2025-01-19 Brian Masse Protest
- An introductory paragraph needs to go here.
Introductory email
- This is the first email (third revision) for the 2025-01-19 Brian Masse Protest, sent 2025-01-07.
Happy New Year to you funderful freedom folks!
An accomplice of the vile Trudeau regime who voted for the Emergency Act (and many other anti-freedom laws), Brian Masse is having an election party in his own riding (likely the only one on the ballot).
WEFreedom.ca folks aim to make a stink and funk it up.
Before then we're seeking good ideas, organizing assistance, and eventually participatory attendance at the event.
- Actions to take?
- How to participate?
- How to protest?
- Is the press release effective?
- To what purpose?
- Useful tactics?
- What are our goals?
- What have we forgotten?
- What steps to take?
- What's the main message?
Time is short!
Open invitations to anyone keen to participate.
The first meeting may be smaller to brainstorm, figure stuff out, and organize.
- Time/Date
- [P.S. The Windsor ACTION Group is open to anyone but is focused on getting things done - not socializing.]
The second meeting should be bigger to clearly explain the situation, establish roles (if necessary), and to make signs, banners, pamphlets, button-pins, origami, haikus, flashmobs, whatever.
- Time/Date
- [P.S. Open to anyone in the the wider WEFreedom community. If you're for freedom, then you're welcome in our community and free to consider yourself a member.]
The third protest will be at the location.
- Time ~ Sunday, January 19, 2025. ~
- [P.S. For everyone who wishes to participate.]
PLEASE RSVP to be included!!!
The meeting locations will be determined by the number of folks who RSVP - and participants will be notified where.
Freedom shuttle available. Book appointment.
- http://WEFreedom.ca (under development)
- http://Welcome.Wiki (under development)
- WE = Windsor & Essex County
Also, we need to organize the epic May WE Awaken event! May seems like a long way away, but it's not!
- More soon.
- preparatory public relations
- button-pins + good designs
- campaign clarity
- social media
- slogans, prepared responses, memes, etc.
- pamphlets
- prepare display flare
- press release
- How? What? When? Where? Who? Why? etc.
- What's the main message?
- What are our goals?
- What is our purpose?
- To what end?
- Is the press release effective?
- Will this protest be effective?
- What have we forgotten?
- event supplies
- ☐☐ capable battery-powered karaoke speaker + microphone + cables
- ☐☐ corruption and funk-focused YouTube playlist + device to plug in
- ☐☑ current Druthers / old Druthers
- ☐☐ drinks & snacks
- ☐ paper for Jason's freepress to mass print pamphlets
- ☑ wagons for stuff (Jason & John)
- ☐ AirDancers® wind-sock-man
- ☐ rent or buy one (or more?) ☐ that uses a battery
- ☐ "WEFreedom.ca" logo or text on it
- (Might be better for another event, after Jason fixes the Projex.Wiki SSL and updates the WEFreedom.ca and Welcome.Wiki wiki-pages.)
- event actions
- camera team
- dance dance dance
- distribute Druthers
- distribute pamphlets
- establish lead speakers (to talk to media and individuals with tough questions)
- transportation for gear there & back
- event visibility (display flare)
- banners
- high visibility work wear
- orange pylon cones
- poster signs
- red bandanas
- sandwich board signs
- visible unity
- post public relations
- hype whatever media coverage we get
- collect the camera team's recordings
- edit the camera team's recordings
- hype the camera team's recordings
- trickle out elements over time to keep the memory fresh
- also remind folks of upcoming events and the May WE Awaken event
Seeking feedback
- More soon.
- Facebook : Don Miller
- Phone or text: Don Miller or Jason: 519.903.0560
- Email : Jason@Projex.Wiki AND let me know or I may not check in time.
- Non-breaking spaces
- Projex.Wiki templates
- More soon
- 2025-01-19 Brian Masse Protest
- Action
- Awareness
- Banners
- Brainstorming
- Brian Masse
- Brian Masse Protest
- Campaigns
- Essex County
- Essex County, Ontario
- Freedom
- Organizing
- Outreach
- Politics
- Planning
- Protests
- Public relations
- Resistance
- Resistance projects
- WEFreedom
- WEFreedom!
- Windsor ACTION Group
- Windsor activism
- Windsor and Essex County action projects
- Windsor and Essex County freedom
- Windsor and Essex County organizing
- Windsor and Essex County resistance
- Windsor and Essex County resistance projects
- Windsor and Essex County protests
- Windsor freedom
- Windsor, Ontario