Windsor and Essex County employment resources
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- Please add to and improve this listicle in any ways you see fit.

View the "Promo 2024" demo reel video on YouTube or PeerTube.
Jason Carswell worked on all included shots, alone or with a small team in an animation studio.
Call Jason: (519)903-0560.
Please, add your postings below. This is an interactive employment board and your participation is valued.
This page may be dramatically re-organized when it gets utilized, busier, and crowded.
You may also post, comment, and discuss on the SaidIt forum:
Employment available
- More soon.
Projex.Wiki needs assistance
- More soon.
Windsor Media Centre classes
- More soon.
The Windsor Media Centre hosts many different kinds of classes. Some are free for the unemployed. Some have job placements after.
- Open Curricula Projects 2D Animation 9-Day Class
- An introductory crash course on the fundamentals of animation, traditional animation on paper (cels), traditional animation on computers, design-in-motion and design-over-time, compositing, editing, etc. A particular focus will be on pragmatically preparing students for production and the work-placements that may follow the 9-day class. Therefore less emphasis will be on the theory, homework, and practice exercises necessary to build stronger skills.
- List with calendar soon
Employment needed
- More soon.
Auto enthusiast seeking work
With so much in flux I'm not sure if I will need a full time, part time, gig, short order cook, or other kind of job to supplement and/or survive the tyranny.
I'm eager to hear about what opportunities are out there.
- Fast learner.
- Willing to train if necessary.
- Assembly line worker for decades.
- Mig welding (novice with settings, proficient with beads).
- Automotive enthusiast (light duty experience).
Contact User:JasonCarswell who will act as proxy for more connection info.
Any jobs that come my way, with your permission, can be shared on Projex.Wiki to help make your connections.
Employment resources
- More soon.
Employment resources outside Projex.Wiki
- More soon.
Discrimination-free employment
- DuckDuckGo search: employment Windsor Ontario without mandates
Employers Notice Of Liability For Coercively Demanding COVID-19 Vaccination
Employers threatening consequences of any kind over private medical decisions related to the COVID-19 vaccinations, may be informed of their responsibilities, and the consequences they may face for engaging in coercion, as outlined in this letter of liability that was shared at the ‘Windsor With the World’ protest on September 18th, 2021:
- PDF: Notice of Liability to Employer Regarding SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination as Condition for Continuation of Employment
- Source:
Free-thinker social media platforms
Some of these platforms have crypto and/or markets and may yield discrimination-free employment leads:
Normie platforms
- DuckDuckGo search: employment Windsor Ontario
- Facebook networking
- Facebook groups
- Facebook Messenger chat groups
- Facebook search
- + Windsor-Area-ON
Employment Ontario
The following Employment Ontario Service Providers are available in your community and may be able to provide additional supports.
City of Windsor - Employment and Training Services
- 101-400 City Hall Square E., 1st Floor, Windsor
- 519-977-6444
Collège Boréal (French Language)
- 7515 Forest Glade Dr., Windsor
- 519-988-1766
- 615 Ouellette Ave., Windsor
- 519-252-1562
GECDSB Employment Assessment Centres
- 1410 Ouellette Ave., Windsor
- 519-971-9698
- 215 Talbot St. E., Leamington
- 519-356-0513
- 47 Pearl St. E., Kingsville
- 519-733-6369
- 20 Talbot St., Unit 5, Essex
- 519-776-8711
New Beginnings
- 1049 Janette Ave., Windsor
- 519-254-2363
New Canadians Centre of Excellence Inc.
- 660 Ouellette Ave., Windsor
- 519-258-4076
- 3235 Sandwich St., Windsor
- 519-254-2001
- 24 Oak St. E., Unit 7, Leamington
South Essex Community Council
- 215 Talbot St. E., Leamington
- 519-326-8629
- 313 Main St. E., Unit 21, Kingsville
- 519-733-5784
- 1168 Drouillard Rd., Windsor
- 519-915-5362
St. Clair College Employment Centre
- 3015 Howard Ave., Unit 2, Windsor
- 519-253-4461
- 400 Sandwich St. S., Unit 1500, Amherstburg
- 519-736-2827
Tri County Literacy Network
- is a help line that can connect you to language and math skills programs in your area.
- 519-355-1771
Unemployed Help Centre
- 6955 Cantelon Dr., Windsor
- 612 Notre Dame St., Belle River
- 519-944-4900
Women's Enterprise Skills Training
- 647 Ouellette Ave., Unit 201, Windsor
- 519-256-6621
Windsor Women Working With Immigrant Women
- 1368 Ouellette Ave., Windsor
- 519-973-5588
Modified June 2018 MAESD Windsor