list
    • Urgent articles list
    • ASAP articles list
    • Sooner articles list
    • Later articles list
  • Be aware of list
    • To avoid list
  • Events lists
    • Annual events list
    • Monthly events list
    • Weekly events list
    • Daily events list
    • Rare events list
    • One-time events list
  • Folks lists
  • Supplies lists
    • Advertisers lists?
    • Communities and groups lists
    • Editorial staff lists
  • Supplies lists
  • etc.

Development, curation, editing, and layout

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To join, please request an invitation by email from LeverMind@Projex.Wiki.
How to join
Support our efforts:
  Projex.Wiki this wiki our new forum
  independent media
  local action
  uncensored alternatives
via Jason Carswell with ca$h or
eTran$fer to Jason@Projex.Wiki
or Bitcoin to
Plans include expanding donation options, full transparency, other platforms, and more online resources.
more coming soon

Not sure where to start with this - other than to suggest that everyone may join Projex.Wiki to create and help edit content, projects, and resources.


Publishing details coming soon.


Support details coming soon.


Funding details coming soon.


Merchandise details coming soon.

Branding guide

Branding guide details coming soon.


We may collectively and openly decide how all this will be organized.

One option is to use some of the WEFringe group email lists, or even create others if necessary. To join the list(s) that interest you, simply send an email with the subject "subscribe" to any or all of the 8 groups (so far). WEFringe-REACH may be where most of the calendar/newsletter organizing might occur.

  1., ONLY announcements & newsletters
  2., organizing activities & events
  3., escapist amusements
  4., global news & info we cannot affect
  5., ONLY local news affecting us and/or that we may react to
  6., managing & planning our communities
  7., communications, media, public relations, tech
  8., free-form freedom forum
For more info see the Guidelines, F.A.Q., and/or Ecartis Help File.


Discussed at least a year before the WEFringe newsletter wiki-page was started in March 2023, this idea is not new but finally has interest in getting things organized and happening. As of the 2023-08-09 casual Wednesday-Minor meeting at Brown's Lounge in [[Windsor,Ontario]|Windsor], these calendar and newsletter projects will be revived with new a fervor. In addition to the newsletter wiki-page, a calendar wiki-page was started, then they were merged into one South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter project until it becomes necessary to separate them.

Related ideas

Open naming contests

Details to be developed:

Contest prizes

Ideas coming soon.

Contest submissions

Potential newsletter brand-names and submitters, so far:

  • Duck & Cover
    Many deeper layers and meanings to this title.
    + duck reading, and could lean on retro/vintage stylizations ~ Jason Carswell
  • Latin
    • Wikipedia: List of Latin phrases and mottos
    • According to Google Translate (not always accurate):
      • Diurna et calendarium = Newspaper and calendar (nothing for "newsletter")
      • Meridionalis occidens = South west
      • Para et spes = Prepare and hope
      • Tuere libertatem = Protect freedom
  • The Fringe Examiner
    + magnifying glass + theme ~ Jason Carswell
    WEFringe: We the 'Fringe' Majority, of Windsor & Essex County.
    Fighting for freedom, preparing for the worst, hoping and striving for the best.
    • Iconic hand holding magnifying glass over maple leaf monthly reveals different things: "Tyranny", Eye of Providence Over Pyramid, carpet fringe, ze bugz, etc.
    • Potential themes: "Cens*rsh!p & Pr*paganda", "No World Order", "Surveilling The State Of Things", "Voluntarism & Voluntaryism", etc.
  • The Maple Fringe
    ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Truth-Seeker
    + lighthouse logo, ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Media Is The Moose-age
    + moose design ~ Jason Carswell
  • The Vigilant Beaver
    + beaver design ~ Jason Carswell
  • True North Grit
    ~ Ray Potvin & Jason Carswell

Tech research

WE Protect Freedom!
WE Protect Freedom! Logo v1A.png
WE = Windsor and Essex County

WE Protect Freedom! organize meetings for actions, communications, resources, and social info-sharing for local freedom, health, and prepper communities' networking.

Essex County groups

South-Western Ontario calendar & newsletter (stalled)

WE Protect Freedom!

Category: WE Protect Freedom!

WEFringe group email lists (stalled)

+ email resources
Subscribe, Share, etc. to these groups :

Windsor, Ontario

Category: Windsor freedom rallies
Category: Windsor protests
Category: Windsor resistance projects


Alternatives :
Decentralized alternatives‏‎Economic alternatives‏‎
Political alternativesSecurity alternatives
Survival alternativesTechnology alternatives

Community organizing (+ LeverMind documents),
a free-discourse community-forum, communications hub, and sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

Projex.Wiki :
About Edit Join Lists SupportSpecial: Categories

Quotes + Terminology

Recommendations :
Books EntertainmentPersonal recommendations
Politics Prepping Recipes Reference Videos

● Some categories of Projex.Wiki :
Action Alternatives Communications Economics
Education Employment Entertainment Food
Freedom Health Housing Legal LeverMind Media
Memes Organizing Politics Prepping Projects
Recommendations Reference Resources Social
Social media Solutions Technology Videos
Websites Windsor, Ontario


Projex.Wiki will need to know what calendar extension(s) to install and learn how to operate them, among other much needed wiki tools. Worth noting, Projex.Wiki is not only running MediaWiki but powerful Semantic MediaWiki (for anyone who can learn to use it).

See also