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Revision as of 10:57, 30 September 2024

WE Protect Freedom!
WE Protect Freedom! Logo v1A.png
WE = Windsor and Essex County

WE Protect Freedom! organize meetings for actions, communications, resources, and social info-sharing for local freedom, health, and prepper communities' networking.

Essex County groups

South-Western Ontario calendar & newsletter (stalled)

WE Protect Freedom!

Category: WE Protect Freedom!

WEFringe group email lists (stalled)

+ email resources
Subscribe, Share, etc. to these groups :

Windsor, Ontario

Category: Windsor freedom rallies
Category: Windsor protests
Category: Windsor resistance projects


Alternatives :
Decentralized alternatives‏‎Economic alternatives‏‎
Political alternativesSecurity alternatives
Survival alternativesTechnology alternatives

Community organizing

LeverMind.net (+ LeverMind documents),
a free-discourse community-forum, communications hub, and sister-site of Projex.Wiki.

Projex.Wiki :
About Edit Join Lists SupportSpecial: Categories

Quotes + Terminology

Recommendations :
Books EntertainmentPersonal recommendations
Politics Prepping Recipes Reference Videos

● Some categories of Projex.Wiki :
Action Alternatives Communications Economics
Education Employment Entertainment Food
Freedom Health Housing Legal LeverMind Media
Memes Organizing Politics Prepping Projects
Recommendations Reference Resources Social
Social media Solutions Technology Videos
Websites Windsor, Ontario

Protect Freedom! business cards - front.
Protect Freedom! business cards - back.
Projex.Wiki is an open local and global organizing resource that anyone (but bots) may join to improve.
is a sister-site of Projex.Wiki,
a Facebook-like free-discourse bottom-up self-regulating community-forum.
Read the developing LeverMind documentation.
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How to join Projex.Wiki.
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How to join LeverMind.net.
Support our efforts:
  Projex.Wiki this wiki
  LeverMind.net our new forum
  independent media
  local action
  uncensored alternatives
via Jason Carswell with ca$h or
eTran$fer to Jason@Projex.Wiki
or Bitcoin to
Plans include expanding donation options, full transparency, other platforms, and more online resources.
File:Protect Freedom! pamphlet outside v4A.png
Protect Freedom! pamphlet outside v4A.
File:Protect Freedom! pamphlet inside v4A.png
Protect Freedom! pamphlet inside v4A.
Proj.Wiki redirects here.
Feel free to join to help edit ever-evolving Projex.Wiki.

WELCOME! Congratulations for being curious.

If you're here, you may have come across our banners, business cards, flyers, pamphlets, postcards, or other outreach materials.

You'll find all the content of those outreach materials here on Projex.Wiki, and more - plus we're always adding links to much deeper information and more resources!

Don't be shy. Please let us know how to improve this page. Your feedback is welcomed.

PROTECT FREEDOM! pamphlet outside

Pamphlet outside front

Windsor and Essex County
Networks & Societies
• Actions • Communications • Resources • Social Info-Sharing


Congratulations for being curious.

In our world of rising tensions, inflation, and uncertainty we cannot rely on the corrupt authorities and rigged systems that brought us to this point.
WE are the ones we've been waiting for.
WE can build the alternatives and solutions we seek.

Get involved! Prepare and take action NOW while we still may, because when any emergency is on us it's already too late to stop it, let alone react calmly, rationally, or effectively with contextual understanding.

Everything in this introductory pamplet is included and updated on the Welcome page at http://Proj.Wiki with links to much more information and resources.
Download (customize if you like), print, and share this "Protect Freedom! 2024-05-27 Pamphlet", and others, from http://Proj.Wiki .

Come to participate in local meetings to learn what's going on and what we're all about.


Our communities, networks, and societies meet together to socialize, share, plan, and take action.
Inquire to learn which groups meet more regularly than others.

  • Mondays : Windsor Media Centre
  • Tuesdays : Belle River
  • Wednesdays: Windsor
  • Thursdays : Leamington
  • Fridays :
  • Saturdays :
  • Sundays : Maidstone

Let us know of others to include.

Pamphlet outside back

The ruling class is waging a global war on humanity!
Protect yourself against fifth generation warfare!!
We must prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Resist tyranny as hard, as long, and as much as possible.
Survive, thrive, and strive for awareness and compassion.

welcome + links: http://Proj.Wiki
new forum: http://LeverMind.net

http://FreedomAllianceCanada.ca 226.770.0055


Censorship ONLY protects evil. Good ideas stop bad ideas.

Censorship ONLY protects evil.
Good ideas stop bad ideas.

"If I can't dance, I won't be part of your revolution."

~ anonymous, inspired by and often misattributed to Emma Goldmann


The corporatocracy aims to censor and oppress us all.
Bad ideas can only be solved with good ideas and censorship ONLY protects evil.
If you can't communicate you can't call for help, check on others, expose corruption, freely research, inform folks, network with communities, or warn others.
We must build and maintain diverse and resilient networks with overlapping avenues of communications using a variety of technologies - all to avoid having all our eggs in one corporate-controlled basket.

Pamphlet inner fold


If you can't question everything then you are not free.

"Malinformation" may be true but causes folks to distrust authority.

We recommend these news, info, and analysis sources, among many more, too many to include here.

Banned From YouTube:

On YouTube (not yet banned):

Growing lists of recommended media and sources:



We recommend these local resources.


Growing lists of Windsor and Essex resources:

Category:Windsor, Ontario

PROTECT FREEDOM! pamphlet inside

Pamphlet inside left


You don't have to believe everything presented here, or anywhere, to get involved and take action on whatever motivates you, personally, locally, regionally, and globally.

The ruling class' world-wide mafia corporatocracy is centralizing all power to control every aspect of all life on Earth while the rest of humanity gets impoverished, enslaved, and depopulated.

It's clear all major problems facing humanity benefit evil globalists and their corrupt matrix of rigged systems.

Neither accidental nor ineptitude, by design most crises are intentionally manufactured and are always exploited by Machiavellian banksters, corporate media, global industries, governments, intelligence agencies, NGOs, and unelected world "leaders" who can never be held accountable.

They maintain power with propaganda for mind control, endless scams to steal our wealth, and their illegitimate monopoly on coercion and violence.

(If you can see the propaganda you are not their target. If you cannot see the propaganda you are the target. They wouldn't spend so much on propaganda if it didn't work. Remember, half of everyone is stupider than average - and most folks are close to average, which isn't great.)

There's no shortage of evidence if you just care to look.


If you don't know what any of these problematic terms mean, it's in your best interest to find out, ASAP.

Pamphlet inside center


We are individuals, not a hive mind that always agrees. Ideally we can look past each other's differences and disagreements to unite, short-term or long-term, for whatever causes and goals motivate us. We are free to participate in whatever way we choose.
As a do-ocracy, when it needs doing, we are free to 1) help those in action, 2) do it our own way, 3) complain, or 4) say nothing.


Hypocrisy rules. So we must resist for authenticity, balance, and fairness.

Hypocrisy rules.
So we must resist for
authenticity, balance, and fairness.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

~ anonymous, inspired by and often misattributed to Edmund Burke


A calendar of events could go here.

Pamphlet inside right


More impactful than sharnig ideas are showing actions. Just a few examples:


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This page is under development.
Check back for developments.
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Feel free to join to help edit Projex.Wiki.
This article requires cleaning up.


Druthers.ca is a Canadian national counter-propaganda and freedom newspaper and news website.
FreedomAllianceCanada.ca is a national freedom phenomenon.
StandUpWindsor.ca was local freedom action.
Freedom Fist 3 (5"x7" sketch).


Welcome to one of our Windsor & Essex County Protect Freedom local community and networking websites (you'll find more listed below).

You may be well aware, in the process of waking up to systemic corruption and the intensified war on humanity, and/or you may find some ideas "extreme", but you'll find everything here can be well verified or should be unmistakably labelled speculation for consideration. Please feel free to ask questions, suggest improvements, and make this a better resource experience for everyone.

About WE Protect Freedom!

About WE Protect Freedom!


Pending consensus validation by community folks.
more coming soon

Windsor/Essex Protect Freedom! is a proud chapter of Freedom Alliance Canada.

Windsor/Essex Protect Freedom! is happy to include members who overlap with other groups in Essex County and beyond - and online.

We hope to collaborate and align with more groups and networks.

See also


more coming soon

Not to be confused with the South-Western Ontario calendar and newsletter, when a WE Protect Freedom!/Calendar is developed, there may be two or three levels of access

Committee and meeting management

Robert's Rules of Order, manual of parliamentary procedure, first edition, 1876.

This content has been moved to a dedicated sub-page:

WE Protect Freedom!/Committee and meeting management

Meeting agendas, minutes, and updates

This content has been moved to a dedicated sub-page - an archival list of past announcements (mirrored here for now until it grow too long):

WE Protect Freedom!/Meeting agendas, minutes, and updates

Founding principles

Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Our official classification

Just because concepts are being clarified here to formalize a collective consensus and awareness about ourselves clearly here doesn't mean we're selling out, going corporate, or other nonsense. It just means we're getting organized, with bottom-up FOEPATCHISM and decentralizing leadership for longer-term stability, fairness, and community-inclusive participation in the directions we're going.

The official status of our group is that we will never register with the government in any capacity because we believe mafia-government overreach, regulations, surveillance, and taxation are among the greatest problems facing humanity. Why volunteer your address to be targeted by the enemy?

We have yet to solidly verify (via reliable legal council) that an "open society" or "private society" is safe classification terminology for our group in Common Law and is not bound by government standards, legal restrains, or defining criteria, as are typically necessary for other group titles such as a charity, church, cooperative (coop), limited liability corporations (LLC), non-governmental organizations (NGO), etc.

It may be worth discussing creating other parallel registered group(s) to reap whatever benefits that classification status may facilitate, including community and grant funding, access to public resources, discounts, tax benefits, etc. This concept has been discussed and is commonly utilized by community centers, charities, and media production. Whether it's worth it to dance with the devil is a whole other discussion

See also

Core functions and goals

Section mirrored on WE Protect Freedom!/Branding development

For maximum efficacy this WE Protect Freedom! defining and branding process requires revisiting and reconsidering our freedom groups' core functions and goals, including:

  1. organize, engage, and network our members, groups, actions, events, and resources
  2. clearly communicate and openly share our fundamental values, concerns, information, and ambitions
  3. expand growth of members, alliances, public awareness/visibility, community abilities, and community resources

Understanding and organization of these core functions can be shared clearly outlining our mission, among members as well as the public, be printed in materials, documented online, referenced in press releases, and apply to fundraising merchandise to greater or lesser extents.

What we're about

Below lists have been started to help clearly define what we're about.


  • balance, peace, and voluntary interactions
  • FOEPATCH inclusive social management
    FOEPATCHISM = Fair, Open, Ethical, Peaceful, Accountable, Transparent, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive Social Management - for collaborators, communities, families, governments, groups, homes, organizations, social media, societies, teams, workplaces, etc. "Foe" = enemy; "patch" = correction.
  • freedoms (assembly, autonomy, choice, communications, DIY, economic, expression, independence, mobility, satire, self-reliance, sharing, skepticism, etc.)
  • human rights (employment, food, housing, security, etc. See also: Maslow's hierarchy of needs)
  • Natural Law (do not deceive/lie, harm, murder, steal, transgress, trespass against others)
  • communications and promotion of alternatives, corruption exposure, counter-propaganda, freedoms (above), free-thinking & truth-seeking, and solutions
  • sustainability (community, cultural, economic, energy, environmental, family, food, pan-generation stability, etc.)


  • agendas that sound good but are Trojan horses of evil driven by fear mongering hysteria (Agenda 21 now the Sustainable Development Goals (aka Agenda 2030), censorship, climate scams, depopulation agendas, divisive agendas, equity agendas, ESG (environment, social, governance) agenda for globalists' corporations, Trans agendas, UBI (universal basic income) traps, Woke agenda, Victimhood supremacy, Zionism, etc)
  • child harm and sexualization
  • corruption
  • corporatocratic greed at the expense of humanity
  • crimes against humanity
  • evil acts (coercion, corruption, deception, manipulation, theft, exploitation, violent harm, extermination)
  • injustice
  • kakistocracy
  • mafia governments that abuse their monopoly on violence
  • medical tyranny
  • open borders (at least until the deep state and military industrial complex stop mass murder, exploitation, supporting tyranny, and meddling in foreign affairs)
  • totalitarianism (authoritarianism, capitalist-extremism, communism, extremism, fascism, socialist-extremism)
  • toxic pollutants (environmental, food, products, radiation, etc.)
  • unbridled consumer culture (artificially manufactured and manipulated from the top down, yet blaming the individual)
  • war


Free-thinking individuals of our community may be unclear, may disagree, may not even debate, or may have diverse ideas on these issues:

  • abortion
  • aid
  • anti-gun vs pro-gun
  • authority, community management, and top-down governance
  • avarice, greed, selfishness
  • body, drugs, fitness, food, health, medicine, and wellness
  • capitalism, socialism, and many more -isms
  • education
  • employment
  • environment stewardship
  • faiths (and/or atheism)
  • finance
  • political party affiliations
  • taxes


  • advocate any forms of aggression and violence,
    • yet we must employ self-defense when necessary.
  • aim to take down the government.
    • This would defy the voluntaryist idea that folks may be free to choose to believe propaganda, be ignorant, and enslave themselves.
  • force people to believe or do anything.


Pending consensus validation by community folks.

Our freedom / prepper community members have different goals to accomplish, talents or resources to share, and areas of interests and projects to dive into - but few have time to "do it all". In an effort to better manage our motivation, time, energy, and resources this is a proposal to branch into subgroups to focus on specific group-based agendas that may naturally overlap. These subgroups may drill into the details of topics to present their summaries and conclusions to the larger community.

Initially it seems prudent to simply come up with three groups: Actions, Communications, Resources.

Folks may propose other, better, or preferable ways to do subgroups.

Actions group

  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Fundamentals
    • community networking within and with other groups
    • community support
    • family support and resources
    • managing our groups
    • sharing resources
  • Organizing events
    • activism
    • event planning
    • local actions
    • media planning
    • protests
    • rallies
    • securing justice
    • social events
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Communications group

  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Original product development and management
    • conceptualization
    • creation, creative expressions, counter-propaganda, and public relations
    • editing
    • media printing, production, and publishing
      • arts, audio, books, business cards, flyers, newsletters, podcasts, press releases, print, social media, stickers, video, websites, etc.
    • distribution
    • funding
    • merchandizing
      • branding, business cards, flyers, stickers, T-shirts, etc.
  • Mediums
    • archival
      • libraries, online archives, online resources, etc.
    • arts
    • emergency communications gear
    • digital media
      • audio, e-books, e-flyers, e-newsletters, podcasts, press releases, social media, video, websites, etc.
    • platforms
    • printed media
      • books, business cards, flyers, newsletters, press releases, stickers, etc.
    • tech gear
      • research, classes, funding, etc.
  • Maintain networks
    • communications networks
      • email groups, lo-fi alternatives (walkie talkies), network protocols, online resources, secure email, etc.
    • community networking within and with other groups
      • automate, batch, script, and roadmap as necessary
      • backup and archive
      • cross mediums and bridge platforms to share information so that no one is left out, regardless how much or little technology is utilized
      • distribute and decentralize
      • grant privacy permissions
    • emergency networks
    • food networks
    • health networks
    • obtanium networks (get, give, need, want)
    • resource networks
    • social media networks
    • social networks
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Resources group

  • Community networking within and with other groups
  • Content and information management
    • search, research, and/or development of information
    • aggregation, analysis, and contextualization of information
    • education
    • sharing content and/or information
  • Economics
    • currencies, employment, markets and trade, etc.
  • Energy and transportation
    • batteries, car pooling, fuel, vehicles, etc.
  • Family support and resources
  • Food security
    • distribution networks, gardening, organic farms, etc.
  • Health and wellness
    • care and nursing, emergency networks, fitness, mental health, nutrition, etc.
  • Housing and homesteading
  • Making and obtanium
    • building supplies, raw resources, repair, upcycling, etc.
  • Prepping
    • emergency networks, forecasting, storage, supply management, etc.
  • Presentations
    • inviting speakers, preparing lectures, sharing media, etc.

Socials group

more coming soon

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This page is under development.
Check back for developments.
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Windsor Premier Cruises boat.
Contact: 519.250.3999

We need to plan our next events, starting by organizing our calendar and lists, perhaps on a spreadsheet featuring event categories, guest categories, featured local folks, topical issues, needs, wants, wishes, resources, peripheral pavilions, other communities, volunteers, communications.


more coming


more coming


more coming

Outreach material

Here are various ideas in various stages of development.